Just so you know RBig, some of my best friends are educators, good people who WANT to educate. Without exception, they are burned out from frustration of not actually being able to teach some of the totally uninvolved kids.
In the school system where I live, at the high school level, kids can come to class and leave whenever they want to. They aren't disciplined or corrected, or counted absent, they are allowed to go on their merry ways. You, myself, and everyone on this board knows, you can't let kids who don't give a shit create that type of an environment in any educational setting. Yet, its allowed to happen.
When a teacher no longer has the ability to maintain decent decorum in the classroom, burn out can happen pretty fast.
I had a female teacher tell me once, "yeah, the Mexicans come up here and knock up all the fat girls and then go back to Mexico." Are you kidding me? There "could be" 10% truth in that, but what about the other 90% of that comment that isn't? That's what I call gossiping about kids.
57 years ago, when I was a 7th grader, my gym teacher always called all the Hispanic kids "tacos", and the chubby girls were "Bessie", i.e. like Bessie the Borden cow. I confronted him in front of the whole class and asked him what gave him the right to demean both the Hispanic kids and the girls who were a bit overweight. He said, "because I'm a teacher." I said, "yeah, I know, why don't tell the Dads of these tacos that, and see what they think?" He didn't like me and I didn't like that racist little prick either.
I had a handful of REALLY good teachers, I also had a boatload of lousy teachers. I think that's the status quo.