OT: Manning the rails


Nebraska Legend
Sep 4, 2004
Arlington, TX
Getting underway from Pier 4 Norfolk Naval Station in 1993. The destination was the Mediterranean in support of the Sixth Fleet. USS Sylvania (AFS-2)

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Hey boxes? I believe that's the USS Saipan in the background - correct?

Good pics!
Hey boxes? I believe that's the USS Saipan in the background - correct?

Good pics!

Yessir and thank you. Decided to digitally archive my photos. Haven't had a whole lot of free time. Will be adding to this thread pictures of my first Med Cruise.

On a side note, my nephew is scheduled for a May deployment (USMC). I'm excited for him. I sure hope he ends up in Japan and not Afghanistan. I'm sure he'll serve honorably, regardless.
SR Birchard in the scullery. Upon arriving at their first permanent duty station, recruits have to spend 3 months working in the mess deck; otherwise known as mess cranking.

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I love these pictures, I remember manning the rails on the USCGC Confidence as we came into Vancouver, BC in ‘72, blaring “Burning Bridges.” It was a rush even though it wasn’t even a burp on the locals. All of us in our Donald Duck outfits, it was cool.
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Yessir and thank you. Decided to digitally archive my photos. Haven't had a whole lot of free time. Will be adding to this thread pictures of my first Med Cruise.

On a side note, my nephew is scheduled for a May deployment (USMC). I'm excited for him. I sure hope he ends up in Japan and not Afghanistan. I'm sure he'll serve honorably, regardless.

Yes I thought that was an LHA....I served some time aboard her sister ship the USS Nassau (LHA-4)

A Semper Fi shout-out to your nephew!!
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Geez Boxes. You sure none of these pictures are classified?? Hate to lose you from this board.. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
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Many of us had collateral duties, other than our main duties, while certain operations were underway. Here's DK Buchanan doing some study in his down time. He was acting as a hose handler in case of a crash. It's one of the many collateral duties that I did as well.
While your service is greatly appreciated, I have to say I remain partial to the yoga pants thread.
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