OT: Electric cars in a hurricane/flood situation

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Again, do you know anyone who loves hunting enough to fly across the country, but drives an EV? Or who would drive an EV? Doesn't matter where they were from. Shocking I know because people love to stereotype, but there are super conservative people on both coasts and even in big cities. I'm not searching every car rental place in Sioux Falls but Hertz doesn't even have an EV truck when I searched.
Even if the story were true, those guys seemed like total idiots, and even that is being generous. One anecdote does not change the fact that EVs are already much better city drivers, but getting continuously better at recreational use as well. You have a bunch of people clinging to the past and afraid that the future will be different than they had imagined. That's what I see in 90% of the comments here.
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Everything's relative. Relatively speaking, they are. But it's only by so much, when a truly environmental approach would probably require more green mass transit and less personal private transport. But that's not happening in America lol so I'm comparison, EVs are indeed better for the environment.

Great for it? No. Better? More than marginally if everyone switched.
I think it’s important that people really dig into the facts that lead to climate alarmism. For example, the ocean is suffering from trash, chemical runoffs and overfishing, not your car. That would be a good place for people to direct their energies.
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yes i do. There's other places to rent vehicles than other Hertz in Sioux Falls. I know multiple people who lease their land for hunting out there and actually up until about 10 years ago owned a ranch in the area where I used to hunt deer.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit. Budget doesn't even have trucks. Can't find an EV truck for Alamo either. Another small town story. Reminds me of the "guy from out east" who shot the trunk full of meadowlarks thinking they were quail and went bragging. No matter what town in Nebraska you go to, the storyteller always swears his neighbor saw it and can verify.
Even if the story were true, those guys seemed like total idiots, and even that is being generous. One anecdote does not change the fact that EVs are already much better city drivers, but getting continuously better at recreational use as well. You have a bunch of people clinging to the past and afraid that the future will be different than they had imagined. That's what I see in 90% of the comments here.
It isn't true. People that hunt wouldn't own an EV because they would know it isn't compatible with rural driving. Therefore they wouldn't rent an EV, even if one were available, which at first glance doesn't even seem like they are available in Sioux Falls. Small town story telling at it's finest. In ND they probably change the story to ducks and say they flew into Fargo. In Montana they probably change it to Elk and say Bozeman.
I think it’s important that people really dig into the facts that lead to climate alarmism. For example, the ocean is suffering from trash, chemical runoffs and overfishing, not your car. That would be a good place for people to direct their energies.
Acidification of the ocean is primarily caused by CO2 in the atmosphere that cycles into the water.

When a person hears things like this it gets people a little agree.

What I see is higher gas prices and those prices are going to force people to move to EV's because gas is not going to cheap anymore.

I am not ever going to say Oil is going to disappear, but things like this make people feel they are going to be forced if not for lack of options, but because they won't be able to afford it

Biden wont be president in 2 months, We’ll have four years of Trump followed by eight years of Vance. All of the big auto manufacturers want to back away from their electric vehicle programs somewhat. People just aren’t having it (yet).

We have ridiculous amounts of oil in Canada, North Dakota and Texas. It is not scarce. The US is the largest producer of oil in the world . We could use more refineries though.
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Everything's relative. Relatively speaking, they are. But it's only by so much, when a truly environmental approach would probably require more green mass transit and less personal private transport. But that's not happening in America lol so I'm comparison, EVs are indeed better for the environment.

Great for it? No. Better? More than marginally if everyone switched.
I disagree and the slaves mining the rare earth minerals would also.
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People get so worked up about this subject on both sides but the reality is oil isn't going anywhere. No matter how hard anyone tries. I just wish they would focus on real hybrid technology because that is where it's at. Not this nonsense where electric kicks in when coasting 40 mph or when stopped. An electric car supplemented by an engine that charges it when needed.
Toyota Camry is now only made in a hybrid format and is touted as 50 mpg. But that's still only a traditional hybrid. What you are talking about is a plug in hybrid and I agree with you.
Toyota Camry is now only made in a hybrid format and is touted as 50 mpg. But that's still only a traditional hybrid. What you are talking about is a plug in hybrid and I agree with you.
What I imagine is you put your destination or route into your vehicle gps. It should be be able to figure out, based on speed, driving habits, temperatures, etc, how much battery it can use while leaving you with a full battery when you arrive at your final destination. For instance, if I'm driving to Lincoln from Kearney for the game and then turning around and going back to Kearney, it should be able to run that battery down to a pretty low point, knowing you have an interstate drive on the way home to fill it back up.

The F150 hybrid will use 15 miles of electic if driving interstate/highway on a 300 mile round trip. That seems stupid. Same mileage as a regular F150.
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We subsidize the hell out of airlines and that might be one of the worst things we do in this country for the environment. People wouldn't travel nearly as much if we let the free market determine how much was spent on airports and flights.

The federal government does subsidizes airlines through various programs, but primarily aimed at supporting air service in underserved areas. It’s not as some would portray it, as huge cash infusions to the airlines.

I disagree and the slaves mining the rare earth minerals would also.
That's largely a practice of the past. More modern mines are largely automated and they're looking to better minerals that are safer to extract and refine. Most videos like that one above are from like 10-20 years ago lol.
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I have one and it's a blast. But I also have a diesel ride and two others that are not EVs.

Even if all of CA is driving EVs, it wont change what China and India are doing to the environment.
But if we make everything electric, they will be sure to follow.
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Yeah, I'm calling bullshit. Budget doesn't even have trucks. Can't find an EV truck for Alamo either. Another small town story. Reminds me of the "guy from out east" who shot the trunk full of meadowlarks thinking they were quail and went bragging. No matter what town in Nebraska you go to, the storyteller always swears his neighbor saw it and can verify.
I bought a used 21 Expedition in Minneapolis last year that came from a truck rental company in Sioux Falls I had never heard of. The Carfax on it said it was purchased by that rental company brand new then taken to auction after 2 years of use. My Expedition’s nooks and crannies made it obvious that it had been used by at least one hunter. Kinda smells like a Labrador at times too. 😕
I disagree and the slaves mining the rare earth minerals would also.
Noone is being forced to do it. They are willing to do it for a market wage. Didn't know we had so many anti-capitalists and anti-free marketers on this board.
Your odds of getting stranded in an EV in an emergency situation are much greater than with a gas powered vehicle. Just about every location has a gas station or somebody with a can of gas.

A group of out of state pheasant hunters rented an EV truck and drove out to central South Dakota….the truck went back to Sioux Falls on a flatbed. Do you think there’s charging stations in rural Georgia or Florida? When my son evacuated from Houston he had to take backroads through rural areas. Every little town had a gas station.

It seems like you have some blind hate of EVs, based on your original post. If you wait and don't prepare for a hurricane/massive flooding event and things go to shit, then you're screwed either way.

Electric vehicles are fantastic if you live in a city and have a house that you can charge them in. They are not a logical solution with the current infrastructure if you live in a more remote region and need to drive longer distances frequently. What's cool is you have the option to buy either option that is best for you...

Regarding flooding... if you're thinking an electric car will fry because it's partially submerged in water, you're wrong. If the flooding is bad enough to affect an EV from moving, then it will also make an ICE car immovable and screwed as well.

Range anxiety from trying to flee a location AFTER a natural disaster is the only logical argument, but the reality is if the power goes down the gas pumps don't work either and that is not an easy situation to resolve. Some electric vehicles have the ability for you to use their charged battery to power your home for multiple days, similar to a large gas powered generator.
It seems like you have some blind hate of EVs, based on your original post. If you wait and don't prepare for a hurricane/massive flooding event and things go to shit, then you're screwed either way.

Electric vehicles are fantastic if you live in a city and have a house that you can charge them in. They are not a logical solution with the current infrastructure if you live in a more remote region and need to drive longer distances frequently. What's cool is you have the option to buy either option that is best for you...

Regarding flooding... if you're thinking an electric car will fry because it's partially submerged in water, you're wrong. If the flooding is bad enough to affect an EV from moving, then it will also make an ICE car immovable and screwed as well.

Range anxiety from trying to flee a location AFTER a natural disaster is the only logical argument, but the reality is if the power goes down the gas pumps don't work either and that is not an easy situation to resolve. Some electric vehicles have the ability for you to use their charged battery to power your home for multiple days, similar to a large gas powered generator.
Read all my posts. There’s no “blind hate” for EVs. I live in a fairly rural area with no charging stations. Likewise people fleeing hurricanes and floods have trouble finding places to charge them. Taxpayers already have subsidized the purchases with tax credits. Now I guess we get to pay for more charging stations right?
Read all my posts. There’s no “blind hate” for EVs. I live in a fairly rural area with no charging stations. Likewise people fleeing hurricanes and floods have trouble finding places to charge them. Taxpayers already have subsidized the purchases with tax credits. Now I guess we get to pay for more charging stations right?
I'll start worrying about EV subsidies when we stop subsidizing ethanol. We subidize a lot of inefficient stuff to satisfy specific groups.
Noone is being forced to do it. They are willing to do it for a market wage. Didn't know we had so many anti-capitalists and anti-free marketers on this board.
No one is paid "free" market wages in Countries where the large majority of lithium is mined. They work for the standards of housing and rations deemed appropriate for them by government as basic needs. America sadly is only one election away from becoming another one of them nations.
No one is paid "free" market wages in Countries where the large majority of lithium is mined. They work for the standards of housing and rations deemed appropriate for them by government as basic needs. America sadly is only one election away from becoming another one of them nations.
You're very ignorant of how that works then. I'm an economist. Market wages are the predominant form pretty much everywhere in the world. A sllight exception might be North Korea or a country like that, but African countries tend to have far fewer industry regulations than we have here in the US.
I heard that you had to decide to stay in the electric car or jump in the water with the sharks!
You're very ignorant of how that works then. I'm an economist. Market wages are the predominant form pretty much everywhere in the world. A sllight exception might be North Korea or a country like that, but African countries tend to have far fewer industry regulations than we have here in the US.
I beg to differ with you. People that identify themselves as economists and politicians I have observed have little knowledge of truth or service of America's taxpayers. All rhetoric and no agenda or consequences of talking nonsense. I am a realist, and I witness reality every day in my life. I do not care about "market wages are the predominant pretty much every everywhere in the world." We are America, let us keep liberty and prosperity alive in America.
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I heard that you had to decide to stay in the electric car or jump in the water with the sharks!
I heard that Captain Smith of the Titanic said you can take to the lifeboats or stay here with me listening to a good band as we die with a cause of remembrance.
Acidification of the ocean is primarily caused by CO2 in the atmosphere that cycles into the water.

Do you know what CO2 is? Do you know how oxygen in our atmosphere is produced? Do you know where most of that oxygen is produced?

Plants take in CO2 and release oxygen into our atmosphere, 70% of the oxygen in our atmosphere is produced by photosynthesizing algae in the earth’s oceans.
What is a dental dam?

“Like condoms, dental dams are an easy and effective barrier method of STD protection during oral sex, but unlike condoms they are a bit of a mystery for some. The thing is, these misunderstood pieces of latex can protect you from herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis and hepatitis so they're pretty dam important.”
Do you know what CO2 is? Do you know how oxygen in our atmosphere is produced? Do you know where most of that oxygen is produced?

Plants take in CO2 and release oxygen into our atmosphere, 70% of the oxygen in our atmosphere is produced by photosynthesizing algae in the earth’s oceans.
Argue with the scientists lol though that would be funny to see in person.

What happens then as the reef and algae die off from acidification?
What is inferior about an electric car vs a dino juice car in those situations? Both are going to hate flooding. If the area doesn't have electricity, you aren't charging or pumping gas.

If you make the argument that you can have cans of gas sitting around, well fair enough. Probably a completely valid point if you are prepared.

Are EV's going to perform worse in flooding? I actually don't know the answer. I'd be interested in facts.

What I don't understand is all the negativity vs EV's.
Range, I can drive from Atlanta past Columbia MO in my F150 and 36 gallon tank, There are no EVs with 750 mile range.
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The federal government does subsidizes airlines through various programs, but primarily aimed at supporting air service in underserved areas. It’s not as some would portray it, as huge cash infusions to the airlines.

Airport construction is supplemented by federal dollars. TSA and air traffic controllers and their systems are paid for with federal dollars.
Airport construction is supplemented by federal dollars. TSA and air traffic controllers and their systems are paid for with federal dollars.

Yes? That’s hardly subsidizing the airlines… that’s subsidizing the community, and air traffic control has been federally run, and funded by FAA since 1956.

That’s like saying the feds funding the interstate highway system = auto industry subsidies.

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Airport construction is supplemented by federal dollars. TSA and air traffic controllers and their systems are paid for with federal dollars.
Yes, absolutely. But let's not pretend like anyone is a tree hugger here. Airport construction and subsidization of regional airlines has had enormous economic benefits for the cities that are served.
We aren't running out of oil for generations. Oil might get expensive, but the more expensive it gets the more money oil companies sink into new exploration, drilling, and technology.
Oil is gonna get cheaper in the short term. Saudi Arabia is tired of getting their ass kicked by the U.S. and is doing away with their drilling limitations. OPEC is finally realizing that they don't have the power that they used to have.
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