Anyone Read the Backup QB Piece?

But let's not revise history Nikki. Last year you were having a pissing contest with kong and I as you were singing the praises of how great Purdy was.
In what way am I revising history? Please explain what you mean.

I did indeed think Purdy was going to be a better leader, and thus better for the team. I did not see the lack of confidence coming.

We don't really need to revisit this, but you are bringing this up like I have tried to revise something, and so I ask exactly what is it that I have tried to revise?
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In what way am I revising history? Please explain what you mean.

I did indeed think Purdy was going to be a better leader, and thus better for the team. I did not see the lack of confidence coming.

We don't really need to revisit this, but you are bringing this up like I have tried to revise something, and so I ask exactly what is it that I have tried to revise?
You may have selective memory because nobody agreed with you on the Chubba love. In fact, you got pretty pissy about it. It wasn't a matter of him being a better leader and better for the team, it was more a matter of his not being able to throw the ball across my living room
Turnover the ball and you kill your team. It is entirely unacceptable, regardless of talent.
We’ll it happens to the best QBs You just have to try to minimize them. TMart and AMart both drove me crazy with some of their silly turnovers.
You may have selective memory because nobody agreed with you on the Chubba love. In fact, you got pretty pissy about it. It wasn't a matter of him being a better leader and better for the team, it was more a matter of his not being able to throw the ball across my living room
My memory on it is crystal clear.

Remember, we were coming from 4 seasons with Adrian Martinez. We desperately need a QB with actual leadership ability. From that spring game, I was more praising HH than anyone else, but knew it was going to be between Casey Thomson and Chubba. I thought Chubba would be a better leader. I didn't say much if anything about his arm.

It happens all the time on here.. I state something, and the slew of comments after either didn't understand what I wrote, or twist into something it wasn't.

Let me give you an example.. just a few posts above, you stated I was trying to revise history, but you still can't state what it was that I was trying to revise in this thread. I haven't tried to revise ANYTHING.

Maybe you should actually try reading, comprehending, and then think about what it is you are actually writing, before you make dumb accusations.
so Sims isn't the starter?

I really don't understand you people sometimes. it's really sad to see so many very strong feelings toward me projected onto our backup QB, a small town NE kid with unlimited potential and physical tools.
I doubt the very strong feelings towards you are being projected onto the backup quarterback. You might be misinterpreting the target.
"Hell Whipple had a walk on freshman ahead of HH and left HH at home for one of our last away games."

do you know if he was hurt? why bring this up except to trash him? you don't know anything about this situation and are merely speculating in order to further your obvious agenda. not to mention the fact you rail about how shitty a coach Whip was.

it's not trashing a kid to post his stats and observe his weak arm - all I do with purdy since the very first pass I saw him attempt 2 spring games ago.

facts are facts, regardless of how they stack up against your feelings.
Bringing up the HH at home because of Whipple choice is hardly trashing him. It’s speaks more of where whipple had him on the depth chart. Now if you want to argue the Whipple competence that’s a different topic.
My memory on it is crystal clear.

Remember, we were coming from 4 seasons with Adrian Martinez. We desperately need a QB with actual leadership ability. From that spring game, I was more praising HH than anyone else, but knew it was going to be between Casey Thomson and Chubba. I thought Chubba would be a better leader. I didn't say much if anything about his arm.

It happens all the time on here.. I state something, and the slew of comments after either didn't understand what I wrote, or twist into something it wasn't.

Let me give you an example.. just a few posts above, you stated I was trying to revise history, but you still can't state what it was that I was trying to revise in this thread. I haven't tried to revise ANYTHING.

Maybe you should actually try reading, comprehending, and then think about what it is you are actually writing, before you make dumb accusations.
Nikki, you have selective memory. Collectively, you and I have over 12,000 posts on this site, and maybe in the area of
2,000-3,00 in the last year. I'm not gonna take the time to see who said what, but my memory is pretty clear on a few things.

Last year, before the season, I said Casey throws the long ball pretty well, throws the out patterns really well, is always behind or too low for receivers going over the middle, and holds the ball in the pocket too long. That played out last season.

I said Chubba had a noodle arm, and that played out last year, too. I would say, kong and I were 2 of the more vocal on here regarding Chubba's obvious lack of arm strength. (Along with others).

Previously, I had very little positive to say about AM other than he was a real good athlete who lacked the courage and confidence in his arm to try to throw in tight spaces. We all knew he was the king of the untimely turnover.

A couple of other things i DO remember: You talked about Chubba's leadership, when during his collegiate career, he had shown zero leadership qualities. You, the same as told kong and myself that we were (paraphrasing here) dumbasses because you were some type of (at least in your mind) a QB evaluation guru. And you had untold ability to evaluate QB's, and we were morons to think otherwise.

You went so far as to state publicly that you were going to do a website or a QB evaluation sheet/subscription service, and was going to ask the powers that be on Husker Online if that would be permissible. I DISTINCTLY remember words to that affect. On its face, after your Chubba evaluation, I thought that idea was laughable.
DId that concept ever launch? I think not.

I don't make a habit of printing posts on this site, but I do recall printing your Medieval post on the treatment of women. That post put you in the crosshairs of many here, and when I replied I wanted to make sure to have your words at hand so I wasn't taking something you posted out of context. My response was pretty direct, and I wasn't booed out of the room as you were.

Nikki, feel free to pull up the exchanges that deal with Chubba, QB leadership qualities of Chubba, your condescending comments at mainly kong and myself, your plan to launch your evaluation sheet, etc. I just put a new ink cartridge in, so if you want to point me to the beginning of those exchanges, I'll be glad to print them and post whatever is said by either of us. If I'm wrong with anything I've said here, or have taken something out of context, I will own it.

Since this is Sunday, its usually a day I reserve for disagreeing/arguing or whatever. I know you and I are on much different time zones, so I'll wait for your response.
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Bringing up the HH at home because of Whipple choice is hardly trashing him. It’s speaks more of where whipple had him on the depth chart. Now if you want to argue the Whipple competence that’s a different topic.
“Whipple was very much a can a QB “make the throws” QB coach. I assume HH couldn’t make the throws.
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We’ll it happens to the best QBs You just have to try to minimize them. TMart and AMart both drove me crazy with some of their silly turnovers.
At the time TM was the QB and Ameer was our primary running back, statistically TM was #1 overall and Ameer #4 overall since the statistic began in MOST turnovers in Division 1 football. Both in the same backfield.
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Ummmm have ya seen him throw? Dude can’t hit the broadside of a barn…from inside the barn.
None of the guys we recruited other than that walk on Synek were pass first QBs. Frazier, both Martinez’s, and Armstrong all had accuracy issues. The positive was that their run threat made defenses have to account for that and probably ended up giving them wider windows to throw in to.

Listening to 590 a few days ago one guy made the point that it’s possible we’ll see HH get some play packages involving RPOs. Satterfield did that at South Carolina with backups. If he’s a big enough run threat you can get safeties cheating up and maybe get a WR wide open behind the defense. Then you just hope the QB makes the right decision.
None of the guys we recruited other than that walk on Synek were pass first QBs. Frazier, both Martinez’s, and Armstrong all had accuracy issues. The positive was that their run threat made defenses have to account for that and probably ended up giving them wider windows to throw in to.

Listening to 590 a few days ago one guy made the point that it’s possible we’ll see HH get some play packages involving RPOs. Satterfield did that at South Carolina with backups. If he’s a big enough run threat you can get safeties cheating up and maybe get a WR wide open behind the defense. Then you just hope the QB makes the right decision.
I think the more things you have a team like Michigan spend time on, the better. Early on I'd just as soon see HH be mostly a running threat, the time to bust out the potentially unexpectedly deep throw is in front of 90,000.
Here’s a pertinent chat from Aug 2022:

I have a good deal of respect for your opinions, Nikki, but would like for you to square them with this throw from Purdy in the spring game:

In my opinion, this single play shows me that purdy not only isn’t the guy today, he will never be the guy anywhere, ever

that is a throw a P5 QB makes in his sleep. Purdy doesn’t have the juice to get it there against 3rd and 4th teamers

This should end the revisionist history discussion

Sorry, I could not disagree more.

The first play that came up on the vid was a great play by the defender, the ball was right on the money, so I'm not sure which play you are talking about.

I can see his arm talent just from this one clip from his Freshman season.

Likewise, if a person spends some time watching CT's clips, you won't see even close to the same level of polish. CT makes quick decisions yes, but he also throws a lot of knuckle balls and heaves.
More fawning over purdy’s arm

Yeah that clip doesn't contain a lot of deep throws, but the ball comes out effortlessly, and fast, on point. It's like he doesn't even have to try, and that's what is so notable about it.

I guess we will see what happens.

We did indeed see what happened
More fawning over purdy’s arm

We did indeed see what happened
The good news. Whether it’s a lack of arm strength OR a lack of accuracy, I think we have an OC who is smart enough to tailor his offense to what our starter or backup does best. There aren’t very many college QBs who have the whole package. I think it’s going to be interesting if not fun to watch this season play out.
Nikki, you have selective memory. Collectively, you and I have over 12,000 posts on this site, and maybe in the area of
2,000-3,00 in the last year. I'm not gonna take the time to see who said what, but my memory is pretty clear on a few things.

Last year, before the season, I said Casey throws the long ball pretty well, throws the out patterns really well, is always behind or too low for receivers going over the middle, and holds the ball in the pocket too long. That played out last season.

I said Chubba had a noodle arm, and that played out last year, too. I would say, kong and I were 2 of the more vocal on here regarding Chubba's obvious lack of arm strength. (Along with others).

Previously, I had very little positive to say about AM other than he was a real good athlete who lacked the courage and confidence in his arm to try to throw in tight spaces. We all knew he was the king of the untimely turnover.

A couple of other things i DO remember: You talked about Chubba's leadership, when during his collegiate career, he had shown zero leadership qualities. You, the same as told kong and myself that we were (paraphrasing here) dumbasses because you were some type of (at least in your mind) a QB evaluation guru. And you had untold ability to evaluate QB's, and we were morons to think otherwise.

You went so far as to state publicly that you were going to do a website or a QB evaluation sheet/subscription service, and was going to ask the powers that be on Husker Online if that would be permissible. I DISTINCTLY remember words to that affect. On its face, after your Chubba evaluation, I thought that idea was laughable.
DId that concept ever launch? I think not.

I don't make a habit of printing posts on this site, but I do recall printing your Medieval post on the treatment of women. That post put you in the crosshairs of many here, and when I replied I wanted to make sure to have your words at hand so I wasn't taking something you posted out of context. My response was pretty direct, and I wasn't booed out of the room as you were.

Nikki, feel free to pull up the exchanges that deal with Chubba, QB leadership qualities of Chubba, your condescending comments at mainly kong and myself, your plan to launch your evaluation sheet, etc. I just put a new ink cartridge in, so if you want to point me to the beginning of those exchanges, I'll be glad to print them and post whatever is said by either of us. If I'm wrong with anything I've said here, or have taken something out of context, I will own it.

Since this is Sunday, its usually a day I reserve for disagreeing/arguing or whatever. I know you and I are on much different time zones, so I'll wait for your response.
Nikki, I went to search items and the farthest back I could go was Feb 12,2023 which would be after our exchanges. If you can go back farther, please do so.
Not getting into all the cherry picking here. I priased HH after that first spring game of his, and Kong also saw what I saw. We knew he was not in contention to be the starter, so that is where the discussion of him ended.

Earlier in this thread, I was revisiting my praise for HH earlier, but Easy starts bringing up the CT vs Purdy discussion to muddy up the waters saying I am being a revisionist.

Those were separate occasions and separate issues. I refuse to buy into your bs in trying to link those here.
😂 sometimes I wonder how you interpret things the way you do. I don’t see Baxter rooting against our backup at all. I see him poking fun at you.
he would rather see me be wrong than see Haarberg have success

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Chubba is taking over the #2 spot. Even with less throw power he is more of a natural QB who can also run. I haven’t seen or heard a peep about HH since camp started.
I guess I don’t understand the love for Purdy. He looked awful in games last season. I’d rather go with the unknown- HH
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HH is going to have a package they use with him but it looks like Purdy will be the #2 QB..
based on what?

you, like everyone else here, don't know anything

in that latest A Look N episode Haarberg was slinging it with the 1s, just like during spring
I guess I don’t understand the love for Purdy. He looked awful in games last season. I’d rather go with the unknown- HH
all love for Purdy stems from feelings toward me

has nothing to do with him (obviously) since all he's ever put on tape is absolute crap (no offense to him, just stating facts)
based on what?

you, like everyone else here, don't know anything

in that latest A Look N episode Haarberg was slinging it with the 1s, just like during spring
Okay settle down Homer.. Just watch some of their highlights of practice and full scrimmage’s…

Rhule has said depending on the situation their in Purdy is more in the passing game and HH is in with the running game.. just like wildcat package..
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Okay settle down Homer.. Just watch some of their highlights of practice and full scrimmage’s…

Rhule has said depending on the situation their in Purdy is more in the passing game and HH is in with the running game.. just like wildcat package..
I've watched every second of practice that's come out.

second sentence makes no sense.
you heard Rhule say the word "wildcat"?

color me skeptical
No the talking heads on the show mentioned it..
If you seen all the footage funny you not making any comments in some Purdy’s nice throws too..

Your argument is always one sided because you put all your eggs in one basket for HH since forever..

I don’t give a $&it who is 2nd or what part they need to utilize them. I just want to have a winning team..

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