4A??? Not really- it goes 6,5,4, etc... Equivalent to Broken Bow size in Nebraska, and that might not be even the best comparison but 4A is small school here in Texas
Van is 4A, Division 1. Schools for that division fall between 686 and 1059 for enrollment. Texas counts grades 9-12 for their enrollment, while Nebraska counts 9-11. But, Texas uses a multiplier of 1.33 when the incoming freshman are unknown and a school only does a 3-grade count as a result.
Using that multiplier for Nebraska numbers: 686 would be closest in size to Blair (Nebraska count is 521, using the multiplier it would be 692) the 11th biggest Class B school. 1059 would be closest to Elkhorn South (Nebraska count is 794, using the multiplier it would be 1,056) the 3rd biggest Class B school.
So the class he's playing in would be equivalent in size (note, I'm not dealing with quality) to the largest third of the Class B schools in Nebraska.
FYI, Broken Bow is C1, with a count of 177 and a multiplier count of 235. They would be comparable to a 3A Division II school in Texas.
Texas Cut Off #'s
4A Division I Teams
Nebraska Classification Data