Good. He should be. But to blame the fans: people who have filled the stadium and travelled for 20 years of mostly garbage, who have donated and bought tickets and merchandise, who pay for the NIL deals, etc. is completely backwards. People work all week digging ditches, farming, tax auditing, teaching, running their landscaping business, or whatever they do and then take that money and go to games, buy shirts, or just out right donate so that the N can have all sorts of nice things. The fans investment allowed them to parlay this into a move to a stable conference and massive media rights deals. It allows administrators, who mostly do nothing, to have nice offices and auto leases, it allows for the employment of thousands of people and money sent back to the academic portion of university to help educate students. All of this is because of the fans, none of it is possible if they were playing on an empty field without TV coverage.He looked bitterly disappointed on the sidelines as time ran out.
If the posters on this thread are representative of the fans, I'd strongly suggest he move away from this toxic environment.
At this point, there needs to be some equity returned to the investors of this corporation in the form of wins, not complaints from the people benefitting from the years of that labor.