@Zack Carpenter Please Let Us Know If Our Personal Info Has Been Compromised

Pay utilities and groceries on a credit card. I have one card that pays 5% back on two categories you pick-- such as utilities, cell phone, and TV/internet/streaming and 2% on one category- gas, restaurants or groceries. It's US Bank's Cash+ card. That's what I would do, but then I am cheap and I like the idea of gaming the system. Those cash back cards aren't made for people who pay off their card in full every month.
Dean, those are all good suggestions. To be honest, I have a stigma with credit cards simply because I've been a cash guy since I was 12 years old. If you've read some of my posts, I have a good bit of btc/eth/ltc/sol, etc., and been buying physical gold and silver since the '80's, some gold shares in a mining company and I just bought some shares of a Tungsten mining company for my grandsons.

I'm a HODLR and I could make more money selling when they rise in price and buy more when they are in a dip, I just dont do it. I just like stability and I'm able to gift quite a bit of money tax free every year to my 2 adult kids and my grandsons, so I'm just stuck in the mud, so to speak.

I'm a bit of a paradox because I believe in real money, like gold and silver to maintain purchasing power, yet, I bought a bunch of cryptos over the years. LOL I love the stability and freedom of being able to do what I like to do, yet, I've made most of my money over the years betting on horse races. LOL Try not to figure me out.
We demand to know if we've had our data stolen
They wouldn’t know that for sure. They would just know if there was a breach or not . But like others said your personal information has been compromised many times over in other breaches.
Dean, those are all good suggestions. To be honest, I have a stigma with credit cards simply because I've been a cash guy since I was 12 years old. If you've read some of my posts, I have a good bit of btc/eth/ltc/sol, etc., and been buying physical gold and silver since the '80's, some gold shares in a mining company and I just bought some shares of a Tungsten mining company for my grandsons.

I'm a HODLR and I could make more money selling when they rise in price and buy more when they are in a dip, I just dont do it. I just like stability and I'm able to gift quite a bit of money tax free every year to my 2 adult kids and my grandsons, so I'm just stuck in the mud, so to speak.

I'm a bit of a paradox because I believe in real money, like gold and silver to maintain purchasing power, yet, I bought a bunch of cryptos over the years. LOL I love the stability and freedom of being able to do what I like to do, yet, I've made most of my money over the years betting on horse races. LOL Try not to figure me out.
Nothing wrong with that. Sounds like you are doing just fine. There's more than one way to carve a good living out for yourself!
Zack posted this on the paid board, but thought it was worth posting here:

Just posted an update:

– "We fumbled"

– "502 bad gateaway"

– Redirects to Rivals national or other team sites

All three have been ongoing issues for everyone (for you guys, for us as a staff and network-wide for most all other team sites at Rivals) over the past week and, at least for me, the past 2-3 days. Same with the flood of spammers. The spambot traffic began ramping up a few days ago and last night saw a massive onslaught here and across the network.

All of it's completely out of my hands and even if it was in my hands, I wouldn't know wth to do. Took me 7 attempts to figure out how to program my coffee maker to auto pour for the morning. Not a tech guy.

We just got an update a few minutes ago that the Rivals tech team has successfully blocked the spam attack. And they have been able to identify and correct the core issue in regard to the fumble/bad gateaway pages and the redirects.

From the tech team: "Work to completely root out the fumble page issues remains ongoing, but the team is very optimistic in a resolution soon based on recent discoveries."

(my note):
An no...spammers ≠ stolen info/data lol