The timing is odd. I wouldn't say I am wearing my tinfoil hat yet, but I am keeping it close by.
It seems most reasonable people in here seem to feel it is originated by government, and along with that I'm just asking if so, then what is the end game? I don't see anyone else asking that.
Surely the government is not allowing this, what has become, a real public thing just for the hell of it? For someone like Kirby to say its not ours, we don't know what it is, but it poses no threat is kinda laughable.
The video pretty much debunks the idea that they're flying from a "mother ship". I think his explanation may in fact explain some of the large drones. I do think it's very possible that they're CIA or FBI operated drones looking for something. It's pretty clear that there are civilians some with nefarious intent operating small ones in restricted areas. I'm sure the FBI will get to the bottom of it.
After watching the orchestration with the Floyd riots nothing would surprise me anymore.
Awhile back the government opened up a drone area passageway, a proving ground, if you will, in NJ.
There are over 50 different drone companies that produce drones in that area. Then they began to allow drones to fly at night which brought out a lot of likely citizen activity as well.
It's possible one of the planned results would be the government making it illegal for private citizens, who aren't corporate members or the government to even fly drones legally. All it would take is some citizens, or a nefarious actor, to fly a drone into a small plane or other, and cause it to go down, or even something a lot less dramatic.
That may seem far fetched, but the government wasn't fond of private drones flying over the devastation in North Carolina, since that upsets the public even more. We all know anytime the government can't control the narrative, they take measures to try to do that.
When one or more posters suggest we may be looking for dirty bombs, none of us know if that's true or not, but it could be. The last thing I'm gonna do is dismiss it out of hand. At least they bring forward their theory or opinion, yet some on here offer nothing to the discussion.
Looks like I managed to reply to two different posts here.