Yeah, it is montossori public school. It is okay, it is not a bad thing!
I LOVE how there were posters (not you) bashing on public school for the things they teach that are pointless...and here we have a classic example of things that, in the "real world" are pointless. I don't think they are pointless by the way, I think learning is learning.
Cooking class, nature walk, Venus fly trap trivia...pretty much all "pointless" to the anti-public school crowd. Again, I for one disagree and think those are great chance to learn.
But yeah, your kid attends home-public school. You should be thrilled about that, you created or helped create that for him but what you described is what little kids do in school. I am guessing your kid is little still.
Honestly, some of the things your kid does for school sounds like what the UNC basketball players do