Is Mo Wash leaving the program?

Has pickering been listed all year? He's number 2 at PK
93.7 mentioned that it would be an interesting press conference today....and that we would find out why later.
Sounds like he never came home from Cali. Sucks. Saturday is easily the biggest game in Scotts tenure. This is a must must win.
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You can read through some of the depth chart changes (and non-changes) on Parker Gabriel's tweets.
Sounds like maybe he went AWOL. Benning made some comparisons to other players who "disappeared for a while."

So my best guess would be that he physically isn't on campus right now and he's allowed and encouraged to return to the team, but not going to play this week because he isn't practicing.

Sounds like he's just a different cat from a personality standpoint, needs a ton of external structure. I think any of us who went to college can think of several examples of people who got pretty off the rails around this time of year. Some recovered, some ended up as dropouts.

He's a guy who is going to put them through their paces in terms of making every effort to help a young man improve himself and succeed in life vs not being taken advantage of by somebody who can't or won't put it together.
Sounds like maybe he went AWOL. Benning made some comparisons to other players who "disappeared for a while."

So my best guess would be that he physically isn't on campus right now and he's allowed and encouraged to return to the team, but not going to play this week because he isn't practicing.

Sounds like he's just a different cat from a personality standpoint, needs a ton of external structure. I think any of us who went to college can think of several examples of people who got pretty off the rails around this time of year. Some recovered, some ended up as dropouts.

He's a guy who is going to put them through their paces in terms of making every effort to help a young man improve himself and succeed in life vs not being taken advantage of by somebody who can't or won't put it together.
Sometimes we forget that these are young men. Mo has had a wild ride. He's dealing with college and his court case. Then add in another tough season on the field with performance and injuries. I hope he doesn't transfer but even more importantly, I hope he's able to keep himself together.
Was not at practice at all last week and no one has heard from him. Apparently he wanted to switch to DB and coaches said no. Think its curtains.
Other than the obvious attraction of not being asked to run behind Nebraska's offensive line, I can't imagine Washington wanting to play defense. I guess anything's possible, but I have a hard time believing that.
what more can you ask of what Nebraska did for this young Mo Washington guy .. Put their reputation , albeit somewhat tainted , on the board by staying with him with all of his legal problems , all of them . Got the trial moved around the season, what else can they do ? For him to awol them its pretty low, if indeed that is what has happened . too bad if so , because it really would have saved some face and been the right thing to do for frost and company to boot him .. but .. need the wins
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Is this the good kind of attrition we keep hearing about? You know the one where a player gets a ton of playing time and the coaches go to bat for him at the expense of other teammates. Yet the player is still unhappy and leaves the team anyway.
i would say get rid of him, he's giving nebraska a bad name, like phillips did.are we that desparate,if were going to lose lets do it with the local kids.

This would be the opposite of the Nebraska way. I'm not sure that it has ever been like you said. But hey, you can find some local kid to throw under the bus if that makes you feel better.
Sometimes we forget that these are young men. Mo has had a wild ride. He's dealing with college and his court case. Then add in another tough season on the field with performance and injuries. I hope he doesn't transfer but even more importantly, I hope he's able to keep himself together.
Other than the obvious attraction of not being asked to run behind Nebraska's offensive line, I can't imagine Washington wanting to play defense. I guess anything's possible, but I have a hard time believing that.
Shocked me too. Just what I heard. I know Herm wanted him to play db at ASU.
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HCSF: Mo not part of the plans this week. Long-term status still TBD. Still enrolled, still on the team. Doesn't look good though long term.
Other than the obvious attraction of not being asked to run behind Nebraska's offensive line, I can't imagine Washington wanting to play defense. I guess anything's possible, but I have a hard time believing that.

Nothing would shock me. I could totally see him thinking he would never make it in the NFL as a RB. He has been getting injured a lot in college. He'd get killed in the NFL at RB.
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what more can you ask of what Nebraska did for this young Mo Washington guy .. Put their reputation , albeit somewhat tainted , on the board by staying with him with all of his legal problems , all of them . Got the trial moved around the season, what else can they do ? For him to awol them its pretty low, if indeed that is what has happened . too bad if so , because it really would have saved some face and been the right thing to do for frost and company to boot him .. but .. need the wins
Go away
Yea...I see it! Lamar Jackson
Go away Iowa fan boy. You obviously haven't been watching Lamar tackle lately. He's been much better lately now that his shoulder is healed. He was probably one bright spot on the back end against Minneosta for me with his tackling.

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