OT: don't find my wife as attractive anymore


Offensive Coordinator
Sep 14, 2013
so, I've only been married for about 3 years, and notice that even though my wife is very attractive, I seem to have gotten tired of her or something.

how do I rekindle that feeling?

or is it just better to find and keep a new mistress on the side?
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Hey OP did you marry a 9/10? In my experience 9/10 types are great for a fling, but not marriage material. I married a 7 who I knew wouldn’t be too needy and who I genuinely enjoy spending time with outside our roll as working parents. After 25 years of marriage I meet 5 women a day I’d rather have the sex with, but I’ve never met another women I want to spend my life with..hope this helps..
Hey OP did you marry a 9/10? In my experience 9/10 types are great for a fling, but not marriage material. I married a 7 who I knew wouldn’t be too needy and who I genuinely enjoy spending time with outside our roll as working parents. After 25 years of marriage I meet 5 women a day I’d rather have the sex with, but I’ve never met another women I want to spend my life with..hope this helps..
she's prob a 7-8.. she's not too needy, quite independent, which I also like. I would never divorce her, nor prob cheat on her either.. I'm just wondering what happened to our sex life. poof.. gone
Hey OP did you marry a 9/10? In my experience 9/10 types are great for a fling, but not marriage material. I married a 7 who I knew wouldn’t be too needy and who I genuinely enjoy spending time with outside our roll as working parents. After 25 years of marriage I meet 5 women a day I’d rather have the sex with, but I’ve never met another women I want to spend my life with..hope this helps..

I would love to see her reaction to this post.....#yikes

At least your honest :)
should have just started a yoga pants thread... (not wife)

she's prob a 7-8.. she's not too needy, quite independent, which I also like. I would never divorce her, nor prob cheat on her either.. I'm just wondering what happened to our sex life. poof.. gone
I remember a similar phase at the 5-8 years of marriage time frame. We started our family around year 7. Since then I think she noticed my interest waning and she’s tried harder. Ts and Ps OP....
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Not sure if serious...but I'll respond as though it is.

Yes, that's a very common thing to have happen. Couples tend to fall into predictable patterns and those can get boring. My wife is more attractive to me than ever, but I still get weary of how routine all the lead-in becomes. The lack of spontaneity in particular becomes a grind. Especially if you have kids it becomes easy to get into a schedule of doing it the same way on the same day.

If you're a consumer of porn be very careful. There is a lot of data that shows it can get you into an accelerating, vicious cycle. And it comes at the expense of your partner, she's always the same person who does it the same way, meanwhile google can find you anything your heart desires as well as a bunch of stuff you didn't even know existed.

If she's in a contest against every other girl on pornhub, that's a contest she can never win.

There's actually a serious problem in the world right now of all these dudes who grew up on internet porn and they have these VERY skewed and unhealthy ideas about what sex is actually supposed to be like. They don't know how to listen, communicate, try new things, they just know how to mimic what they've seen in videos. Spoiler alert: a lot of "real" women do not want the thing from the video done to them. Certainly not without a conversation first.

And these dudes also don't have the attention span for a normal, in-person, sexual encounter. Their brain is so trained to search through videos and skip to the best parts that the worst addicts actually can't get aroused at a normal pace by normal stuff any more. They need to speed cycle through increasingly-edgy stuff to feel excited.

So if that's going on, you need to dial it back. Stop wanking it to every chick on the internet for a few days and suddenly you'll be shocked at how much your interest in your own wife is renewed.

I am actually guilty of needing to have a conversation with my wife as well. She doesn't initiate in ways that make me feel desirable, she only knows how to be pursued. So her version of initiating is to make a comment about how we should have sex or to wear something a little more provocative, but it's always me who has to "go and get" her. I have to be the one who makes the actual first move.

First world problems, waaaaaa my hot wife encourages me to jump her instead of the other way around. But after a while it grates on my nerves. I shouldn't have to go somewhere and catch other women checking me out to feel like I still got it. I want to be validated at home. But instead of manning up and asking her for that, I have avoided the conversation like a big baby so nothing has changed so far.

That's a need that I have, I need to feel like I'm attractive to be able to really get in there and perform. Dunno if that's right or wrong, that's just how I am, I don't want to always be the one doing the chasing. Once in a while as a dude you want to feel like your lady wants to get

You need to start by understanding what works for you. What can you ask her for that you DO think is sexy and that will help you both feel like you're desirable? And it might be a conversation that you have with the help of a couples counselor. Because no offense, I don't get the impression that you're equipped right now with the skills to have that talk without you both getting your feelings hurt.

The counseling will help you both express yourselves in a way that gets to the good rather than just starting a fight. I promise you that if you do nothing and just sit in silence and obsess about it, you're going to find that it gets worse.
so, I've only been married for about 3 years, and notice that even though my wife is very attractive, I seem to have gotten tired of her or something.

how do I rekindle that feeling?

or is it just better to find and keep a new mistress on the side?
Why does it not surprise me that you would post something like this on the HOL board? Welcome to marriage.

Take a walk through WalMart some night and take a gander at some of the women you COULD be married to now. That should help your view of your wife. My personal observation is that >95% of women you would want to marry are already married by the time they reach 25. After that the pickings get pretty slim unless you're lucky enough to find a religious girl you're willing to wait for or a divorcee with no baggage. While you're out shopping around though no doubt some other guy is eyeing your wife thinking she's got what it takes.
so, I've only been married for about 3 years, and notice that even though my wife is very attractive, I seem to have gotten tired of her or something.

how do I rekindle that feeling?

or is it just better to find and keep a new mistress on the side?

spend some time with, or looking at, some real ugly b_tches, and some mean ass Karens. Then realize how lucky you are and be thankful!
Not sure if serious...but I'll respond as though it is.

Yes, that's a very common thing to have happen. Couples tend to fall into predictable patterns and those can get boring. My wife is more attractive to me than ever, but I still get weary of how routine all the lead-in becomes. The lack of spontaneity in particular becomes a grind. Especially if you have kids it becomes easy to get into a schedule of doing it the same way on the same day.

If you're a consumer of porn be very careful. There is a lot of data that shows it can get you into an accelerating, vicious cycle. And it comes at the expense of your partner, she's always the same person who does it the same way, meanwhile google can find you anything your heart desires as well as a bunch of stuff you didn't even know existed.

If she's in a contest against every other girl on pornhub, that's a contest she can never win.

There's actually a serious problem in the world right now of all these dudes who grew up on internet porn and they have these VERY skewed and unhealthy ideas about what sex is actually supposed to be like. They don't know how to listen, communicate, try new things, they just know how to mimic what they've seen in videos. Spoiler alert: a lot of "real" women do not want the thing from the video done to them. Certainly not without a conversation first.

And these dudes also don't have the attention span for a normal, in-person, sexual encounter. Their brain is so trained to search through videos and skip to the best parts that the worst addicts actually can't get aroused at a normal pace by normal stuff any more. They need to speed cycle through increasingly-edgy stuff to feel excited.

So if that's going on, you need to dial it back. Stop wanking it to every chick on the internet for a few days and suddenly you'll be shocked at how much your interest in your own wife is renewed.

I am actually guilty of needing to have a conversation with my wife as well. She doesn't initiate in ways that make me feel desirable, she only knows how to be pursued. So her version of initiating is to make a comment about how we should have sex or to wear something a little more provocative, but it's always me who has to "go and get" her. I have to be the one who makes the actual first move.

First world problems, waaaaaa my hot wife encourages me to jump her instead of the other way around. But after a while it grates on my nerves. I shouldn't have to go somewhere and catch other women checking me out to feel like I still got it. I want to be validated at home. But instead of manning up and asking her for that, I have avoided the conversation like a big baby so nothing has changed so far.

That's a need that I have, I need to feel like I'm attractive to be able to really get in there and perform. Dunno if that's right or wrong, that's just how I am, I don't want to always be the one doing the chasing. Once in a while as a dude you want to feel like your lady wants to get

You need to start by understanding what works for you. What can you ask her for that you DO think is sexy and that will help you both feel like you're desirable? And it might be a conversation that you have with the help of a couples counselor. Because no offense, I don't get the impression that you're equipped right now with the skills to have that talk without you both getting your feelings hurt.

The counseling will help you both express yourselves in a way that gets to the good rather than just starting a fight. I promise you that if you do nothing and just sit in silence and obsess about it, you're going to find that it gets worse.
I think those are good words for those addicted to porn.

Got that out of my system quite some time ago..

I do go chat up the hot web cam girls.. but I never spend a dime on them.
I think those are good words for those addicted to porn.

Got that out of my system quite some time ago..

I do go chat up the hot web cam girls.. but I never spend a dime on them.
I strongly advise against doing that. For one those girls don't give a f**k about you, they're social-distancing strippers. They don't love you, they just know it's more lucrative to pretend.

Secondly, that's what we refer to as "emotional cheating." You're seeking out somebody else to give you the female attention you're not comfortable or not equipped to ask for from the woman you married.

You're painting a picture for me of a man who is actively dedicating his time to the idea of being unhappy in his marriage and making some test runs at finding his fulfillment from other women. If you continue to put your energy into convincing yourself that your wife isn't enough and you're not happy with her, eventually you'll win the argument with yourself.
but two is better than one right?
Not if their asses are that big.
I think those are good words for those addicted to porn.

Got that out of my system quite some time ago..

I do go chat up the hot web cam girls.. but I never spend a dime on them.
Unrealistic expectations is your problem. Those "hot" web cam girls I'm sure would be all over you if they had a chance......:rolleyes:
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Not sure if serious...but I'll respond as though it is.

Yes, that's a very common thing to have happen. Couples tend to fall into predictable patterns and those can get boring. My wife is more attractive to me than ever, but I still get weary of how routine all the lead-in becomes. The lack of spontaneity in particular becomes a grind. Especially if you have kids it becomes easy to get into a schedule of doing it the same way on the same day.

If you're a consumer of porn be very careful. There is a lot of data that shows it can get you into an accelerating, vicious cycle. And it comes at the expense of your partner, she's always the same person who does it the same way, meanwhile google can find you anything your heart desires as well as a bunch of stuff you didn't even know existed.

If she's in a contest against every other girl on pornhub, that's a contest she can never win.

There's actually a serious problem in the world right now of all these dudes who grew up on internet porn and they have these VERY skewed and unhealthy ideas about what sex is actually supposed to be like. They don't know how to listen, communicate, try new things, they just know how to mimic what they've seen in videos. Spoiler alert: a lot of "real" women do not want the thing from the video done to them. Certainly not without a conversation first.

And these dudes also don't have the attention span for a normal, in-person, sexual encounter. Their brain is so trained to search through videos and skip to the best parts that the worst addicts actually can't get aroused at a normal pace by normal stuff any more. They need to speed cycle through increasingly-edgy stuff to feel excited.

So if that's going on, you need to dial it back. Stop wanking it to every chick on the internet for a few days and suddenly you'll be shocked at how much your interest in your own wife is renewed.

I am actually guilty of needing to have a conversation with my wife as well. She doesn't initiate in ways that make me feel desirable, she only knows how to be pursued. So her version of initiating is to make a comment about how we should have sex or to wear something a little more provocative, but it's always me who has to "go and get" her. I have to be the one who makes the actual first move.

First world problems, waaaaaa my hot wife encourages me to jump her instead of the other way around. But after a while it grates on my nerves. I shouldn't have to go somewhere and catch other women checking me out to feel like I still got it. I want to be validated at home. But instead of manning up and asking her for that, I have avoided the conversation like a big baby so nothing has changed so far.

That's a need that I have, I need to feel like I'm attractive to be able to really get in there and perform. Dunno if that's right or wrong, that's just how I am, I don't want to always be the one doing the chasing. Once in a while as a dude you want to feel like your lady wants to get

You need to start by understanding what works for you. What can you ask her for that you DO think is sexy and that will help you both feel like you're desirable? And it might be a conversation that you have with the help of a couples counselor. Because no offense, I don't get the impression that you're equipped right now with the skills to have that talk without you both getting your feelings hurt.

The counseling will help you both express yourselves in a way that gets to the good rather than just starting a fight. I promise you that if you do nothing and just sit in silence and obsess about it, you're going to find that it gets worse.

That is a great post with a lot of great points and I would only add this word of caution...if people do decide to see a counselor, pick an ugly one, because my now dead ex found ours attractive enough to have an affair with him and the embarrassment of finding out you paid a guy 5 grand over a six month period to bang your wife is unimaginable. But she did croak shortly thereafter, so there's that.
I strongly advise against doing that. For one those girls don't give a f**k about you, they're social-distancing strippers. They don't love you, they just know it's more lucrative to pretend.

Secondly, that's what we refer to as "emotional cheating." You're seeking out somebody else to give you the female attention you're not comfortable or not equipped to ask for from the woman you married.

You're painting a picture for me of a man who is actively dedicating his time to the idea of being unhappy in his marriage and making some test runs at finding his fulfillment from other women. If you continue to put your energy into convincing yourself that your wife isn't enough and you're not happy with her, eventually you'll win the argument with yourself.
trust me, you don't know the situation even in the slightest. AND you're taking this way too seriously.
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That is a great post with a lot of great points and I would only add this word of caution...if people do decide to see a counselor, pick an ugly one, because my now dead ex found ours attractive enough to have an affair with him and the embarrassment of finding out you paid a guy 5 grand over a six month period to bang your wife is unimaginable. But she did croak shortly thereafter, so there's that.
NSIS...great story either way.
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NSIS...great story either way.

100% true....and theres more...his ex showed up at my front door to break the bad news...and told me he had herpes and that my wife might find that interesting...apparently she did...because she was away with him the night she was told and she left and drove home at midnight and that was that for their fling.
That is a great post with a lot of great points and I would only add this word of caution...if people do decide to see a counselor, pick an ugly one, because my now dead ex found ours attractive enough to have an affair with him and the embarrassment of finding out you paid a guy 5 grand over a six month period to bang your wife is unimaginable. But she did croak shortly thereafter, so there's that.
ouch.. that is one hell of a story.

I did walk in on a roommate banging my girlfriend back in college.. I would have felt much better if he had paid me 5 grand, but she was so nuts, I figured good for her, she can monkey branch right along..
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100% true....and theres more...his ex showed up at my front door to break the bad news...and told me he had herpes and that my wife might find that interesting...apparently she did...because she was away with him the night she was told and she left and drove home at midnight and that was that for their fling.
Your story is one of those I never tire of hearing on this board. We need a "shaking head in disbelief" emoticon in our options. I think we can all say she got what she asked for.Laughing
so, I've only been married for about 3 years, and notice that even though my wife is very attractive, I seem to have gotten tired of her or something.

how do I rekindle that feeling?

or is it just better to find and keep a new mistress on the side?
Is she still trying to keep her appearance up or is she letting herself go? If she's letting herself go, might be time to end it.
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Is she still trying to keep her appearance up or is she letting herself go? If she's letting herself go, might be time to end it.
nah man.. relationship is good.. she lives on the other side of the world right now for her job, so I only get to see her once or twice a year in person.

I think it's just the normal thing that happens after a few years of marriage.. we don't talk about sex as much as we used to, and it's always the same routine when we do type thing.
Your story is one of those I never tire of hearing on this board. We need a "shaking head in disbelief" emoticon in our options. I think we can all say she got what she asked for.Laughing

....wait, there's more. I should have said "One of his exes showed up at my door" because he had been divorced 8 times. Who does that guy think he is to be a marriage counselor? Do I know how to pick em or what?