Who should I vote for?

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You obviously didn't watch any of Obama's speeches at political rallies over the last month. Stuttering...waving his arms...laugh/talking...skinny...looks like a crackhead.

No, I did. And I didn't get crackhead vibe. You're also talking about a former president who is widely thought, on both sides of the isle, to be one of the best political communicators this country has seen in a generation.

But hey, you'd rather have an orange, bloated, mentally unstable rambling idiot? I mean...ok? Good for you?
He’s been doing is since his presidential campaign. I certainly didn’t get to “keep my doctor”..

Yeah, he was full of shit..

That's the best you have? The keep your doctor thing?

The legislation he passed was an attempt to deal with our unfair insurance coverage schemes and our outrageous costs of healthcare in this country. And you don't want people to have healthcare?
Forget Republican or Democrat. Charlie Janssen the person deserved to be run out of town on a rail. Nebraska politics are very interesting. The ag economy is headed for disaster and our State is in very real trouble.
No, I did. And I didn't get crackhead vibe. You're also talking about a former president who is widely thought, on both sides of the isle, to be one of the best political communicators this country has seen in a generation.

But hey, you'd rather have an orange, bloated, mentally unstable rambling idiot? I mean...ok? Good for you?
Best political communicator? Best at communicating leftist democrat ideology and rhetoric. Keep the laughs coming.
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Go back and watch his speaking the past few weeks. Then again, you lap up everything he barks out of his mouth, don't you?

He's a lot easier to understand and pay attention to than the pig you keep defending, that's for damn sure.
No, I did. And I didn't get crackhead vibe. You're also talking about a former president who is widely thought, on both sides of the isle, to be one of the best political communicators this country has seen in a generation.

But hey, you'd rather have an orange, bloated, mentally unstable rambling idiot? I mean...ok? Good for you?

Glad you can ignore the obvious signs. If Obama isn't on a tele prompter, he can't put a clear sentence together. He would fail a Speech 101 class.
Forget Republican or Democrat. Charlie Janssen the person deserved to be run out of town on a rail. Nebraska politics are very interesting. The ag economy is headed for disaster and our State is in very real trouble.

Yup! Ask soybean farmers how happy they are right now. Answer: Not at all, and many are headed for financial ruin. Why? Because Trump doesn't like CH-CH-CHIN-A.
Could be. I dunno. Are you saying you're happy a lazy drunk kept his office? It's state auditor, too, its not like its a partisan office. All they do is run audits, which apparently he's too busy drinking to be very good at.

You dunno? Just a few minutes ago you said "and she'd be way better than that stupid, lazy bastard."

Maybe he's just that good, that he can party 3 hours a day because he is so good at his job.

People throwing stones kill me. There are tons and tons of suspect people on both sides of the aisle. That's the reality. Plenty of people in positions of authority that have no business being there.
Glad you can ignore the obvious signs. If Obama isn't on a tele prompter, he can't put a clear sentence together. He would fail a Speech 101 class.

Yeah? He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago before becoming a Senator and then President.

Have you ever been in a law class?
No, I did. And I didn't get crackhead vibe. You're also talking about a former president who is widely thought, on both sides of the isle, to be one of the best political communicators this country has seen in a generation.

But hey, you'd rather have an orange, bloated, mentally unstable rambling idiot? I mean...ok? Good for you?

As long as his policies work, I don't really care. Trump is one of the bigger pieces of crap on the planet as a person, but he seems to be getting the job done. Obama is probably one of the best communicators I've witnessed, but didn't seem to get as much done. No matter which way you lean you are going to have some sort of issue, but making sweeping generalizations of racism for a "red" state, seems a bit silly.
I mean, since you dumbasses are always ranting and raving about "fiscal accountability" whenever legislation that actually benefits poor and middle class people is up for consideration, wouldn't you want the state auditor to be doing their job? And since you idiots hate government, don't you want to make sure it isn't wasting money?

This guy wasn't doing his job. It's pretty weird to be happy that he's sticking around just because there was an R next to his name. But, that level of hypocrisy isn't all that shocking, coming from people around here.

Who is the "you" that you are throwing a temper tantrum about? Who is happy? I'm just having a little fun with you, and only you, because you are all hot-n-bothered over this. It's entertaining. I'm just super impressed that you are so smart, and easy to talk to.
You dunno? Just a few minutes ago you said "and she'd be way better than that stupid, lazy bastard."

Maybe he's just that good, that he can party 3 hours a day because he is so good at his job.

People throwing stones kill me. There are tons and tons of suspect people on both sides of the aisle. That's the reality. Plenty of people in positions of authority that have no business being there.

Nobody is that good at their job. Auditing is hard, have you ever done it? Do you know what the job of the state auditor entails?
Who is the "you" that you are throwing a temper tantrum about? Who is happy? I'm just having a little fun with you, and only you, because you are all hot-n-bothered over this. It's entertaining. I'm just super impressed that you are so smart, and easy to talk to.

Yeah? He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago before becoming a Senator and then President.

Have you ever been in a law class?
There are good lawyers, then there is Obama. And he's not big on much of the United States Constitution. Nice try.
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Well, this has been fun! But, unlike Charlie Janssen, I actually have to get back to work to keep my job!

Later all!
And yet you probably loved the dealings of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton and their sabotage of another democrat, right? You throw stones in your glass house.

I agree with your point; however, Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat.

Dems talk about whomever gets the most votes should win (ignoring the electoral college). Ol' Bernie got more votes than Hillary in some primaries, but Hillary got the "super" delegates and became the party's nominee.

Talk about a rigged system...
Yup! Ask soybean farmers how happy they are right now. Answer: Not at all, and many are headed for financial ruin. Why? Because Trump doesn't like CH-CH-CHIN-A.

Doesn't like or is attempting to get on an even playing field?

When you give away everything to China for 8 years just to avoid upsetting them, don't be surprised when you have become the bottom in a bad S&M porno. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and make people uncomfortable and get a better deal.
I agree, and that is too bad. One thing that does actually offend the right-wing salt of the earth people here is being lazy and sucking on the government's teat, right? Well, here's a guy that treated his full-time job as a part-time job, while spending the other half in a bar. Like, regularly. While being paid $85,000 a year to do it.

You know what bothers me about it...that I don't get to do it! Hahaha

I would love to be hanging out at the bar...eating some lunch...having a few drinks AND getting paid!
Well, this has been fun! But, unlike Charlie Janssen, I actually have to get back to work to keep my job!

Later all!
I'll say this about Janssen, he certainly should be severely reprimanded if he wasn't doing his job, or screwed up on audits he was involved with. But don't act like your precious democrats are not without fault.
I agree with your point; however, Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat.

Dems talk about whomever gets the most votes should win (ignoring the electoral college). Ol' Bernie got more votes than Hillary in some primaries, but Hillary got the "super" delegates and became the party's nominee.

Talk about a rigged system...
Yeah, I know uncle Bernie isn't really a democrat, but he was running as one. But I know what you mean.
Yeah? He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago before becoming a Senator and then President.

Have you ever been in a law class?

You mean before Obama campaigned "in all 57 states?"

Yeah, he's real bright.

George W. Bush had a higher GPA in college than John Kerry. Is that a reflection on either one?
That's the best you have? The keep your doctor thing?

The legislation he passed was an attempt to deal with our unfair insurance coverage schemes and our outrageous costs of healthcare in this country. And you don't want people to have healthcare?
Boondoggle politics from the president who said America's best days are probably behind us.Laughing
You mean before Obama campaigned "in all 57 states?"

Yeah, he's real bright.

George W. Bush had a higher GPA in college than John Kerry. Is that a reflection on either one?
How about the way he pronounced "Corpsman?" Or was that "corpseman?"
That's the best you have? The keep your doctor thing?

The legislation he passed was an attempt to deal with our unfair insurance coverage schemes and our outrageous costs of healthcare in this country. And you don't want people to have healthcare?

If you understand leftist liberal gibberish, then I guess you're right. Laughing
You know that guy in the bar that’s always talking partisan politics and boisterously laughing at everything he says while everyone else tries to ignore him. I love that guy. He just exudes intelligence and is probably very popular with the ladies.
Doesn't like or is attempting to get on an even playing field?

When you give away everything to China for 8 years just to avoid upsetting them, don't be surprised when you have become the bottom in a bad S&M porno. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and make people uncomfortable and get a better deal.

I hate Trump as a person, but I can acknowledge your point about standing up to China. I'm just very, very concerned that as it pertains to Nebraska ag products there may not be a better deal. China is making other arrangements. You can't sell something that no one wants.
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My favorite thing about Trump was his ability to get the economy trending upwards before he even took office. I know usually it takes a few years to see the affect on the economy from legislation, but Trump was able to expedite the process at unrealistic almost impossible speeds. His ability to multitask is almost unheard of in today’s world of social media. Who else could spend that much time on social media, golfing, and campaigning while still being able to do their job? Simply amazing. All hail Trump!
I struggle to reconcile the stark contrast in the vitriol directed at ole Urb in Columbus and ole Don in Washington on here vis-a-vis their treatment of women

it is quite fascinating
Could be. I dunno. Are you saying you're happy a lazy drunk kept his office? It's state auditor, too, its not like its a partisan office. All they do is run audits, which apparently he's too busy drinking to be very good at.
Hey man, it’s fine as long as he’s not into that hippy lettuce. Thank the heavens. God wanted us to have alcohol otherwise he wouldn’t have made the fermentation and distilling processes so obvious and natural to our earth.
I struggle to reconcile the stark contrast in the vitriol directed at ole Urb in Columbus and ole Don in Washington on here vis-a-vis their treatment of women

it is quite fascinating

The other choice was to put Bill Clinton back in the White House, and his wife who smeared his victims. It was a lose-lose situation from that standpoint. Democrats told us to MoveOn(.org) from such affairs.
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The other choice was to put Bill Clinton back in the White House, and his wife who smeared his victims. It was a lose-lose situation from that standpoint. Democrats told us to MoveOn(.org) from such affairs.

I’m not defending either side of the aisle - just that deplorable behavior is deplorable behavior regardless of which political party or football program you support
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I mean, since you dumbasses are always ranting and raving about "fiscal accountability" whenever legislation that actually benefits poor and middle class people is up for consideration, wouldn't you want the state auditor to be doing their job? And since you idiots hate government, don't you want to make sure it isn't wasting money?

This guy wasn't doing his job. It's pretty weird to be happy that he's sticking around just because there was an R next to his name. But, that level of hypocrisy isn't all that shocking, coming from people around here.
If Dems didn’t just fall in line on policy, they’d win more. How do you trust a party’s judgement that can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman
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