The media on Buffies

She got her dig in at the very end of the video. Not very professional for a member of the media.
"they need to work harder on the o-line and they need to adjust some more aspects of the game." Come on now, where else are you going to get professional analysis on that level? She makes Sam McKeweon look like Peter King by comparison.
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I think you are right. She's in this video asking Rhule a question at 1:09 without any filter.
The Wire Reaction GIF
Don't know why CO has such a cocky attitude and such fakeness. Little CA I guess. CU I do understand. They puff themselves up on fakiness, always have. Why not, since they have one fake national title, given to them on a fifth down TD attempt vs. Mizzou. Kidz gotta get their award for just showing up. Championships are things to be given out equally. That's the "progressive" way. Tommie Frazier running thru 9 Florida tacklers after the game was decided is something the fuzzies will never understand.

Deion Sanders on why you shouldn’t worry about your haters,​

“You can’t have extreme talent and average problems….you’re going to have extreme drama…..You just gotta weather it and keep on walking and don’t flinch.”​

So, so many people don’t like you because you are so damn good? And, to be clear, your “haters” are the ones with the issues?
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Deion Sanders on why you shouldn’t worry about your haters,​

“You can’t have extreme talent and average problems….you’re going to have extreme drama…..You just gotta weather it and keep on walking and don’t flinch.”​

So, so many people don’t like you because you are so damn good? And, to be clear, your “haters” are the ones with the issues?
The funny part is, he believes all of the Buffalo shite he’s serving up.

We all know this ends as a huge failure and his coaching career will be in the toilet. It’s just a matter of time

Deion Sanders on why you shouldn’t worry about your haters,​

“You can’t have extreme talent and average problems….you’re going to have extreme drama…..You just gotta weather it and keep on walking and don’t flinch.”​

So, so many people don’t like you because you are so damn good? And, to be clear, your “haters” are the ones with the issues?

Stop hating on "Coach Prime"!

If you don't see how amazing he is and what a great job he's doing. You are just jealous of Colorado and of all the titles he will win there.
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Winning titles, racing up the music charts, walking the runways in New York and Paris. It ain’t easy.

They said a guy who was an Assistant HS Coach just three years earlier, with a history of fraud and abuse, couldn't reach the top, coaching at Colorado, but they were wrong.

This was the peak. The moment all the jealous haters were proven wrong.

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We are enjoying this way too much!

After taking nonstop crap from the Prime Fanboys for the past year and a half, I am going to enjoy it. This clown show is hilarious, and the fact that some thought it was just so cool and was the model that we should all strive for every step of the way is even more hilarious.
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They said a guy who was an Assistant HS Coach just three years earlier, with a history of fraud and abuse, couldn't reach the top, coaching at Colorado, but they were wrong.

This was the peak. The moment all the jealous haters were proven wrong.

that’s a heavy lookin carryall, I’m a little surprised that a guy that strong and tough could break an arm. Maybe he can model arm slings?
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my problems with neon deon:
1. free shoes university
2. dallas crack boys
3. sCUm
4. said Jesus told him to pay 1400 on a 5000 Lincoln continental repair bill
5. race card day 1 at cu
6. jeff simms

besides that the showboat side show stuff don't bug me..thats cu's problem
the big 12 refs kinda bugged me but thats not deons fault.
I'm pleased with the results all is well
I'm just trying to think of weak links on NU, travano, tackling on returns, rules said some receivers were loafing in the second half...
I guess the left side of the line needs to develop, we need to sign that mike terry, and the oklahoma olinemen....
thats all I can think of right now...which is great compared to last year at this time
my problems with neon deon:
1. free shoes university
2. dallas crack boys
3. sCUm
4. said Jesus told him to pay 1400 on a 5000 Lincoln continental repair bill
5. race card day 1 at cu
6. jeff simms

besides that the showboat side show stuff don't bug me..thats cu's problem
the big 12 refs kinda bugged me but thats not deons fault.
I'm pleased with the results all is well
I'm just trying to think of weak links on NU, travano, tackling on returns, rules said some receivers were loafing in the second half...
I guess the left side of the line needs to develop, we need to sign that mike terry, and the oklahoma olinemen....
thats all I can think of right now...which is great compared to last year at this time

The fraudulent charter school, beating his ex-wife, and talking shit about Rhule and Nebraska in the media also bothered me. Plus, the idea that a celebrity off the street could go win Championships without putting forth any effort.

But it is what it is. The Superfans are still eating it up and the rest of the world can now see it for sham it is.
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The fraudulent charter school, beating his ex-wife, and talking shit about Rhule and Nebraska in the media also bothered me. Plus, the idea that a celebrity off the street could go win Championships without putting forth any effort.
I guess the first 2 is bad for the fraudulent school and x..
him talking bout NU and rhule is a huge problem area for sure..
I think the 4th thing kinda takes care of itself. dr tom seemed to work nonstop as a HC..and rhule seems to have that also...

I'm sure rhule is all over it, but it seems we are gonna need to do some offseason transfer portal stuff to help replace the senors on the D
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I guess the first 2 is bad for the fraudulent school and x..
him talking bout NU and rhule is a huge problem area for sure..
I think the 4th thing kinda takes care of itself. dr tom seemed to work nonstop as a HC..and rhule seems to have that also...

I'm sure rhule is all over it, but it seems we are gonna need to do some offseason transfer portal stuff to help replace the senors on the D

I think we probably need a big NT on defense. But our biggest portal need could be at OT, with us starting two seniors there.
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The fraudulent charter school, beating his ex-wife, and talking shit about Rhule and Nebraska in the media also bothered me. Plus, the idea that a celebrity off the street could go win Championships without putting forth any effort.

But it is what it is. The Superfans are still eating it up and the rest of the world can now see it for sham it is.
Watchin talking bout fool
snoop dogg rap GIF
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Don't know why CO has such a cocky attitude and such fakeness. Little CA I guess. CU I do understand. They puff themselves up on fakiness, always have. Why not, since they have one fake national title, given to them on a fifth down TD attempt vs. Mizzou. Kidz gotta get their award for just showing up. Championships are things to be given out equally. That's the "progressive" way. Tommie Frazier running thru 9 Florida tacklers after the game was decided is something the fuzzies will never understand.
You don't know why ? Because they're a mirror of their coach....some fans he's their hope and hero. Hire a clown and you get the circus.
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I think we probably need a big NT on defense. But our biggest portal need could be at OT, with us starting two seniors there.
one more note on cu, it seems like deon is either
a. working against himself..I think you could just be a celebrity and bring in top skilled players, but to do so you would have to have great oc and dc..(and the folks below them) AND you would have to let them do their job....I heard deon just want to pass alot to pad the qb and hunters stats.....but I'm not sure thats necessary because I think nfl scouts are smart enough to understand you need a run game...I can't think of a good cu team that did'nt have a run game....


b. deon has his bags half packed and is ready for the season to end

either way I don't care, I'm not a cu fan, I guess if they (by a miracle) won the big 12 it would make us look good..
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You don't know why ? Because they're a mirror of their coach....some fans he's their hope and hero. Hire a clown and you get the circus.
Nah, I'm talking about LONG TERM. They've always been horrid, long before Sanders & family got there. I still remember 1/4 of their stadium being dismissed by the refs. Never saw or even heard of anything like that before. Buffalo buffoonery.

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