Uncle Milty at practice....

You know, I don't think TO ever hung around the Solich regime that "he picked" either. He has a policy, it's to not comment on or interfere with the current staff. Call it what you want but I personally do not believe his motive is to undermine, control, or anything negative. I believe he's acting like the predecessor he would've wanted as head coach. I watched that man too close for 25 years to ever believe there was something sinister about him.
Remember the old adage, "actions speak louder than words"? Make not mistake, the old man is allowing his inaction to do all the talking about how he feels. There are many number of ways that he could release a statement publicly about the current regime thanking them for their engagement with the past coaches, etc. It would actually serve to boost the current staff and his credibility, that he tarnished when he
1) served as a representative in congress to the third district
2) made a laughingstock of a campaign for governor
3) threw all his support behind and worked tirelessly to cover up the misgivings of a scumbag head coach

It wouldn't take but a few really nice and polite sentences, but it would go a long way. Everyone else from that last staff that is still alive has been engaged and is received with open arms by this staff, except for the head man who is acting like a bitter old Abe Simpson these days.
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Where have you been Jaw?

Nowhere in particular. This board was still drinking the kool aid of the last regime well into the middle of last season. I have read it here and there but I recently connected with boxes via another medium and popped by and wasn't so disgusted that I was going to vomit, so I logged in for once.
Nowhere in particular. This board was still drinking the kool aid of the last regime well into the middle of last season. I have read it here and there but I recently connected with boxes via another medium and popped by and wasn't so disgusted that I was going to vomit, so I logged in for once.

We all don't have to agree with one another. Your opinion is valuable just as the next. Hope you'll check in more often! :Cool:
Great video and a great person. I was lucky to meet Milt on a few occasions, so humble and down to earth. Video brought tears to my eyes, good to see some well deserved admiration for one of the great coaches in Nebraska football history!
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You know, I don't think TO ever hung around the Solich regime that "he picked" either. He has a policy, it's to not comment on or interfere with the current staff. Call it what you want but I personally do not believe his motive is to undermine, control, or anything negative. I believe he's acting like the predecessor he would've wanted as head coach. I watched that man too close for 25 years to ever believe there was something sinister about him.
Tom was plenty active during Frank's tenure to the point of sending down suggestions for play calls from his box. Publicly he has stayed out of the fray. I would say a cool shoulder is probably the best way to characterize Tom's handling of the situation and that stems primarily from his resentment for HP and SE. That said, I see Tom is doing a few more public things involving the Huskers. Hopefully the old "time heals all wounds" applies. Tom, like all of us, is a flawed human being but he's a gol dinged good one.Winking
Tom was plenty active during Frank's tenure to the point of sending down suggestions for play calls from his box. Publicly he has stayed out of the fray. I would say a cool shoulder is probably the best way to characterize Tom's handling of the situation and that stems primarily from his resentment for HP and SE. That said, I see Tom is doing a few more public things involving the Huskers. Hopefully the old "time heals all wounds" applies. Tom, like all of us, is a flawed human being but he's a gol dinged good one.Winking
Seriously? your'e saying that all those options to the short side of the field were TO's idea? :eek: