The mix of people who have taken IQ tests is different than it was 60 years ago.How many people actually even get their IQ tested though? The percentage of people is very, very small.
The mix of people who have taken IQ tests is different than it was 60 years ago.How many people actually even get their IQ tested though? The percentage of people is very, very small.
Professors think everyone else is dumb. Classic irony.Off season so quick comment on an OT matter. I believe most of those that read this board at a minimum reside in America and frankly most were born here. We are Husker fans clearly by our frequenting of this page. What I want to ask is whether anyone here observes a decline in our posters or perhaps could they be accelerating? My brother is a professor and says that most posters these days are matter of factly dumb. But was this always the case? Ultimately I think there is a Trumane Bell curve to consider. Some kids are going to be at the bottom and some at the top 10% whereas 80% might be what my brother classified as matter of factly dumb. It’s a pickle of a question but what say you?
Are posters today smarter than posters of yesteryear? Or is our posters matter of factly declining in intelligence?
People have always been opinionated but close mindedness is higher than ever before. There’s always been biased news sources (and some that are mostly unbiased). But the manner that many of us get our news has changed. Cable news channels are not subject to the “point/counterpoint” laws that used to rule over the air networks. News is mixed with one sided commentary and sometimes presented in a misleading manner. All of this is bad for democracy.I think media plays a big part in this because regardless of what your viewpoint is, there’s a media outlet that tells you “you’re right” and people don’t get to see both sides anymore when all we had was just a few media outlets
So instead of having a good discussion on different viewpoints, we ignore other peoples opinions because we feel like we have enough support to tell us we are right.
Compliments of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.People have always been opinionated but close mindedness is higher than ever before. There’s always been biased news sources (and mostly unbiased). But the manner that many of us get our news has changed. Cable news channels are not subject to the “point/counterpoint” laws that used to rule over the air networks. News is mixed with one sided commentary and sometimes presented in a misleading manner. All of this is bad for democracy.
But AI driven algorithms in YouTube and many other “news” feeds is especially harmful since the goal is engagement on websites and apps. So if you click on something, you will soon get more of the same. That’s why we all have friends who express bewilderment when they talk about “news” they hear all about all the time that others never see.