Teachers behaving badly.....

Every suspect who ends up in this thread is a sick person who, if proven guilty, need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Its important to note that not every one of these suspects is actually a teacher. As a teacher of 24 years, its really upsetting to see every creepo get lumped into the teacher pile. These sickos should'nt be within 500 feet of kids, and it sucks that they worked in schools, though they are not all teachers.
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Every suspect who ends up in this thread is a sick person who, if proven guilty, need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Its important to note that not every one of these suspects is actually a teacher. As a teacher of 24 years, its really upsetting to see every creepo get lumped into the teacher pile. These sickos should'nt be within 500 feet of kids, and it sucks that they worked in schools, though they are not all teachers.

...and to add to that, if its a female teacher, her photo should be included with every article so we can judge for ourselves if she is worthy of forgiveness. Ammirite? Kidding. I'm goimg to hell. Pretty sure....
Every suspect who ends up in this thread is a sick person who, if proven guilty, need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Its important to note that not every one of these suspects is actually a teacher. As a teacher of 24 years, its really upsetting to see every creepo get lumped into the teacher pile. These sickos should'nt be within 500 feet of kids, and it sucks that they worked in schools, though they are not all teachers.
My guess is way less than half of teachers actually doing this get caught.
My guess is way less than half of teachers actually doing this get caught.
My wife is from a town of 300. In the late 90's, the teacher/student relationships at small high schools in northeast Nebraska were known. My wife said that the entire school was aware that a couple of young teachers were dating students, and it wasn't till Mary Kay Latourneau out of Seattle made national news that districts up there started cracking down.
I agree that there are a few who are getting away with it right now, but they will be found out. The social/moral statute of limitations never expires on this behavior.
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I have two stories involving teacher student relationships. My wife has a cousin who married one of his high school teachers. It took place in Tennessee, so you never know whether to believe them when they say they never did anything until after he graduated. They've been married for 40 some years.

A friend of a friend was just married, out of college and in his first year of teaching high school in Seattle. Both he and the student he ended up marrying have told the story and I believe them. She was a senior, 18 years old and wanted to go on to college and he wanted to continue on teaching so when they realized they definitely had a connection they both agreed to do nothing. They did not want to do anything to screw it up. He divorced his wife (I am sure she was thrilled) and then the now former student moved in with him shortly after graduation. I didn't meet them until they were well into their marriage and the last I heard they are still together. There is only like 4-5 years age difference between them. My wife and I are 8 1/2 years apart.