I don't disagree with you about getting too overly excited about hs film. I usually don't. Having to study film in the past (granted, from the defensive perspective), this kid is eye-popping, though. The kind of talent he has is flat out ridiculous.
I will admit, I didn't necessarily look up or study a lot of other top qb recruits. I kind of check some of it a bit. The only reason I looked harder irt DR is because he was potentially coming to NU....or we at least had a shot.
I'll eat my words and never post again if he is not what I am saying he is. I really think this kid is going to be something we never imagined we'd see here at NU. He can make EVERY SINGLE throw, straight out of hs.
Someone else here said that if he is at NU for three years, he will break every single record irt to passing. The only thing I'll disagree with is that....I think he'll shatter those records.
I hate sounding like I am this kid's hype machine....or a close family member, but he is an extremely rare talent, imo.