I've got about 10 years left. 59 and a half, I'm selling my house cashing out my 401k. Selling my gold and silver and headed to the beaches of Thailand. You can live like a king over there for way cheaper than the good old US of Inflation. A brand-new house over there for 80k. with a pool. Good luck finding a house in this country for 80k that isn't in a crack neighborhood or on fire.
First of all HBK, you're a really good dude, so I think I can offer you a suggestion, and I even thought about posting this since yesterday cause far be it from me to ever tell anyone what they should do. I only offer this as a "suggestion."
If you can swing a nice place in Thailand, you would be positioned so much better in the near term if you could do so without unloading your precious metals. Of course, its none of my business, but events tell me you could be the KING and not just live like a king when one thing happens.
We are getting dangerously close to the short squeeze for the ages in precious metals. The time will come when someone will not be able to deliver a large order and then the price of metals will skyrocket. Your wealth may increase 20/50/100 times within a month. Now you're talking about living in a palace environment.
It's a mathematical certainty that this will happen. The 10 Year Bond is now at 4.62% and rising. If and when it goes past 5.00% to somewhere at 5.20% the whole system is subject to breaking.
In the silver market, India with its silver purchases and huge solar panel production is now using over 50% of global silver production. Gold will run and silver will sprint.
The price in the gold market i(60.00-80.00 an ounce and 2-3.00 in spot versus 6.50-7.00 an ounce) in the US and the East is enough that large buyers of gold purchase gold from the US, ship it to the East and can arbitrage and sell it for a higher price and make money hand over fist. That activity continues to increase, at a point, the US in the open market looks likely to be so short, the price has nowhere to go but straight up.
I apologize for even offering this suggestion, but in my world among my assets of cash, Bitcoin and cryptos, the last thing I'm ever going to sell is my precious metals. How much you have in market value in metals, I may just buy it from you for cash.
At any rate, I hope everything in Thailand meets your expectations. Take care.