"Statement from Mike Riley"

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1999 rape allegation at Oregon State, while coach Riley was head coach for the Chargers.

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A former student at Oregon State University has filed a federal Title IX lawsuit that accuses the school's former head football coach Mike Riley of failing to correct a hostile and sexually violent culture among football players that contributed to her being raped.

The woman alleges that she was raped on Oct. 9, 1999, while a freshman at OSU. The Oregonian/OregonLive is not naming her because she claims to be the victim of sexual assault.

Steve Clark, OSU's vice president of university relations, said Tuesday that the school generally refuted claims made by the woman in her lawsuit.

"We're not responsible for her very unfortunate sexual assault," he said.

The woman had attended a party at an off-campus apartment when a young man approached her with an open can of beer saying he was visiting the Corvallis campus and was down from Portland.

"She took two drinks of the beer and then became woozy and fuzzy-headed," according to her complaint filed Monday in Eugene's U.S. District Court. She vomited and the man escorted her to an apartment in the 1400 block of Northwest 20th Street, where some OSU football players allegedly lived.

She passed out and regained consciousness in a bedroom with OSU football jerseys and team photos on the walls.

"She was being sexually assaulted by the young man who had offered her the beer," the suit says. "She was unable to move her arms or legs to fight back. She faded back out of consciousness."

She woke the next morning naked and alone in the same bed where the assault occurred, she alleges. She dressed and fled the apartment.

A day or two later, she reported being raped to a sexual assault counselor at OSU's Student Health Services, the lawsuit says. She accuses the counselor of suggesting that she had perhaps said "yes" to the man and that she shouldn't have been drinking.

The encounter with the counselor dissuaded the student "from seeking any further help from OSU, and consequently did nothing more to hold her perpetrator accountable for his crime," the lawsuit alleges.

"After the rape and OSU's hostile response," the complaint says, the woman wasn't able to continue her studies.

The lawsuit does not make clear what has happened to the woman in recent years. But on Nov. 14, 2014, she saw the Brenda Tracy story in The Oregonian and that Tracy reported being sexually assaulted on June 24, 1998, by four men, two of whom – Calvin Carlyle and Jason Dandridge – played football at OSU.

Tracy, the woman learned, had been raped in the same apartment complex where she would wake up 15 months later, according to the lawsuit.

The woman alleges that OSU officials in the late 1990s, including Riley, failed to remedy a sexually violent culture toward women permitted by OSU's football program and implement a more effective assault prevention policy. (Riley is now the head football coach at the University of Nebraska.)

She alleges that her attacker was one of Carlyle's cousins.

The lawsuit accuses Oregon State of deliberate indifference to prior sexual violence and Riley of deprivation of due process and violation of equal protection.

"We disagree and refute her claim that the university's actions in the Brenda Tracy matter led to her assault a year later by a non-student relative of one of Ms. Tracy's assailants," said Clark, the university spokesman.

It seeks $7.5 million in damages.
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Brian Christopherson ‏@HuskerExtraBC 5m5 minutes ago

The woman who filed the Title IX lawsuit alleges the rape happened on Oct. 9, 1999. Worth noting Riley was coaching the Chargers at the time
This is just odd. Statute of limitations here? I don't know. Seems incredibly weird to file a lawsuit 16 years after something happens. Especially something this severe in nature.
This is ridiculous! http:// http://

The sexual assault charges on two OSU players in the summer of 1998 were dropped, both were still given suspensions by MR for the first game of the season. Riley then left for the Chargers after the season in January of 1999. This alleged rape took place in October of 1999 while Dennis Erickson was head coach. So it sounds like more of an issue for OSU and law enforcement than Mike Riley....
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This is just odd. Statute of limitations here? I don't know. Seems incredibly weird to file a lawsuit 16 years after something happens. Especially something this severe in nature.

There are no S.O.L.s on Title IX cases. There are actually examples that go further back than 16 years.
After this long, it just looks like a money grab. If any lawyers out there wonder why so many people think so low of their chosen profession, I present to you this case.
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Over/Under on how long it goes on before her attorney and OSU settle out of court for around $1M?

There will be no settlement. This case has zero shot. ORegon State will hold pat for years. They're basically going to try and prove that a preponderance of evidence illustrates Mike Riley oversaw a culture of violence and rape in 1998 which led to an alleged assault in 1999. Its utterly ridiculous.

Her attorney must be a loser.
The only new part to this story is the suit's filing; these allegations/facts have long been out.
Can a judge ask a plaintiff "why now?" in terms of timing in lawsuit?

It wasn't even OSU football was relatives of OSU football players. Alleged occurrence didn't happen on campus either...
This is just another person looking to get paid off. The girl was clearly drinking and put herself in the situation.. The typical "I had a couple drinks". If it did happen that sucks but seems hard to believe.
This is just another person looking to get paid off. The girl was clearly drinking and put herself in the situation.. The typical "I had a couple drinks". If it did happen that sucks but seems hard to believe.


If we were having a beer somewhere, I bet I could sit across the table from you and tell you an awful lot about this woman, without ever having met her, and most of what I'd "guess" would be really accurate. Not all of it I'm sure, but I'm guessing about 90%.
This is just another person looking to get paid off. The girl was clearly drinking and put herself in the situation.. The typical "I had a couple drinks". If it did happen that sucks but seems hard to believe.
I Hate hearing the old "She shouldn't have been drinking/She was asking for it" argument. So women aren't allowed to consume alcohol around men? Bull----.

That said, this case looks pretty thin. Not sure why Mike Riley is named here.
Not saying rape is ok l by any means but many times people make dumb decisions and look for a scape goat

This is all very odd. I don't have any reason to believe it didn't happen, but I can't see how it's Riley's fault, particularly given that he was not the coach at the time.

It would appear that she never filed criminal charges, which makes the odds of her winning awfully slim. Sounds like it boils down to a 16-year-old case of one person's word against another's.

Is Riley the named defendant, or OSU?
There will be no settlement. This case has zero shot. ORegon State will hold pat for years. They're basically going to try and prove that a preponderance of evidence illustrates Mike Riley oversaw a culture of violence and rape in 1998 which led to an alleged assault in 1999. Its utterly ridiculous.

Her attorney must be a loser.
I agree the case has zero shot, but the university needs to do a cost analysis on how much it will cost to fight, and the intangible of how this dragging through court for years will tarnish the university. They may pay just to get her off their back.
Can a judge ask a plaintiff "why now?" in terms of timing in lawsuit?

It wasn't even OSU football was relatives of OSU football players. Alleged occurrence didn't happen on campus either...

Title IX has no geography. Doesn't matter if it was off campus.
I Hate hearing the old "She shouldn't have been drinking/She was asking for it" argument. So women aren't allowed to consume alcohol around men? Bull----.

That said, this case looks pretty thin. Not sure why Mike Riley is named here.

I agree with you about the victim blaming. On this case though, it doesn't look like she has much to stand on. She never reported the rape to police. It happened off campus with someone who didn't go to OSU. I'm not sure why OSU is responsible for none students off campus.
I partied pretty hard in college and still do to some degree. And I've been around many, many people who got completely trashed to the point of incoherence and then the next day said, "Someone must have put something in my drink." In no way am I judging this girl but unless there's this massive underground market for that drug, which I've never been around, in most cases you just drank too much. At least that's how it's been with the people I've been around.
I'm going to sue Urban for making me fat damn it. I think urban Meyer has a cousins friends wife that works at McDonalds so I am pressing charges on urban Meyer for my obesity
I partied pretty hard in college and still do to some degree. And I've been around many, many people who got completely trashed to the point of incoherence and then the next day said, "Someone must have put something in my drink." In no way am I judging this girl but unless there's this massive underground market for that drug, which I've never been around, in most cases you just drank too much. At least that's how it's been with the people I've been around.
You are spot on! People just look for an excuse for there actions
I agree with you about the victim blaming. On this case though, it doesn't look like she has much to stand on. She never reported the rape to police. It happened off campus with someone who didn't go to OSU. I'm not sure why OSU is responsible for none students off campus.

Title IX reports to a campus coordinator are entirely different than police reports. The guilt requirements are also much different. 50 + a feather's percent more is guilt under Title IX and they are not allowed to render a 'we don't know' decision on reports. Title IX reports to a campus coordinator do not depend on campus occurrence. There is no geography for Title IX.
I partied pretty hard in college and still do to some degree. And I've been around many, many people who got completely trashed to the point of incoherence and then the next day said, "Someone must have put something in my drink." In no way am I judging this girl but unless there's this massive underground market for that drug, which I've never been around, in most cases you just drank too much. At least that's how it's been with the people I've been around.

Someone has drugged my sister before and my family witnessed the effects (she was not hurt). There is certainly some overlap with being drunk but other effects are noticeably different.
Not saying rape is ok l by any means but many times people make dumb decisions and look for a scape goat
I just don't get how people always jump to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the woman when one of these cases comes out. Were you there? How do you know that's what's going on here?

So, without commenting on the woman or the evidence, I think it's safe to say that Mike's culpability is a stretch. But it's important to keep an open mind in these cases and not jump to conclusions.
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I partied pretty hard in college and still do to some degree. And I've been around many, many people who got completely trashed to the point of incoherence and then the next day said, "Someone must have put something in my drink." In no way am I judging this girl but unless there's this massive underground market for that drug, which I've never been around, in most cases you just drank too much. At least that's how it's been with the people I've been around.

In my house we refer to it as "Moscato poisoning"...Cause it couldn't have been MY fault for drinking that much!!
I just don't get how people always jump to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the woman when one of these cases comes out. Were you there? How do you know that's what's going on here?

So, without commenting on the woman or the evidence, I think it's safe to say that Mike's culpability is a stretch. But it's important to keep an open mind in these cases and not jump to conclusions.

Nah, I'm gonna avoid the Christmas rush and start thinking she's an idiot right away, and that her attorney is a loser.
I just don't get how people always jump to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the woman when one of these cases comes out. Were you there? How do you know that's what's going on here?

So, without commenting on the woman or the evidence, I think it's safe to say that Mike's culpability is a stretch. But it's important to keep an open mind in these cases and not jump to conclusions.
Have you read the police report on it? Yes if it did happen it's terrible but it's just as bad when people make up things because they partied to hard and need a scape goat for there actions
Some of you guys don't realize how common it is for a woman to be drugged at a bar. It happens far more than people appear to want to acknowledge. I'm not taking a position on any case; however, to minimize the significance of drugs that are used to sexually assault is a huge mistake.
What is sad is there have been so many ridiculous false rape claims on university campuses in recent years, along with this crazy feminazi, anti-men schtick going on at some of these colleges that it is hard to take claims serious until the time someone is actually convicted.

This has all backfired on the radical left. Now people are more inclined to doubt true victims and true victims may be less likely to step forward.
Some of you guys don't realize how common it is for a woman to be drugged at a bar. It happens far more than people appear to want to acknowledge. I'm not taking a position on any case; however, to minimize the significance of drugs that are used to sexually assault is a huge mistake.
I see this point. I see the other side as well well girls barely wear any clothing out, get hammered beyond belief, end up at some guys house and the cry wolf because they were to drunk to remember what happened
if I was the judge I'd tell her to take responsibility for her actions, decisions, attitude and quit blaming everyone else for her life's problems
Have you read the police report on it? Yes if it did happen it's terrible but it's just as bad when people make up things because they partied to hard and need a scape goat for there actions
I have, and I agree it looks strange (especially where MR is involved). I just to prefer to let it play out in court before I speak with certitude on it. Given the vulnerability of the real victims in these cases, I just don't want have calling out a victim on my conscience if it ends up she has a legitimate claim...
Some of you guys don't realize how common it is for a woman to be drugged at a bar. It happens far more than people appear to want to acknowledge. I'm not taking a position on any case; however, to minimize the significance of drugs that are used to sexually assault is a huge mistake.

I present to you....The Duke Lacrosse case, lots of otherwise smart people fell for that as well, wait 16 years, you don't get my benefit of any doubt. Period.
I have, and I agree it looks strange (especially where MR is involved). I just to prefer to let it play out in court before I speak with certitude on it. Given the vulnerability of the real victims in these cases, I just don't want have calling out a victim on my conscience if it ends up she has a legitimate claim...
I agree.. It's just disappointing media had to draw this all the way back to Riley. That's what makes it fishy someone is looking for money
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