Beaver perspective - and Pelini Joke


Head Coach
Feb 25, 2011
North Carolina
I ran a relay race with the men's soccer coach of OSU this weekend in Oregon. Really cool guy, and had some great conversation. He is pretty close friends with a lot of the football guys, and said they are jacked up. Great facilities and support, and all positive. Said that from his conversation they love the challenge because it is going to be cutthroat at NU, and excellence is a must. Not a lot of earth shattering info, or stuff that people don't already know, but it was interesting here it come from someone who has well developed relationships with the staff. He did tell me a great joke for the Pelini years as well that he heard while on a trip in Omaha:

Do you know why the birds fly upside down over Memorial Stadium? There is already enough shit on the field.

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