Several things really struck me last night watching the Bills/Bengals game and the tragic situation with Damar Hamlin.
1. No matter how big and strong you are, on the inside you are a human and in many ways, the emotional makeup of these players is just as fragile as anyone else.
2. There's a certain level of brotherhood and humanity that these NFL players displayed last night that's completely the opposite of what you're told by the race baiters in the media, on blogs, and in academia. When you work hard with people over a long period of time, the race of the people working together becomes irrelevant and is replaced by pure friendship and respect in most cases. What you saw last night is the only reason that the world doesn't fall into a state of complete anarchy.
3. No matter how talented, famous, wealthy, or tough you are, no one is prepared to see someone, especially someone close to you, lying on the ground dying. It's something that takes a lot of time for people in the military, police and firemen, and medical people to be able to handle, especially for a young person.
Enjoy every day as it's your last, and love the ones around you.