Trev to Texas A&M?

Ross Bjork's base salary at Texas A&M was $1.5M. OSU will pay Bjork a $1.65M base salary and $350M in media/PR. This excludes any performance incentives.
The thing that really sucks is Alberts fired Frost right when Scott was about to turn the corner and now Trev is leaving and has left us with Rhule. We should have kept Moos. The regents are old and won't admit people can do their jobs just fine working from home (or the ranch in Washington).
I get that you want to crap on his accomplishments and all, that he really hasn’t done much, but the fact that A&M has the money to go after any AD in America and they chose Trev says something about his potential.

If you disagree that’s fine, but instead of pointing to his lack of accomplishments, what have his missteps been? Not firing Frost soon enough? Firing him too early in his final season? Not firing Hoiberg?

All in all, I’d say he would be an attractive get for just about any athletic department. But what do I know?
Trev has been a great AD and the only reason he didn't fire Frost sooner was the old guard protecting their legacy QB. The athletic department from top to bottom was on an upward trajectory and that included the hiring of Matt Rhule. I would like to see if they can't at least try to keep him with a salary increase.
Trev has been a great AD and the only reason he didn't fire Frost sooner was the old guard protecting their legacy QB. The athletic department from top to bottom was on an upward trajectory and that included the hiring of Matt Rhule. I would like to see if they can't at least try to keep him with a salary increase.
he just agreed to a raise and extension 4 months ago
But what has Texas won really? ESPN thought that too when they decided to create the Longhorn Network. Millions of lost dollars later they realized that it was a lost cause.

They are the state university, have a ton of money, spend a ton of money and talk loud. Conferences want them because they bring TV markets. But in reality they are just the loud talking rich kid. Volleyball, track and swimming and diving are what they have won their their titles.
Sure, Football is king, but don't you think it is important for the other sports to do well, too? I really enjoy it when these other teams are relevant at Nebraska too. There are so many Longhorns that do so well in all sports. Just took at golf. There is a whole legacy of great Texas golfers. I think this brings prestige to the university.
The university needs to leave the athletic department ALONE. Libtards butt hurt because of funding cuts within the university so they want to take it out on a successful arm of the univeristy that actually gives back to the university??? The university needs to fix their own problems first.
the shakedown is in process

It wouldn't surprise me if A&M does shit the bed on this. Their coaching search was pure comedy and had to settle on Elko. Personally, I think Elko is a stud, but just the drama behind their search and all of the locks that were leaked and they got ****ed on all of them. I love it. After living in Houston and listening to their delusional fan base, it is all comedy to me.
Sure, Football is king, but don't you think it is important for the other sports to do well, too? I really enjoy it when these other teams are relevant at Nebraska too. There are so many Longhorns that do so well in all sports. Just took at golf. There is a whole legacy of great Texas golfers. I think this brings prestige to the university.
OK, but what does the legacy of Texas golfers have to really do with your original post. After Tiger Woods was effectively done, golf is dying a slow death. If not for the LIV controversy, we wouldn't even talk about golf anymore.

As far as if I want Nebraska Olympic or other minor sports to have success. I guess I would but, I really don't pay a whole lot of attention to rifle, bowling or gymnastics, so I am not sure I would even know if they are relevant.
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It wouldn't surprise me if A&M does shit the bed on this. Their coaching search was pure comedy and had to settle on Elko. Personally, I think Elko is a stud, but just the drama behind their search and all of the locks that were leaked and they got ****ed on all of them. I love it. After living in Houston and listening to their delusional fan base, it is all comedy to me.
Or perhaps the fan base has spoken like they did when Bjork tried to hire Mark Stoops.
another offseason national championship for football!

even some of the simpler people like @headcard should be able to watch things like this and realize Trev was never serious about Nebraska becoming a legitimate force again.

And I thought Nebraska fans lived in the past… showing video from espn from 25-30 years ago as evidence Trev was never serious about Nebraska? Whatever fan base you’re from, you are REALLY living in the past…
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Just four months ago NU doubled TA's salary to $1.7 million, that goes to $2.1 million in 2026, with a retention bonus of $500K in Sept 25, $300K each year after that and an additional $3 million if he completes the 8 year contract.

This cannot be about money.
Just four months ago NU doubled TA's salary to $1.7 million, that goes to $2.1 million in 2026, with a retention bonus of $500K in Sept 25, $300K each year after that and an additional $3 million if he completes the 8 year contract.

This cannot be about money.
Almost everything I'm reading on other platforms says it's more about the political environment. Where you fall on the political spectrum will inform your opinion about this.

The truth is probably somewhere in between.
Ross Bjork's base salary at Texas A&M was $1.5M. OSU will pay Bjork a $1.65M base salary and $350M in media/PR. This excludes any performance incentives.

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