He doesn't have an opportunity to shut anybody up. He has lost three winnable games, two where obviously bad coaching was the problem. If he wins out, people will just wonder why we had to wastes fan's time and money to lose winnable games, including getting destroyed by Indiana just for him to figure out obvious problems. Why was Satt retained when could have just hired the consultants that he brought in after he was embarrassed? Rhule won't come back from this...win out, even win a bowl game and you likely still lose Tony, and nobody will trust Rhule again when he takes 65 million guarenteed for himself and then brings in the worst offensive coaching staff in the nation, when giving a large coaching pool. He was, is, and always will be scamming.
PS: This isn't about a team getting better, developing. This is about Rhule taking the most talented team at NU in 10 years and wasting that talent on absolute shiite coaching, coaches who are his buddies and dragging it out every week like they aren't the problem...only to finally get exposed by a 2 win team. Most of us can tell the difference between coaches who are coaching a team up, that is improving(UCLA), and a team full of talent that is being wasted on incompetence.(NU).