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First Team All-Big Ten
Oct 13, 2001
My message had nothing to do with guns, open boarders etc. Since many of you only want to argue about things that have nothing to do with what I've posted I'm removing myself from this.

Argue away.
Mods, if you prefer please delete this thread. I wanted to but couldn't find that option.

For those of you who did express compassion, thank you.
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Right now the police department and the University aren't giving any details. The NYT article is the first one I've seen that calls in a crime of passion. A leak, or a guess?

At this point all we know is that 4 U of I students are dead and there is no threat to the community. Terms such as homicide and acts of violence have been used from the very beginning.
If it’s a New York Times it may be a self generated leak. I saw both this and the University of Virginia killings today and I fear it’s only going to get worse on college campuses.
Right now the police department and the University aren't giving any details. The NYT article is the first one I've seen that calls in a crime of passion. A leak, or a guess?

At this point all we know is that 4 U of I students are dead and there is no threat to the community. Terms such as homicide and acts of violence have been used from the very beginning.
It’s probably a guess. News outlets don’t have integrity or accountability. The desire to be the first to break the news leads to a lot of false “news.”
They might get lucky and have guessed right or close. I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in what they say when it’s this early.
Anyone remember that guy at Nebraska that was going to shoot up his whole class? He got up to start shooting and his gun jammed? Probably around 1990 or so.
Anyone remember that guy at Nebraska that was going to shoot up his whole class? He got up to start shooting and his gun jammed? Probably around 1990 or so.
Didn’t that happen on a train in Europe a couple of years ago too? Don’t remember that in Nebraska.
He definitely wasn't a member of the Pershing rifles
If he’s still alive he’s 73. He spent his whole life after that in the “regional center” after that. Last news story I saw was from 2019 saying while he was supposed to be released in 2015 that he would remain in the facility. Damn
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Probably not. Mental health institutions would go a long ways though.
I wonder why a person like Nikolas Cruz (his attorneys) get the golden parachute label as a mental health recipient. He doesn’t deserve life in prison. He doesn’t deserve living. F*#@ him and anyone else that murders someone and then gets to live out their life courtesy of my tax dollars
Until someone who shouldn't be allowed to has the same wouldn't even have time to react in most cases.
Until they earned the right to carry, tough shit. I don’t know if I’d have time to react, but I’d damn sure give it a go..
2 center mass, 10 to the coconut. I really don’t care, 75 yrs. old mate.
Mental health crisis
That's definitely part of it, but not the entire reason. Seems everyone has mental illness these days. Someone said something you don't like online? OMG depression! Suicidal! Didn't get your way? Depression! Suicidal!
No, there's other reasons I wont type here here because that gets "political", although it really falls under the common sense definition. Something a lot of people don't have anymore. Doesn't matter really, we've now "progressed" to the point of no going back. Which means slapping a label on guns and eroding our rights more. Fun times. Glad I'll be dead soon.
Police Department just sent out an update:


Moscow Homicide Update​

November 15, 2022 (Moscow, Idaho) – On November 13, 2022, at 11:58 hours, Moscow Police Department Officers responded to a call on King Road for an unconscious individual. Upon arrival, officers discovered four individuals who were deceased. The deaths have been ruled to be homicide.

Although no weapons have been located, based on preliminary information, investigators believe that an edged weapon such as a knife was used. Autopsies are scheduled to be completed later this week and will hopefully provide more definitive information on the exact cause of the deaths.

Also, based on information from the preliminary investigation, investigators believe this was an isolated, targeted attack and there is no imminent threat to the community at large.
Investigators are continuing to work diligently on establishing a timeline of relevant events to re-create the victims’ activities on the evening of November 12 and early morning of November 13, following all leads and identifying persons of interest.

Currently, there are no suspects in custody.

The Moscow Police Department is working closely with the Idaho State Police as well as other State and federal law enforcement partners on this case. Investigators are asking anyone with information about this incident to contact the Moscow Police at 208-883-7054.​
Can't imagine the horror and the scene these kids experienced before being slaughtered. Family having to see it and knowing what happened, will never be okay. This person / people who did this are a special evil. They must be found.
What is happening in this country, when it comes time for students to be killed I am at a loss for words. Why the only reaction at the slaughter is on the forums and not from the authorities. What about the religious side of people…
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I agree with the sentiment that criminal acts deserve criminal punishment. It should also be a goal that successful intervention takes place well before ill individuals get to the point of criminal action.
Successful treatment requires treatment centers. When I was going through my battles with major depression and OCD in my teen years, my mom had six inpatient options in the Omaha metro and numerous outpatient options to choose from in order to provide me treatment. That was in the mid 90's.

In 2022, there is one inpatient option in the Omaha metro. Further, the insurance dance has become even more complex. We need to continue to invest in mental health support services and facilities. I've been an elementary teacher for 22 years. I'm telling you that some of the children I work with have need for services yesterday, and their experiences at ages 5-12 make my ordeals seem like a day at the golf course.
Yes, criminal actions require criminal accountability. It would be easier to read the news if not so many of these criminal actions were driven by mental illness. Consider the need for early and consistent intervention as a way to see less of this in the future rather than a continually compounding occurrence.
I agree with the sentiment that criminal acts deserve criminal punishment. It should also be a goal that successful intervention takes place well before ill individuals get to the point of criminal action.
Successful treatment requires treatment centers. When I was going through my battles with major depression and OCD in my teen years, my mom had six inpatient options in the Omaha metro and numerous outpatient options to choose from in order to provide me treatment. That was in the mid 90's.

In 2022, there is one inpatient option in the Omaha metro. Further, the insurance dance has become even more complex. We need to continue to invest in mental health support services and facilities. I've been an elementary teacher for 22 years. I'm telling you that some of the children I work with have need for services yesterday, and their experiences at ages 5-12 make my ordeals seem like a day at the golf course.
Yes, criminal actions require criminal accountability. It would be easier to read the news if not so many of these criminal actions were driven by mental illness. Consider the need for early and consistent intervention as a way to see less of this in the future rather than a continually compounding occurrence.
Some of it starts at home. Period. There's also the issue of lack of accountability. The rejection of some religious ideals doesn't help(sorry but its true). Also, some people never get better. 40+ years of constant internal struggle sucks. Having to see people who only want to prescribe meds for what ails you, also sucks. It can be a fine balance. You run into tons of only they know what's best for you, while completely ignoring your input. I cant imagine what the inpatient "scene" looks like now. Agendas and meds flying everywhere. What a nightmare.
Current crime rate states 1/179 in America will be murdered
I'm sorry but how has no one commented on this? Where the hell are you guys getting your statistics? The murder rate in America is 7.5/100000. Violent crime in America has dropped basically every year. Stop believing right wing news sources trying to hype up some non- existent crime wave in order to make bidens America seem like some hell hole. The facts and statistics don't back it up.
I'm sorry but how has no one commented on this? Where the hell are you guys getting your statistics? The murder rate in America is 7.5/100000. Violent crime in America has dropped basically every year. Stop believing right wing news sources trying to hype up some non- existent crime wave in order to make bidens America seem like some hell hole. The facts and statistics don't back it up.
Sources for both of the ratios?
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Sources for both of the ratios?
2 seconds of googling? I mean I'll do it for you but think about that number he threw out rationally. 1 and 179? I don't even think the death rate for soldiers was that high in WW2.

Oh I'm doing further research I found out where he's getting that number. Fox News(obviously) is reporting that number based on the crime increase that occurred between 2019 and 2020 and extrapolating from that that if a similar rise occurs literally every year for the rest of time than yeah, that number would be true. Which it immediately was disproven the next year, sooo just weird ass pre-midterm fear mongering designed to make rural Americans afraid to leave their homes.
I'm sorry but how has no one commented on this? Where the hell are you guys getting your statistics? The murder rate in America is 7.5/100000. Violent crime in America has dropped basically every year. Stop believing right wing news sources trying to hype up some non- existent crime wave in order to make bidens America seem like some hell hole. The facts and statistics don't back it up.
That's BS and you know it. The left wing talking point has been OMG OMG OMG gun deaths for years now. Disgustingly using tragic deaths for their gun grab agenda. Now, time to walk away from this as you've now made it political. Grats.
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According to the AP, using FBI crime statistics (neither of those are right-wing conspiracy peddlers to my knowledge)

"Violent and property crime generally remained consistent between 2020 and 2021, with a slight decrease in the overall violent crime rate and a 4.3% uptick in the murder rate, both of which are not considered statistically significant, the analysis found. That suggests an improvement over 2020, when the murder rate in the U.S. jumped 29% during the COVID-19 pandemic that created huge social disruption and upended support systems."

One could probably argue that "violent crime" is slightly decreasing because those crimes are less frequently booked and/or prosecuted. Maybe, maybe not. However, murders are a pretty difficult stat to fudge so the 29% increase is difficult to categorize as "basically dropped every year".
That's BS and you know it. The left wing talking point has been OMG OMG OMG gun deaths for years now. Disgustingly using tragic deaths for their gun grab agenda. Now, time to walk away from this as you've now made it political. Grats.
Now you're just arguing some non- existent point. I pointed out that their insane statistic about 1 and 179 Americans being murdered being completely made up and not based on reality at all, and you defend that by bringing up democrats wanting to enact stricter gun laws? It's not even the same topic lol. Try another random talking point. Maybe the next one you pull out of a hat will be a bit more relevant to the discussion.
According to the AP, using FBI crime statistics (neither of those are right-wing conspiracy peddlers to my knowledge)

"Violent and property crime generally remained consistent between 2020 and 2021, with a slight decrease in the overall violent crime rate and a 4.3% uptick in the murder rate, both of which are not considered statistically significant, the analysis found. That suggests an improvement over 2020, when the murder rate in the U.S. jumped 29% during the COVID-19 pandemic that created huge social disruption and upended support systems."

One could probably argue that "violent crime" is slightly decreasing because those crimes are less frequently booked and/or prosecuted. Maybe, maybe not. However, murders are a pretty difficult stat to fudge so the 29% increase is difficult to categorize as "basically dropped every year".
Yes, and I literally pointed that year out in my response. Good job reading. You'll also, with a bit more reading, understand that that year was a compete anomaly. Crime rates since 1990, with the exception of that lone year, have dropped significantly. In fact even that year is still 30-50% less than the peak years of the 90's. So yes, saying violent crime has "dropped basically every year" is completely accurate when it's true of 29 of 30 years (or 27 of 30 or 26 of 30 or whatever it is)

Furthermore, I love how you guys are questioning me for pointing out how ****ing absurd someone stating that 1 out of 179 Americans will be murdered, yet not a single one of you questioned the original poster for making such a ridiculous claim.
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