Boom. Facts be damned. Minorities are so oppressed there, that they are forced to turn to illegal tactics. So much hypocrisy. The whole situation has turned laughable.63 criminal incidents involving student athletes in 5 years and nobody loses their job and no protests..a number of these were physical assaults also.
Melissa Click should be fired by morning.
The whole situation has gone from troubling but understandable to something deceitful. What do they not want us to know? It's possible that everything may be what they claim but their actions sure make that hard to believe and the rush to judgement becomes even more suspect.Just heard about this on the radio this morning. Really, really bad.
Just heard about this on the radio this morning. Really, really bad.
Kind of pisses all over that "civil protest" and "no violence" stance doesn't it?
Archie, again I apologize cause I'm posting from an iPad 'does anyone know if it's possible to link from an iPad' but the timeline I read yesterday mentioned a number of moves the university made to the financial detriment of the graduate student program. The hunger striker was a 3 year graduate student and the lovely Melissa Click taught an intro to Graduate Studies course and I believe mentored graduate students.Just heard about this on the radio this morning. Really, really bad.
Boom. Facts be damned. Minorities are so oppressed there, that they are forced to turn to illegal tactics. So much hypocrisy. The whole situation has turned laughable.
Archie, again I apologize cause I'm posting from an iPad 'does anyone know if it's possible to link from an iPad' but the timeline I read yesterday mentioned a number of moves the university made to the financial detriment of the graduate student program. The hunger striker was a 3 year graduate student and the lovely Melissa Click taught an intro to Graduate Studies course and I believe mentored graduate students.
Now I may be wearing my tinfoil hat a little to tightly but I'm stating to see a pattern and don't believe it's entirely a coincidence. The words "graduate student" keeps appearing in to much of the correspondence I'm reading to believe I'm wrong.
Only a dangerous leap in your opinion. Break it down for me since you are so sure. I am guessing you won't like what you find, and it is way out of proportion compared to the "student body average" of minority percentage. I stand by what I said, you are free to jump to your imaginary racism accusation. That is your "right"You said "minorities" but the article is talking about athletes.
You do realize that white athletes are also included in those crime statistics, right? The fact that you mentally leaped from reading about athlete crime to an assumption about minorities is a dangerous leap in logic.
Only a dangerous leap in your opinion. Break it down for me since you are so sure. I am guessing you won't like what you find, and it is way out of proportion compared to the "student body average" of minority percentage. I stand by what I said, you are free to jump to your imaginary racism accusation. That is your "right"
No. I am stating that it is fact that black athletes commit crimes at higher rates than their percentage of student-body would show. You are welcome to disprove this fact, and also show where people were forced to lose their job over these dozens of prior incidents in Mizzorah.So you are freely admitting that you are comfortable making negative assumptions about people based on race? I just want to make sure I understand your position.
When you hear the words "athlete" and "crime" you've concluded that its black athletes (for the most part), is that correct?
For those of you complaining that this is "politics," I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you define politics as the process of altering your society so as to function in a way you believe it should function then, at some level, EVERYTHING is politics. The idea that someone at the core of this movement is also involved with a Democratic senator is perhaps the least surprising thing ever. Does it really spark outrage that someone interested, passionate, and talented enough about politics to obtain a job with a senator would be the same person to lead a movement on his campus? I mean, I'm having a hard time ginning up surprise or outrage here.
I think the real problem a lot of you are having is that this movement was successful and, for some reason, you see black college kids working together to solve problem on their campus in a peaceful way as threatening as opposed to inspiring.
You said "minorities" but the article is talking about athletes.
You do realize that white athletes are also included in those crime statistics, right? The fact that you mentally leaped from reading about athlete crime to an assumption about minorities is a dangerous leap in logic.
First off I want to say I think you are a worthy debater. I disagree with you but I would never want to silence you (cough***Click***cough). Second, I think progressive leanings are tinged with anarchist sensibilities. A part of me wonders if when you go into a theater you have to resist the urge to yell "Fire" because you're curious to watch the masses trample each other.
Enough editorializing. You're right that everything boils down to a quest for power, which is another way of saying everything is politics. So I commend you for proclaiming that to be true in this case. The self-examination you should go thru is what happens to people who are consumed with power? What happens to their integrity? Have you read the works of political philosophers? People like . . .
John Calvin
Thomas Hobbes
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Saint Augustine
Muhammad al-Shaybani
Ibn Taymiyyah
If not, you should consume them. I think you'd enjoy it.
Why demonize the political left? Vehemently disagree all you like, but to call Progressives potential anarchists? If you've read all those philosophers and historians you list, then you know better than a gross mischaracterization like that, surely. For example, I'm very liberal in political thought, but I don't consider conservatives as having fascist sensibilities. They don't need to be demonized for me to feel confident in my opinions.
What's happening at the University of Missouri today is that ConcernedStudent1950 are bullying media out of public spaces they have a right to be in. The video below even includes a Missouri assistant professor, Melissa Click, shouting for "muscle" to have a reporter removed from a public space. With each passing day their true colors and motivations become more and more clear. This is basically a leftist political movement trying to bully the University into a list of political demands.
From the New York Times. I'd recommend watching the entire video:
she's hiding because she knows her agenda has nothing to do with the student safety or welfare.
Same attempt happening at Yale now! Will be interesting when university revert back to actual standards of the individual vs a quota.