Just for the record,
a -there are other choices between hiring Scott Frost or keeping Mike Riley. Gray area, I know it's tough for some of you to comprehend.
b- a no vote for Frost does not automatically mean a yes vote to keep Riley. Again not black and white.
c- If the recruiting rankings have had UCF consistently where they are in the rankings, top1-4 in their conference for the past several years, wouldn't that mean the George O'Leary is also a great coach? He won a Fiesta Bowl with the same level of talent. - Weird how that works.
d- George O'Leary had an 0-12 record his last year but went 21-5 in the previous 2 seasons, he recruited those players that went 21-5 and many of the starters on the current UCF roster. Does his one bad year show the team had 0-12 talent?
e - saying a team didn't have 0-12 talent, is not the same as saying they had 12-0 talent. Again, there is gray and not everything is black and white.
As usual, some are more worried about being right about Frost being the guy and are apparently unable to even consider other options and are unable to have any semblance of a discussion about it.
When/ if Frost turns down the job, this place will go into full meltdown mode, When/if he takes the job, there will be all sorts of excuses and defenses made for why he didn't win a conference title within 3 years. The league is tough, the East is just better, 2018 schedule is hard, you can't expect him to recruit to Nebraska on short notice, new offense, lazy players recruited by Riley, bad S&C program under Riley, no discipline under Riley, the team is soft under Riley. No development under Riley.
The discussions don't change, just what side of the argument you choose to be on does.