SEC - Just Means More

this 10% fee is a donation to NIL. it goes directly to the players.
Looks like this fee is going to the revenue share that the University is going to being paying players in the future and not NIL. As far as I'm concerned, this paying players (revenue share) has come about from the enormous amount of money universities are getting from TV rights now. So, IMO this salaried capped ($20 million) revenue share should be paid from the TV rights revenue. The rest of the athletic department should run as close to usual as possible with ticket sales funding all of the things they funded previously.
if you're buying a ticket but don't want to support the current or future players directly, perhaps you'd be better suited to signing up to take a weekend class at the U like the idea so you're fine forcing people to go along with it. I get it, you don't want to give them the round up option because you know people won't do it. By a wide margin.
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Looks like this fee is going to the revenue share that the University is going to being paying players in the future and not NIL. As far as I'm concerned, this paying players (revenue share) has come about from the enormous amount of money universities are getting from TV rights now. So, IMO this salaried capped ($20 million) revenue share should be paid from the TV rights revenue. The rest of the athletic department should run as close to usual as possible with ticket sales funding all of the things they funded previously.
I agree with you there.

but when in history have a bunch of old folks/institutions who profit wildly from the incredibly hard work of those on the front line volunteered their piece of the pie back to the ones who actually earn it for them?

answer - never

if you're buying a ticket but don't want to support the current or future players directly, perhaps you'd be better suited to signing up to take a weekend class at the U
This is why I get in your kitchen so much on threads. You force your opinion on everyone and when they don’t agree you bash them. I personally like the idea and would have no issues if the AD went this route. But I understand other views on this . If the AD would try this it would eventually fly even if some would pushback a little. I seriously doubt anyone would turn in their seats over this .
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This is why I get in your kitchen so much on threads. You force your opinion on everyone and when they don’t agree you bash them. I personally like the idea and would have no issues if the AD went this route. But I understand other views on this . If the AD would try this it would eventually fly even if some would pushback a little. I seriously doubt anyone would turn in their seats over this .
I'm not bashing anyone who wants to line the pockets of the bureaucrats/stuffed shirts/admins while intentionally not giving a cent to the players when buying a ticket.

it's their prerogative.
I'm not bashing anyone who wants to line the pockets of the bureaucrats/stuffed shirts/admins while intentionally not giving a cent to the players when buying a ticket.

it's their prerogative.
my only struggle is that you make these proclamations knowing they will not impact you at all - since you do not pay for season tickets and the donations to receive them.
I think yer adding 2 and 2 and getting 4.

Buying a ticket is a choice. Making somebody donate to a cause they may not believe in if they buy said ticket is forced. You know that. You're just arguing because you like the idea and think eveeyone should go along with it because you like it.

I have an idea, make it an option when you buy a the round up at the grocery store. Do that, and nobody could possibly have a problelem with it. Inc me.
I tend to agree with this, even though I don't particpate. LOL

Why can't they just do the normal ticket price with a box to make a contribution/donation? It IS possible if the team gets on a real roll the contributions could be much more than 10%.

They need to invite tightass Warren Buffet to join in the 400 consecutive sellouts and highlight him during the game maybe the old billionaire will throw a few bucks the programs way, especially if they make it a tax free donation.
John 14:6 has entered the chat.
Not that we want this to delve into a re*igio*s discussion, but I do not believe in tithing, or how much or little you tithe determines your ultimate fate.

I do believe in a higher power, but have never, nor will I ever believe in organized religion. Nearly all churches are now 501c3, as a result, they answer to the corporation, not to their flock.

If they were worried about their flock, they would be more concerned with their patrons financial welfare than the church. If they're unable to pay their bills as a tax free organization, then maybe they need to scale down their spending. Those that want to tithe, will do so.

If Sklar thinks this is out of line, please feel free to delete this post.
my only struggle is that you make these proclamations knowing they will not impact you at all - since you do not pay for season tickets and the donations to receive them.
they impact me greatly.

there's a direct straight line from donations to overall talent level on the team.
they impact me greatly.

there's a direct straight line from donations to overall talent level on the team.
But the 10% increase in season tickets would have no impact on you financially. Warm fuzzies for the team winning doesn’t count 😁
But the 10% increase in season tickets would have no impact on you financially. Warm fuzzies for the team winning doesn’t count 😁
financial impact doesn't even register on my radar. I donate to 1890 from afar and am glad to do it.

the team winning is what matters. this would obviously help that.
This is maybe a pointless argument with no winner and just opinions. It’s akin to say a higher taxed city being a nicer place to live. In both cases the quality of management is going to be the larger factor.

If you buy a ticket in any capacity, you are already supporting the team in multiple ways. The argument is to force ticket buyers to “support even more” (and apparently to shame them into it) One would maybe have to dig in and see how many less tickets they might sell based on the economic health or ideology of your average game attendee.

On one hand I think it would end up being a net-positive for the team at least in the short term, on the other hand there would be some families that get knocked out of being able to attend with kids, which is kind of what makes Nebraska who we are. Starting family oriented fans young. Are you potentially losing lifelong fans because little Timmys didn’t get to experience a game with dad at a young age? Yes. You would be nudging the activity a little bit more into the “only for the families who can afford it” category.

It’s worth noting for argument sake that (correct me if I’m wrong) Kong rarely attends games, lives out of state, so the rise in ticket price would not much apply to him.
I'm not bashing anyone who wants to line the pockets of the bureaucrats/stuffed shirts/admins while intentionally not giving a cent to the players when buying a ticket.

it's their prerogative.
Unrelated, but, at some point the buyout money will end for the Pelini-Riley-Frost mistakes. In my world of accounting, every time you completely pay off a million dollar debt that is non- producing is the same as adding 2 million dollars to your bottom line.
Once a month my church has a separate offering for just coins and the money goes straight to local charity. NU could do this too. People dumping coins into a huge barrel with a coin sorter. Everyone could have their kids go up and be the one to dump it in like at church.
Once a month my church has a separate offering for just coins and the money goes straight to local charity. NU could do this too. People dumping coins into a huge barrel with a coin sorter. Everyone could have their kids go up and be the one to dump it in like at church.
Use the change you get back from buying your hot dog.
this 10% fee is a donation to NIL. it goes directly to the players.

Yeah, that’s exactly my point. I already donate to the university and I already donate to 1890. If you involuntarily make me donate more money to NIL I’ll just quit voluntary donations to NIL. So, a net loss for NU. Ask me to donate, don’t force me, or otherwise live with the consequences.
Yeah, that’s exactly my point. I already donate to the university and I already donate to 1890. If you involuntarily make me donate more money to NIL I’ll just quit voluntary donations to NIL. So, a net loss for NU. Ask me to donate, don’t force me, or otherwise live with the consequences.
the university doesn't need any more donations

requiring that for season tickets is an absolute racket

if anything should stop, it's that and not NIL
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the university doesn't need any more donations

requiring that for season tickets is an absolute racket

if anything should stop, it's that and not NIL

I would love it if all of some of my ticket donations went to NIL instead of the university. Not sure that’s legal per NIL rules? I don’t think it is, but I don’t know that for 100%.
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NO WAY!!!! This changes everything!!!!

I honestly don't see the connection here, but could I use that line as an excuse to charge an addl fee for, everything?
Yes you could if you have willing buyers. The average fan knows what is going on with the new rules on paying players and realize this is a new and additional expense. They can either add it in a fashion that explains where the money is going or just raise ticket prices and get about 100,000 questions why.
No it is not NIL. It’s going to the NCAA negotiated lawsuit that will be allotting approximately 20 million per year per school of revenue sharing expense that universities will have to pay. That is what they are trying to fund.
has that been officially ruled on?
No it is not NIL. It’s going to the NCAA negotiated lawsuit that will be allotting approximately 20 million per year per school of revenue sharing expense that universities will have to pay. That is what they are trying to fund.

Thank you for the clarity on this. Not the same as donating to NIL. Not at all the same thing. That’s UT passing their court ordered expenses down to the consumer/fan. Given that information, I’m even less in favor of such a move.
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I'm not bashing anyone who wants to line the pockets of the bureaucrats/stuffed shirts/admins while intentionally not giving a cent to the players when buying a ticket.

it's their prerogative.
So you think ZERO dollars donated to the Nebraska Athletic Fund never directly or indirectly benefited athletes and it all went to administration and employees??If so you're clearly mistaken. If I am misinterpreting this then my apology
you're probably right.

there are a ton of cheap bastards with zero vision out there.

which is why the rich always get richer.
How does the "rich get richer" work out in this situation? I am guessing that out of 80,000+ paying people, most are not rich. Someone saves a few bucks on a ticket, that doesn't make them rich.

Just think if Nebraska did this now. After all these years of filling the stadium even with a bad product on the field, all the sudden the product is better so the admin says, hey lets soak those suckers a few more bucks.
How does the "rich get richer" work out in this situation? I am guessing that out of 80,000+ paying people, most are not rich. Someone saves a few bucks on a ticket, that doesn't make them rich.

Just think if Nebraska did this now. After all these years of filling the stadium even with a bad product on the field, all the sudden the product is better so the admin says, hey lets soak those suckers a few more bucks.
cheap people are always in "save a penny" mode, causing them to hand wring over stuff like this

rich people are always in "make a buck" mode, meaning a 10% uptick in something they enjoy won't infringe on their continued participation