There are honestly 3 groups of teachers:
1) Show up on time(ish). Leave on time(ish). Many of these are women teachers who have every excuse for being 10 minutes late and leaving 10 minutes early. When you talk to them, you would think they are the only people in the world who have ever had kids and worked a job.
2) Actually do grind like MOFOs and do the grading papers until whatever time. Most of these aren’t early risers(though there are some). For the most part this group struggles with daily changes in schedule and such, and they are somewhat awkward with their relationships with kids.
3) The true grinders. Most of this group is male teachers and also coach. When they are in season, they need every minute to get ready for teaching, but also plan a practice at the same time. They are the first ones at school because that is all they know.
The other group is PE and sped teachers(SPED teachers are POSITIVE they are the only reason the school can run on a day to day basis and they KNOW they are making the biggest difference by making things easier for all their kids) who don’t have to work a single minute outside of school hours, so I won’t get into them.