Months ago, I predicted to one of our forum members this soft roll out of "Project Bluebeam" would occur.Then if they’re not idiots then they need to come forth with a better explanation ( factual or not) for what thousands of people are seeing. IF it’s our guys just say it’s training exercises. IF it’s somebody else say it’s training exercises. Don’t have the FBI come out and say it’s manned planes because witnesses have already said they were not. Again, my first inclination was to believe it’s our military or CiA. The longer it goes the more I doubt that.
What was once an occassional sighting of a UAP or UFO has become a "thing." A vast number of citizens who went about their daily life with zero interest in things "unexplained" are now being fed unverified information by many news sources. The key to any successful psyops is to slowly, but steadily, bring in more and more people to fuel speculation one way or the other, but ultimately the direction its been intended all along.
IF the govt knew what all these sighted objects were, they wouldn't tell you because not enough of the masses are engaged. If the govt didn't know what all these sighted objects are, that would violate too many beliefs and they still wouldn't tell you.
Because none of us know for sure what the end game is, we just get to go along for the ride in whatever fashion pleases our senses. At some point, there will be a strong showing of what that might entail. Maybe something like an unveiling on, shall we say, Super Bowl Sunday when the whole world is watching?
Now you have everyone's attention. The narrative is still being written.
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