The fan based suffers from an unappealing sense of entitlement. We are not entitled to anything. Virtually every program in the conference has as much money, just as nice facilities, D1 athletes, fans that rev up their stadiums, overpaid and obscenely large staffs, that all want what ‘we’ want. This entitlement leads to a healthy dose of disrespect for these other them the ‘chip’ on the shoulder when we play them.
It’s not easy, it’s not a right that we should be appointed something w/o earning it.
As for the team, it’s apparent, and has been, the PHYSICALITY and MENTAL TOUGHNESS pecking order has us behind iowa, wisky, much, MSU, OSU, PSU in the big ten, and neck and neck w/Minnesota and some years NW. It’s going to take good scheming and complimentary ball from all 3 aspects to win a steady diet of close games.