I was roasted years ago on this board for saying that Fitz was overrated. NW should have beaten us MORE but they rarely stuck with what was working in their gameplan. Having said that, he was certainly good for NW and I dunno who else they could have gotten. He was good at team building.
I don't know if these allegations are true or not. If they are true, he needs to go. This is not normal "hazing" like stuffing freshmen in trash cans. Dudes pretending to gang butt rape other dudes? What the hell? Who are these people? Never once did it ever cross my mind, "Hey, you know what sounds fun? Let's all act like we're humping a dude and then have people touch our balls when they don't want to lol." What a bunch of sickos.
Big ten sucks. Sucks really bad. It's a lame, perverted, elitist and smug conference that's incredibly overrated. The over-the-top woke liberalism does not align with Nebraska values. The football is ok, I enjoy watching some of the teams, some I don't. It's easy to say now that it was a wrong decision joining. It is, however, revisionist hindsight.
Do I wish we were still in the big 12? Yes. But I get why the decision was made when it was.
I hope BIG adds Kansas.