Case for Power Option

Solana Beach Husker

Offensive Coordinator
Aug 8, 2008
Shotgun and Under-Center Style

1. Hard offense to prepare for....
2. Ball control, field position offense
3. High % of third down conversion
4. Decent in bad weather
5. Qb can be less skilled throwing the ball and reading defenses
6. Wrs can be less skilled because they will be in single coverage
7. The best talent in the region are olineman
8. Less recruiting energy spent on looking for skill players
9. 7 on 7 obsession has created overabundance of skill players, even bad qbs are better than they were 20 years ago, undersized wrs can be utilized in multiple rolls and are much more skilled than 20 years ago.
10. The need for fewer bluechips on the offensive side of the ball also means more energy spent on defensive recruiting.

1. Won't get Qb looking to play in NFL
2. Won't get Wr looking to play in NFL
3. May struggle to bring in conventional olineman who want to play in NFL scheme.
4. Big 10 is more suited to power football
5. High turnover offense
6. Makes Frost look outdated and living in the past until it works.
7. Does not utilize field...there is more speed on defenses to counter spread option
8. May have to find new qb, wr coach/offensive coordinator.

Things to consider: Nebraska hasn't had a qb drafted since they moved to a more "pro style offense", They have had three wide receivers and one running back drafted since 2005. They are effectively running pro-style or now conventional spread offenses without NFL talent regardless. Switching to the optionish offense may weaken qb recruiting but the fact is it probably wouldn't matter. Even low rated qbs have ball skills better than we saw 20 years ago from Jammal Lord, Joe Dailey, and to some extent Eric Crouch. There is also an abundance of skill throughout college football and smart recruiters could find wrs that would work in space, beat 1 on 1 coverage but not be recruited by top schools.

Frost is experimenting if he can get enough talent to Nebraska to match his oregon days...if by year 4 or 5 he doesn't see NFL players coming here you better believe he will get creative and move in a direction that is power related and allows us to excel with less than stellar offensive recruiting.
Shotgun and Under-Center Style

1. Hard offense to prepare for....
2. Ball control, field position offense
3. High % of third down conversion
4. Decent in bad weather
5. Qb can be less skilled throwing the ball and reading defenses
6. Wrs can be less skilled because they will be in single coverage
7. The best talent in the region are olineman
8. Less recruiting energy spent on looking for skill players
9. 7 on 7 obsession has created overabundance of skill players, even bad qbs are better than they were 20 years ago, undersized wrs can be utilized in multiple rolls and are much more skilled than 20 years ago.
10. The need for fewer bluechips on the offensive side of the ball also means more energy spent on defensive recruiting.

1. Won't get Qb looking to play in NFL
2. Won't get Wr looking to play in NFL
3. May struggle to bring in conventional olineman who want to play in NFL scheme.
4. Big 10 is more suited to power football
5. High turnover offense
6. Makes Frost look outdated and living in the past until it works.
7. Does not utilize field...there is more speed on defenses to counter spread option
8. May have to find new qb, wr coach/offensive coordinator.

Things to consider: Nebraska hasn't had a qb drafted since they moved to a more "pro style offense", They have had three wide receivers and one running back drafted since 2005. They are effectively running pro-style or now conventional spread offenses without NFL talent regardless. Switching to the optionish offense may weaken qb recruiting but the fact is it probably wouldn't matter. Even low rated qbs have ball skills better than we saw 20 years ago from Jammal Lord, Joe Dailey, and to some extent Eric Crouch. There is also an abundance of skill throughout college football and smart recruiters could find wrs that would work in space, beat 1 on 1 coverage but not be recruited by top schools.

Frost is experimenting if he can get enough talent to Nebraska to match his oregon days...if by year 4 or 5 he doesn't see NFL players coming here you better believe he will get creative and move in a direction that is power related and allows us to excel with less than stellar offensive recruiting.
If he's not any better than .500 by year 4 or 5, it won't matter. He won't be here.

I like most of your posts, but you're kind of going cart before horse when assuming he'll be here in year 4 or 5.
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If he's not any better than .500 by year 4 or 5, it won't matter. He won't be here.

I like most of your posts, but you're kind of going cart before horse when assuming he'll be here in year 4 or 5.
Frosty is 8-5 in his last 13 games...he'll be here for the full seven years unless he quits. He isn't 70...he isn't crazy, and he isn't from California.
Frost will be here 10 years minimum. Now his offense scheme or asst coaches are tbc.
Frost will get at least 5 years, don't believe for a minute that UNL wants to pay out any more than they have to, and if it seems at the end of 5 that it's not going to work, then they have a decision to make, keep him for two more, or show him the door. Certain cu fans can't seem to grasp that concept.
The likelihood he is here beyond 5 years is probably higher than you think.
If he's only going 6-6 at best, I think he'll be gone....and if he isn't, then it was garbage that they fired Solich and Pelini when they had much better records (Pelini was 38-16 after year 4; Solich was 42-9 after year 4).
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I think he prides himself on being a visionary and being cutting edge. I could definitely see him changing and adapting schemes. Remember TO was running a pro-style offense and a 5-2 defense when he started here.
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If he's only going 6-6 at best, I think he'll be gone....and if he isn't, then it was garbage that they fired Solich and Pelini when they had much better records (Pelini was 38-16 after year 4; Solich was 42-9 after year 4).
Do you really think it is an apples to apples comparison to compare the first four year record of Solich and Frost? Come on.
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I think he prides himself on being a visionary and being cutting edge. I could definitely see him changing and adapting schemes. Remember TO was running a pro-style offense and a 5-2 defense when he started here.
Frost has his work cut out for him, we'll probably have to wait and see by the end of 2022 to see where things fall, hopefully the ship will be righted and real progress is being made.
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Do you really think it is an apples to apples comparison to compare the first four year record of Solich and Frost? Come on.
Was this your feeling when he was hired, or are you one of those folks that began the verbal gymnastics when things got rough right away?

Pelini and Riley routinely had recruiting classes ranked ahead of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Northwestern...and had trouble beating those schools with any regularity. Do you really think Nebraska's talent is so bad, and will continue to be that bad, that Frost might not be better than 6-6 in year 4, and that it would be justifiable? Was Minnesota's talent that much better than Nebraska? How about Colorado? Was Troy's talent so good that their recruiting classes would have been in the top half of the Big 10 if they were in the conference?
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Seems he doesn't know the talent difference then to now, typical cu fan.
Very telling that the best argument you can make is to reference CU.

Instead of making passive-aggressive comments to others about me, why don't you directly offer evidence to refute what I'm saying? We'll see how long you can do it without launching insults or calling me names. I bet it won't be long.

I have followed Big 8/Big 12 football since I was in junior high. I likely know more about the history of the Husker program than you do.
Very telling that the best argument you can make is to reference CU.

Instead of making passive-aggressive comments to others about me, why don't you directly offer evidence to refute what I'm saying? We'll see how long you can do it without launching insults or calling me names. I bet it won't be long.

I have followed Big 8/Big 12 football since I was in junior high. I likely know more about the history of the Husker program than you do.
His point is pretty obvious, as was mine, you can’t compare the immediate results of Solich to Frost. Solich took over a team that had won national championships in 3 out of 4 seasons. Frost took over a team that had losing seasons 2 of the past 3.

Also, he is correct that we don’t care about the opinion of a CU troll. Don’t you have your own problems to worry about?
Frost is not going to change his offensive philosophy. Get over it. Let him get his players. The 90s are gone people, they're never coming back.
We will never win another National Title in my lifetime and I am in my 40s but I dont think its too much to ask for a program that is nationally relevant because of their current state of play not their past.
been waiting 15 years to recruit tom brady, john stalworth and dave casper...

wisconson is looking pretty good running the ball..
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Shotgun and Under-Center Style

1. Hard offense to prepare for....
2. Ball control, field position offense
3. High % of third down conversion
4. Decent in bad weather
5. Qb can be less skilled throwing the ball and reading defenses
6. Wrs can be less skilled because they will be in single coverage
7. The best talent in the region are olineman
8. Less recruiting energy spent on looking for skill players
9. 7 on 7 obsession has created overabundance of skill players, even bad qbs are better than they were 20 years ago, undersized wrs can be utilized in multiple rolls and are much more skilled than 20 years ago.
10. The need for fewer bluechips on the offensive side of the ball also means more energy spent on defensive recruiting.

1. Won't get Qb looking to play in NFL
2. Won't get Wr looking to play in NFL
3. May struggle to bring in conventional olineman who want to play in NFL scheme.
4. Big 10 is more suited to power football
5. High turnover offense
6. Makes Frost look outdated and living in the past until it works.
7. Does not utilize field...there is more speed on defenses to counter spread option
8. May have to find new qb, wr coach/offensive coordinator.

Things to consider: Nebraska hasn't had a qb drafted since they moved to a more "pro style offense", They have had three wide receivers and one running back drafted since 2005. They are effectively running pro-style or now conventional spread offenses without NFL talent regardless. Switching to the optionish offense may weaken qb recruiting but the fact is it probably wouldn't matter. Even low rated qbs have ball skills better than we saw 20 years ago from Jammal Lord, Joe Dailey, and to some extent Eric Crouch. There is also an abundance of skill throughout college football and smart recruiters could find wrs that would work in space, beat 1 on 1 coverage but not be recruited by top schools.

Frost is experimenting if he can get enough talent to Nebraska to match his oregon days...if by year 4 or 5 he doesn't see NFL players coming here you better believe he will get creative and move in a direction that is power related and allows us to excel with less than stellar offensive recruiting.

Excellent post sir. A good & fun read!

However, I would like to add as I see it anyway, HCSF is now playing in the Big10 which is way, wayyyyyy more physical & brutal than the AAC. He now knows 100% for sure that in the Big10 if you can't run the ball you're in deep, deep doo-doo. I'd bet the ranch he's scheming already for NU smashmouth.
been waiting 15 years to recruit tom brady, john stalworth and dave casper...

wisconson is looking pretty good running the ball..

Yeah, for years we always get higher recruiting rankings but yet Wisconsin always kicks our teeth in & steamrolls us without mercy. Fluff-ball just doesn't work in the Big10. It's a nice & great secondary scheme but if that's all you got......
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His point is pretty obvious, as was mine, you can’t compare the immediate results of Solich to Frost. Solich took over a team that had won national championships in 3 out of 4 seasons. Frost took over a team that had losing seasons 2 of the past 3.

Also, he is correct that we don’t care about the opinion of a CU troll. Don’t you have your own problems to worry about?
So, one post it took. Thanks for proving me right.

And, you must have cared about my least a little. Usually, when someone doesn't care, they don't take the time to say so.

Oh....and most people with their priorities in order have their own problems to worry about. Surely you've learned by now the the fortunes of the Colorado and Nebraska football teams have zero bearing on the functioning of the world.
Solich took over when we were on top of the world.
Frost took over when the milk was spoiled.
I'm well aware....

However, like I said...recruiting classes were still highly regarded during the Riley years.....unless you really think that Minnesota and Troy honestly had better talent.

In 2021 (year 4 for Frost), the only Riley players that will be left were those that redshirted their first year on campus, which would have been Riley's last. I bet that they will make up no more than about 10% of the team. That class ranked ahead of Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern, Michigan State, and Minnesota. The schools that ranked ahead of them were Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State...and somehow Maryland.

What you're basically saying is that even though overwhelming majority of the Husker team will be Frost's guys by then, you're still gonna give him a pass if they're no better than 6-6 because there's still a smattering of Riley's guys left.
Very telling that the best argument you can make is to reference CU.

Instead of making passive-aggressive comments to others about me, why don't you directly offer evidence to refute what I'm saying? We'll see how long you can do it without launching insults or calling me names. I bet it won't be long.

I have followed Big 8/Big 12 football since I was in junior high. I likely know more about the history of the Husker program than you do.

Dude pelini got fired for more than not winning a big game, although that was an issue for sure. He was a head case on the field, he was an ash hole off it, obviously didn't care for the fans. Which is ok so long as you mind your manners. Brought in his brother who could teach defense but also had a penchant for sleeping with other mens wives. Pelinis record against Iowa was solid and did not have trouble beating them with regularity, you don't know what you're talking about. He lost to them once.

And firing Frank Solich ultimately was the correct course of action, it was just the timing that was the big screw up. They should have waited until after the next year they didn't get 9 wins, which judging by his recruiting while at NU, and record at Ohio, would have come around sooner or later...probably sooner.

You may wish to project the idea that you know more about Nebraska football than other guys here, but you're not batting 1000 so far.
I'm well aware....

However, like I said...recruiting classes were still highly regarded during the Riley years.....unless you really think that Minnesota and Troy honestly had better talent.

In 2021 (year 4 for Frost), the only Riley players that will be left were those that redshirted their first year on campus, which would have been Riley's last. I bet that they will make up no more than about 10% of the team. That class ranked ahead of Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern, Michigan State, and Minnesota. The schools that ranked ahead of them were Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State...and somehow Maryland.

What you're basically saying is that even though overwhelming majority of the Husker team will be Frost's guys by then, you're still gonna give him a pass if they're no better than 6-6 because there's still a smattering of Riley's guys left.
Several of the impact recruits from Riley who gave those classes their higher rankings have left the program.
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So, one post it took. Thanks for proving me right.

And, you must have cared about my least a little. Usually, when someone doesn't care, they don't take the time to say so.

Oh....and most people with their priorities in order have their own problems to worry about. Surely you've learned by now the the fortunes of the Colorado and Nebraska football teams have zero bearing on the functioning of the world.
So you can’t address the actual point? That comparing first four year records between Frost and Solich is idiotic. Thanks for proving my point.
Dude pelini got fired for more than not winning a big game, although that was an issue for sure. He was a head case on the field, he was an ash hole off it, obviously didn't care for the fans. Which is ok so long as you mind your manners. Brought in his brother who could teach defense but also had a penchant for sleeping with other mens wives. Pelinis record against Iowa was solid and did not have trouble beating them with regularity, you don't know what you're talking about. He lost to them once.

And firing Frank Solich ultimately was the correct course of action, it was just the timing that was the big screw up. They should have waited until after the next year they didn't get 9 wins, which judging by his recruiting while at NU, and record at Ohio, would have come around sooner or later...probably sooner.

You may wish to project the idea that you know more about Nebraska football than other guys here, but you're not batting 1000 so far.

1) So I got the Iowa part wrong with regards to Pelini. My bad. The point still stands...which is that Nebraska has out-recruited Iowa every year...and yet doesn't beat them with any regularity since both have been Big 10 members.

2) I don't think you can look at Solich's record at Ohio and use it to impugn his job at Nebraska Ohio was one of the worst programs in the US when he got there.
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You have made zero point(s). Just trolled, very unsuccessfully.
Always like it when people on here, the "world's greatest fans" can only refute points by calling people trolls.

Sorry if I don't buy the notion that Colorado, Troy, Minnesota, and Iowa have better talent than Nebraska....and yet they've all beaten Frost at least once. it is again.....

Imagine it is the end of the 2021 season. The roster is full of Frost recruits, minus a smattering of players that were using a redshirt year for the 2017 season--Riley's last. The best Frost has done in 4 seasons is 6-6. Does he deserve a 5th season?

I only ask, because it is a distinct possibility.
Dude pelini got fired for more than not winning a big game, although that was an issue for sure. He was a head case on the field, he was an ash hole off it, obviously didn't care for the fans. Which is ok so long as you mind your manners. Brought in his brother who could teach defense but also had a penchant for sleeping with other mens wives. Pelinis record against Iowa was solid and did not have trouble beating them with regularity, you don't know what you're talking about. He lost to them once.

And firing Frank Solich ultimately was the correct course of action, it was just the timing that was the big screw up. They should have waited until after the next year they didn't get 9 wins, which judging by his recruiting while at NU, and record at Ohio, would have come around sooner or later...probably sooner.

You may wish to project the idea that you know more about Nebraska football than other guys here, but you're not batting 1000 so far.

Wow. I didn’t know any of that. I always wondered why Pelini was fired.
Very telling that the best argument you can make is to reference CU.

Instead of making passive-aggressive comments to others about me, why don't you directly offer evidence to refute what I'm saying? We'll see how long you can do it without launching insults or calling me names. I bet it won't be long.

I have followed Big 8/Big 12 football since I was in junior high. I likely know more about the history of the Husker program than you do.

I wasn't making a best argument to you, I was stating a FACT.

No, you don't know more about the Husker program, but you keep thinking that. The fact that you tell someone they're putting the cart before the horse assuming Frost will be here in years 4 and 5 is hilarious, you're doing the same thing by assuming he may not.

You're acting now as you did when you first came around, you'll take your snarky little shots at Nebraska or the posters here. Why you came around this board is a mystery, you like to come off as some sort of intellect regarding football, but you're really just a pompous person who shows yourself to be an imbecile.

"Oh....and most people with their priorities in order have their own problems to worry about. Surely you've learned by now the fortunes of the Colorado and Nebraska football teams have zero bearing on the functioning of the world."

Those are your own words above in quotation. Funny, Nebraska football and this message board must be a priority for you and has a significant bearing on you functioning in life, here you are, and here you seem to be staying, therefore, very significant, Mr. Husker Know-It-All. Hilarious.
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1) So I got the Iowa part wrong with regards to Pelini. My bad. The point still stands...which is that Nebraska has out-recruited Iowa every year...and yet doesn't beat them with any regularity since both have been Big 10 members.

2) I don't think you can look at Solich's record at Ohio and use it to impugn his job at Nebraska Ohio was one of the worst programs in the US when he got there.

You got the Iowa part wrong in regards to Pelini? You've been following Husker football since junior high, you should have known that part of Husker history, correct? Hilarious.
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Shotgun and Under-Center Style

1. Hard offense to prepare for....
2. Ball control, field position offense
3. High % of third down conversion
4. Decent in bad weather
5. Qb can be less skilled throwing the ball and reading defenses
6. Wrs can be less skilled because they will be in single coverage
7. The best talent in the region are olineman
8. Less recruiting energy spent on looking for skill players
9. 7 on 7 obsession has created overabundance of skill players, even bad qbs are better than they were 20 years ago, undersized wrs can be utilized in multiple rolls and are much more skilled than 20 years ago.
10. The need for fewer bluechips on the offensive side of the ball also means more energy spent on defensive recruiting.

1. Won't get Qb looking to play in NFL
2. Won't get Wr looking to play in NFL
3. May struggle to bring in conventional olineman who want to play in NFL scheme.
4. Big 10 is more suited to power football
5. High turnover offense
6. Makes Frost look outdated and living in the past until it works.
7. Does not utilize field...there is more speed on defenses to counter spread option
8. May have to find new qb, wr coach/offensive coordinator.

Things to consider: Nebraska hasn't had a qb drafted since they moved to a more "pro style offense", They have had three wide receivers and one running back drafted since 2005. They are effectively running pro-style or now conventional spread offenses without NFL talent regardless. Switching to the optionish offense may weaken qb recruiting but the fact is it probably wouldn't matter. Even low rated qbs have ball skills better than we saw 20 years ago from Jammal Lord, Joe Dailey, and to some extent Eric Crouch. There is also an abundance of skill throughout college football and smart recruiters could find wrs that would work in space, beat 1 on 1 coverage but not be recruited by top schools.

Frost is experimenting if he can get enough talent to Nebraska to match his oregon days...if by year 4 or 5 he doesn't see NFL players coming here you better believe he will get creative and move in a direction that is power related and allows us to excel with less than stellar offensive recruiting.
Great read! Referring to #5 I would like the QB to be very good at reading the def. I want the QB to be able to identify and change the play accordingly.
Sorry if I don't buy the notion that Colorado, Troy, Minnesota, and Iowa have better talent than Nebraska....and yet they've all beaten Frost at least once.
You don't think last year's Iowa team had a more talented roster than Nebraska? Seriously? The far superior line play on both sides of the ball, the two first-round picks at tight end and the more experienced QB - those don't add up to a talent advantage?

Not saying Iowa isn't well-coached, or that it didn't take a lot of player development to build that roster. But if you're saying Iowa didn't enter the 2018 Nebraska game with a talent advantage, you're either trolling or completely out of your mind.
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His point is pretty obvious, as was mine, you can’t compare the immediate results of Solich to Frost. Solich took over a team that had won national championships in 3 out of 4 seasons. Frost took over a team that had losing seasons 2 of the past 3.

Also, he is correct that we don’t care about the opinion of a CU troll. Don’t you have your own problems to worry about?
The guy is an asshole, plain and simple, I hope the Mods get on the ball and launch him out quickly. But I can't wait for him to respond with his Freudian conjecture, it's always funny. He knows more about Husker history, so he's got that going for him.
I think he prides himself on being a visionary and being cutting edge. I could definitely see him changing and adapting schemes. Remember TO was running a pro-style offense and a 5-2 defense when he started here.
He better get a DC that can make adjustments when a 3-4 isn't working against power running teams.

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