OT: Mystery drones across Nebraska

I’d say if some of the reports are and claims are true of these drones flying and being level with windows and are “peeping” in the window I’m going to record it while I shoot the damn thing down... 100 feet over my head got it peeping in my window then I’d feel confident that I’m not the one breaking laws there...
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Remote control small aircraft have been used since WWII.

This is old old old news. The only difference being cost, speed, and range of this type of equipment.

They are now useful enough to use long range and sustained. Half the public doesn't care if they operate over privately owned areas and the other half thinks its aliens or something.

The only thing I question is whether it is used to unethically move someone off their property due to any findings they uncover.
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I was in offut fight pattern one day at 72nd and center, real low clouds and I seen a stealth bomber fly out of one cloud and into another, flying really low. the first thing I thought of was bat man, impressive sight
Has anyone spotted one of these drones? Several reported flying over Kearney, Axtell, Broken Bow, Orleans, Alma....seems too coincidental to be some turd’s new Christmas toy but weird the source has yet to be identified...starting to feel like some Art Bell/George Noory level s**t here
I live in Omaha, pretty close to Offutt AFB. I’ve seen some crazy things around there. Last summer, I was sitting on the deck, drinking a beer, and saw a very large drone north of the base, just hovering. It then made a couple of crazy-fast side motions, and kinda just disappeared.

Everyone thought I was crazy until this story came out. has a map of the sightings on their website. Not saying my sighting was related, but it was a very large quadcopter.
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Thayer county accessor hired a company a couple years ago to fly over the county. I guess they were looking for more things to tax. I mentioned to the accessor if I saw one over my place it’s coming down, she told me I would get into legal trouble.
They don't need drones to check up on your property. They use a satellite program called "What's New". The program flags all new structures in the county for them then they can zoom in a take a closer look. They can see a flea on a cat's ass with the satellite imagery on a clear day. I'm going to see how astute our county's zoning administrator is by slightly enlarging a small calf shelter when I put some new tin on the roof. :p
Seriously, now they are closing in on Lincoln and Omaha. There's like an army of UFO nuts who were going to storm Area 51. You think they would be getting to the bottom of this.
It's highly unlikely that this has anything to do with the military. The DoD controls millions of acres of airspace in Nevada so why would they use their toys over public lands in Colorado and Nebraska?
Yep. Personally if it's in NE then it's out of dod range
They don't need drones to check up on your property. They use a satellite program called "What's New". The program flags all new structures in the county for them then they can zoom in a take a closer look. They can see a flea on a cat's ass with the satellite imagery on a clear day. I'm going to see how astute our county's zoning administrator is by slightly enlarging a small calf shelter when I put some new tin on the roof. :p[/QUOTE
If the program cost money, I’m sure Thayer county is to cheap to buy rent or join. Either that or the former accessor waisted taxpayers money by hire a drone and having the satellite program.
As I said earlier it's most likely a military thing. Now sounding more and more likely that it is an Airforce exercise. Airforce won't confirm OR DENY their involvement.
Normal group think is taking over now as reports of drones are being reported from all over the state and around Omaha now. Every kid that got one for Christmas is now being reported to authorities.
By most accounts these things aren't your average small few hundred dollar toys. These are large and some estimated at 10s of thousands of dollars. So to me that automatically eliminates the public. Most have been spotted at night, which to me says whoever is using them probably wants as few people as possible to notice them.
That leaves Military, Large Companies( ag, mining, drilling companies) or someone who is doing illegal shit. As some have mentioned the military has thousands of acres all over the country to test their toys. Most in areas that are much less isolated as to not be noticed by the public. Why would they pick here where they could be spotted much more easily?
It could be large business looking for areas to drill, mine farm. They may do this in the evenings as to limit attention from angry farmers knowing they want to take their lands.
That leaves illegal activities, as someone above mention, this actually makes a ton of sense. Most of the drugs come from Mexico. What better way to distribute them using these large drones to make drops in low population farm lands in the middle of the country where it can be picked up and distributed all over the Midwest. Do it at night makes the most sense. However this theory loses some credibility because if indeed these things were coming from Mexico with drugs, I would assume people in Texas, Kansas Oklahoma would also be seeing them as they were making their way up.
Sorry guys, the drones are my fault. I told my youngest that he couldn't find his ass from a hole in the ground and he is out looking for it.
Flying at night pretty much eliminates mapping like Google or Apple. There's a conspiracy theory out there about a nuclear device that went missing from colorado last month and the AF is looking for it. Considering how these things are moving east in a fairly linear path it does seem plausible, but not likely.
Flying at night pretty much eliminates mapping like Google or Apple. There's a conspiracy theory out there about a nuclear device that went missing from colorado last month and the AF is looking for it. Considering how these things are moving east in a fairly linear path it does seem plausible, but not likely.

Sounds reasonable
I find it impossible to believe the general public finances and free time would allow for this...tens of thousands of dollars and every night almost?? Who has that kind of time?? Unless they are being controlled by one rich person, there is no way this is public related and the time at which they're flying suggests they don't want anyone to know about it so really that only leaves the military and that also means they aren't testing, because as others have mentioned they have better places to test those things.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the FAA could track, and tell who's flying them and from where??

Edit/addition...I forgot I chimed in on this a day or three ago and I think I pretty much said the same thing...yikes. Gotta lay off those Colorado brownies.
Flying at night pretty much eliminates mapping like Google or Apple. There's a conspiracy theory out there about a nuclear device that went missing from colorado last month and the AF is looking for it. Considering how these things are moving east in a fairly linear path it does seem plausible, but not likely.
I just heard this theory getting my haircut this morning
As I said earlier it's most likely a military thing. Now sounding more and more likely that it is an Airforce exercise. Airforce won't confirm OR DENY their involvement.
Very possible that the drones are flying exercises out of Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City. It would make sense for them to take off and fly across sparsely populated areas of western Nebraska and eastern Colorado with much less air traffic. They can be controlled from thousands of miles away.
The whole drug distribution thing doesn't make sense. I'm not a drug dealer, but I would think you would want something a little more inconspicuous. Like being national headlines and having the attention of every manner of military and law enforcement agency doesn't seem like a great plan.
. Several sightings over numerous nebraska towns. Elkhorn, West O agland, North Bend, Ashland, Norfolk. Up to 50 sighted above North Bend, hovering. Numerous other small towns.

The government absolutely knows whats going on. They are lying about not knowing. Its them. We’re talking millions upon millions of dollars worth of drones here.
Its probably something like war games/exercises and military practice. But if thats the case, why lie? Theyre being too ho-hum about it. I like Ricketts for the most part, but I am pissed he is lying about this. Its one thing to not tell us secrets. Its another to flat out lie, “nothing to see here.,..we are as perplexed as you...” yeah right, assholes. You can monitor a fly from a camels ass in arabia using your radar tech. And you dont know where these are coming from? We’re supposed to believe this? Its insulting.

Which is the next logical question....if they know, and they are lying...and theres no reason to lie about something like military drone training....then is it a potentially dangerous situation?
If not that, is it shady govt surveillance? I k ow, I know...tin foil hat and all that but at some point you have to wonder. We need answers, and frankly we deserve them.
The whole drug distribution thing doesn't make sense. I'm not a drug dealer, but I would think you would want something a little more inconspicuous. Like being national headlines and having the attention of every manner of military and law enforcement agency doesn't seem like a great plan.
Someone's clearly buying marijuana over the counter at a legal dispensary in Colorado and then using drones to illegally deliver it to Nebraskans. Such an elaborate and expensive scheme is required, because it's the only way people in Nebraska can get their hands on any weed.
Seems like there are only a few viable explanations.

1.(most likely) US Military - Have the technology and finances. Who trusts their report of no activity?!?

2. Some corporation (Google, Amazon, Big Oil, New Player?) testing or updating a mapping application?

3. Clearly this is the new millennium application of the County Scholarship program!

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