No way this kills 1.5-3mil people. A NBA example. High risk group

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I was told by a blowhard on this board that medical professionals wouldn’t spread or be infected by this virus.

He ran the numbers and everything!
I doubt anyone told you people working with the sick, couldn’t be infected. Use a little common sense, man.
I doubt anyone told you people working with the sick, couldn’t be infected. Use a little common sense, man.
Not pie in the sky at all. If you eliminate interaction of people, you eliminate transmission.

Hospital workers treating Coronavirus patients aren't nonchalantly walking around in shorts and t-shirts. Maybe you haven't heard, but they take this virus pretty seriously in the medical community
You tell me.

My posts have all been common sense, as have my actions relating to protecting myself and family.

Others? Well.. not so much.
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That's just semantics. IF they wouldn't have had COVID-19 their other conditions wouldn't have killed them that quickly. They might have lived for years. Likewise if they wouldn't have had pre-existing heart, lung, kidney etc disease then they might not have died from COVID-19. It's just a matter of what the physician wants to list on the death certificate for a cause of death.
No, I think it points to the unique nature of this pandemic. The 1918 influenza killed people. It killed millions between the ages of 20-50...perfectly healthy people for the time, people that were going to live 30-50 more years, people who never went to the doctor and people who did not have co-morbid conditions. Secondary infections may have done in a 20 year old but the influenza virus destroyed the lungs. What we saw in China and now Italy is people with low heart function and compromised respiratory systems were being kept alive by a bevy of modern medicine and treatments. Covid-19 pushes these people over the line. Only 12% of the deaths In Italy didn't accompany a co-morbid condition, and only 25% in China...the spanish flu would have had the numbers it isn't just semantics.
No, I think it points to the unique nature of this pandemic. The 1918 influenza killed people. It killed millions between the ages of 20-50...perfectly healthy people for the time, people that were going to live 30-50 more years, people who never went to the doctor and people who did not have co-morbid conditions. Secondary infections may have done in a 20 year old but the influenza virus destroyed the lungs. What we saw in China and now Italy is people with low heart function and compromised respiratory systems were being kept alive by a bevy of modern medicine and treatments. Covid-19 pushes these people over the line. Only 12% of the deaths In Italy didn't accompany a co-morbid condition, and only 25% in China...the spanish flu would have had the numbers it isn't just semantics.

The effect of Cytokine storms from what I understand. Total novice here but it seems like one way in which we are lucky is that this virus doesn’t often turn the immune system against itself in the way that some do.
The effect of Cytokine storms from what I understand. Total novice here but it seems like one way in which we are lucky is that this virus doesn’t often turn the immune system against itself in the way that some do.
Cytokine storm is a reality anytime that a pathogen makes it deep into the lungs and the body fails to effectively fight it is kind of a panic mechanism as the deep lung cells are literally the most important cells in the body as they transfer oxygen in and co2 out. It has killed patients from covid-19...not sure about young patients though as I've heard a bevy of causes of the young deaths like cardiac arrest.
Cytokine storm is a reality anytime that a pathogen makes it deep into the lungs and the body fails to effectively fight it is kind of a panic mechanism as the deep lung cells are literally the most important cells in the body as they transfer oxygen in and co2 out. It has killed patients from covid-19...not sure about young patients though as I've heard a bevy of causes of the young deaths like cardiac arrest.

I’ve read quite a few stories that suggest that Cytokine storms were a reason why the Spanish flu killed so many and in particular why it killed so many people in the primes of their lives.
I have also read about Cytokine storms possibly causing some permanent lung damage to survivors. They don't know the long term effects of this yet. Not polio but still this would be something to be concerned about. Read that some of the new expermental treatments reduce the cytokine reactions to lessen that so that's a good thing.
Yeah, so get out there Rambo and GBRforLife and share this 'wimpy' virus with as many as possible. C'mon, you've got places to go and people to kill!!

Get out there and get to sharing this shit with as many as possible. That's what REAL men do...say F it and do what they want, regardless of who it kills.

You act like it's going to kill everyone. It's not. Your hysteria is not warranted nor helpful.

You have no clue what "REAL men" do. Just like when you "run your numbers."

Were you this delirious when H1N1 infected 20% of the population and killed 1000s? Thank goodness the rest of the world wasn't.
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The head of surgery at Columbia University says that they have staff now out after testing positive. They believe they have community spread inside the hospital. They think the peak infections won't happen in New York for another 3 weeks at least.

Hospitals are probably worse than other places:

Dr. Paul Auwaerter, the Clinical Director for the Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine echoes this finding,

“If you have a COVID-19 patient in your household, your risk of developing the infection is about 10%….If you were casually exposed to the virus in the workplace (e.g., you were not locked up in conference room for six hours with someone who was infected [like a hospital]), your chance of infection is about 0.5%”

Shutting down the world for a 10% chance or less of getting it.

Be afraid. Live in fear.
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I doubt anyone told you people working with the sick, couldn’t be infected. Use a little common sense, man.

Read the last sentence.

Air-based transmission or untraceable community spread is very unlikely. According to WHO’s COVID-19 lead Maria Van Kerkhove, true community based spreading is very rare. The data from China shows that community-based spread was only a very small handful of cases. “This virus is not circulating in the community, even in the highest incidence areas across China,” Van Kerkhove said.

“Transmission by fine aerosols in the air over long distances is not one of the main causes of spread. Most of the 2,055 infected hospital workers were either infected at home or in the early phase of the outbreak in Wuhan when hospital safeguards were not raised yet,” she said.
You act like it's going to kill everyone. It's not. Your hysteria is not warranted nor helpful.

You have no clue what "REAL men" do. Just like when you "run your numbers."

Where you this delirious when H1N1 infected 20% of the population and killed 1000s? Thank goodness the rest of the world wasn't.
C'mon man. He's not being hysterical. He and I rarely agree on much of anything especially anything remotely political but he's pretty much right on this one. In part that's because of how close he is to this situation. Obviously you're NOT very close to the situation or you would tone it down. Obviously this isn't going to "kill everyone". The goal is to try to limit the number of unnecessary fatalities by preventing the collapse if nothing else of our healthcare delivery. We're not just talking old folks and those with preexisting conditions. We're talking about accident victims, mothers having babies. kids with secondary pneumonia from influenza or syncytial virus etc etc. If our hospitals are full with COVID-19 patients there won't be any way to care for others. Right now some areas of New York are already experiencing that.
Read the last sentence.
“Transmission by fine aerosols in the air over long distances is not one of the main causes of spread. Most of the 2,055 infected hospital workers were either infected at home or in the early phase of the outbreak in Wuhan when hospital safeguards were not raised yet,” she said.
You need to know something about virology and the context of the statement to understand it. What they are talking about is environmental spread from walking down the street or into buildings where other people are present or have been present. There is NO question that it can be spread by aerosols and the longer you are in close proximity to a person shedding virus the higher your risk of contracting the virus. That's why the "social distancing" helps control spread. Keep trying. There have been multiple scientific studies in confined animals decades ago that support those principles. Air flow within a confined space is extremely important as well.

Goodness. Now I understand how frustrated teachers get trying to teach a room with half a dozen ADD kids in it.
C'mon man. He's not being hysterical. He and I rarely agree on much of anything especially anything remotely political but he's pretty much right on this one. In part that's because of how close he is to this situation. Obviously you're NOT very close to the situation or you would tone it down. Obviously this isn't going to "kill everyone". The goal is to try to limit the number of unnecessary fatalities by preventing the collapse if nothing else of our healthcare delivery. We're not just talking old folks and those with preexisting conditions. We're talking about accident victims, mothers having babies. kids with secondary pneumonia from influenza or syncytial virus etc etc. If our hospitals are full with COVID-19 patients there won't be any way to care for others. Right now some areas of New York are already experiencing that.

He is beyond hysterical and his political undertones don’t help.

You can go around declaring yourself “right” all you want. Doesn’t make it so.

Also, crash victims die. Every. Single. Day. 7700 people die every day in the US.

You act like as long as there is an open hospital bed that won’t happen and once someone is in the hospital they’ll be there forever.

You didn't know how long people would be in the hospital even though you're "so close to this." The median time in the hospital is 4 days according to Italy, where it has hit harder than other places. Highly likely that the median time comes down in the US.
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He is beyond hysterical and his political undertones don’t help.

You can go around declaring yourself “right” all you want. Doesn’t make it so.

Also, crash victims die. Every. Single. Day. 7700 people die every day in the US.

You act like as long as there is an open hospital bed that won’t happen and once someone is in the hospital they’ll be there forever.

You didn't know how long people would be in the hospital even though you're "so close to this." The median time in the hospital is 4 days according to Italy, where it has hit harder than other places. Highly likely that the median time comes down in the US.
I didn't make any hard fast proclamations on how long hospital stays will be and some of that will be how quickly they get in the hospital. According to recent reports they vary from 2 days to over 4 weeks. Italy's healthcare system was overwhelmed and they didn't have beds left. If the ICU beds and ventilators are full like they will be shortly in New York there will be a lot more deaths from accidents and other treatable disease processes.

You're not making yourself look any smarter chump. I think you should go outside and play. Maybe go lick some door handles at your local hospital since this is no big deal.
I didn't make any hard fast proclamations on how long hospital stays will be and some of that will be how quickly they get in the hospital. According to recent reports they vary from 2 days to over 4 weeks. Italy's healthcare system was overwhelmed and they didn't have beds left. If the ICU beds and ventilators are full like they will be shortly in New York there will be a lot more deaths from accidents and other treatable disease processes.

You're not making yourself look any smarter chump. I think you should go outside and play. Maybe go lick some door handles at your local hospital since this is no big deal.

Yes, I know you didn't. I said you didn't. Your exact words were "we don't know" but we do. Is reading that hard when you're old? Or is it just the comprehending part? You hemhaw around everything. Everything is a generality about what MAY POSSIBLY happen with you. I'm not sure there's a more wishy-washy person on the planet other than some politicians. Do you hold public office? You might have missed your calling!

I'll lick the door handles, you keep licking the windows and asking your wife what to do. Together we'll be just fine.

Be afraid. Live in fear.
He is beyond hysterical and his political undertones don’t help.

You can go around declaring yourself “right” all you want. Doesn’t make it so.

Also, crash victims die. Every. Single. Day. 7700 people die every day in the US.

You act like as long as there is an open hospital bed that won’t happen and once someone is in the hospital they’ll be there forever.

You didn't know how long people would be in the hospital even though you're "so close to this." The median time in the hospital is 4 days according to Italy, where it has hit harder than other places. Highly likely that the median time comes down in the US.
Doogie Hoosker literally said there is an on/off switch to the virus. Just after he said people should be shot onsite by military for leaving the house. Oh, he also thinks frontline medical staff take it so seriously they won’t be infected.

What a jackass.
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Yes, I know you didn't. I said you didn't. Your exact words were "we don't know" but we do. Is reading that hard when you're old? Or is it just the comprehending part? You hemhaw around everything. Everything is a generality about what MAY POSSIBLY happen with you. I'm not sure there's a more wishy-washy person on the planet other than some politicians. Do you hold public office? You might have missed your calling!

I'll lick the door handles, you keep licking the windows and asking your wife what to do. Together we'll be just fine.

Be afraid. Live in fear.
You can use Italy if you want. We still do NOT KNOW what the average length of hospital stay will be in the U.S. It might be more. It might be less. Some of it will depend on the triage of who needs the bed the worst and is most likely to survive if we get to the point Italy is at. You're a fool.
You can use Italy if you want. We still do NOT KNOW what the average length of hospital stay will be in the U.S. It might be more. It might be less. Some of it will depend on the triage of who needs the bed the worst and is most likely to survive if we get to the point Italy is at. You're a fool.

That's like a badge of honor from you. You flip-flop so much next week you'll think I'm great. In month you'll be telling me I was right. :Cool:
That's like a badge of honor from you. You flip-flop so much next week you'll think I'm great. In month you'll be telling me I was right. :Cool:
I don't flip flop. I don't hold personal insults and stupid posts against other posters or at least I try not to. I acknowledge when somebody posts something that I agree with regardless of past posting history and I also am fairly quick to admit when I'm wrong. That isn't flip flopping. So far, I've been pretty much dead on with respect to this virus for the past month. I didn't think as a country we would have the courage to do the things we needed to do in order to prevent this from overwhelming our health care system. I was wrong about that.
NYC stats. Just read on Friday 10a to 6p there were 14 deaths associated to the virus. That's 14 deaths in 8 hours. Do the math. Precautions are not an option. Our PA friend who works in a major NYC hospital is very concerned about the trajectory.
NYC stats. Just read on Friday 10a to 6p there were 14 deaths associated to the virus. That's 14 deaths in 8 hours. Do the math. Precautions are not an option. Our PA friend who works in a major NYC hospital is very concerned about the trajectory.

We've already done the math.

250+ people die in the NYC metro every 8 hours.

Any other stats you want to cherry pick?
We've already done the math.

250+ people die in the NYC metro every 8 hours.

Any other stats you want to cherry pick?
well now its 264. 8 hrs x 3 = 24/day. If it follows other areas in their escalation it will probably be 48 with a couple of days. ~100 in a few more days. Then ~200/day a few days after that and so on until late April when it would level off. That's just deaths. IF it doubles every 3 days which has happened in some other places that would equal roughly 12000 deaths per day from CV around April 18th. Hopefully it peaks before then but with the population density there I wouldn't expect that.

That's the nightmare scenario but hopefully the steps that have been taken head that off.
well now its 264. 24 deaths today from CV. If it follows other areas in their escalation it will probably be 48 with a couple of days. ~100 in a few more days. Then ~200/day a few days after that and so on until late April when it would level off. That's just deaths. IF it doubles every 3 days which has happened in some other places that would equal roughly 12000 deaths per day from CV around April 18th. Hopefully it peaks before then but with the population density there I wouldn't expect that.

That's the nightmare scenario but hopefully the steps that have been taken head that off.

Really? Because previously you told us we couldn't know how many of the 14 would've been included in the 250. So now you can just add them on?


From everything else we've seen its likely those 14 were old, near death, and barely hanging on. But you go on. You just claim things you can't support then flip-flop the other way when what you suggested is proven wrong.

Be afraid. Live in fear.
Really? Because previously you told us we couldn't know how many of the 14 would've been included in the 250. So now you can just add them on?


From everything else we've seen its likely those 14 were old, near death, and barely hanging on. But you go on. You just claim things you can't support then flip-flop the other way when what you suggested is proven wrong.

Be afraid. Live in fear.
  • US death toll rises: More than 323 people have died from the virus in the United States.
Really? Because previously you told us we couldn't know how many of the 14 would've been included in the 250. So now you can just add them on?


From everything else we've seen its likely those 14 were old, near death, and barely hanging on. But you go on. You just claim things you can't support then flip-flop the other way when what you suggested is proven wrong.

Be afraid. Live in fear.

Be stupid, kill yourself and others.

She’s a Dr who specializes in this subject matter, and I’m still waiting for your medical expertise credentials.
I don't think selectively picking your statistics and then telling people to "do the math" is warranted.

We know people will die. They do every day.

Be afraid. Live in fear.
Some of us are trying to keep our friends, family and other innocents from being included in the statistics.
I don't think selectively picking your statistics and then telling people to "do the math" is warranted.

We know people will die. They do every day.

Be afraid. Live in fear.

GBR, we should do a Coronovirus update with heart attack patients, cancer, etc and run the numbers next to Corona, see what happens in the short/medium term when people start to realize the significance of all of this...
Some of us are trying to keep our friends, family and other innocents from being included in the statistics.

The hooks are in, fear has gripped everyone, including those that are experts in the field. $4 trillion in deficit spending is next. I hope we look back on this with disgust.
Does anybody else suspect that China has already begun mass production of a vaccine and is already inoculating government officials and medical personnel.
The hooks are in, fear has gripped everyone, including those that are experts in the field. $4 trillion in deficit spending is next. I hope we look back on this with disgust.
The spending is a huge problem but unemployment benefits HAVE to be more liberally available and we'll lose a large chunk of our economy if we let too many companies go belly up. I'm fiscally very conservative but I don't think we have much choice with this deal.
You tell me.

My posts have all been common sense, as have my actions relating to protecting myself and family.

Others? Well.. not so much.

You get dumber with each passing moment. Thems the facts. At this point you and GBRforLife are little more than a comedy duo. People haven't taken either of you seriously for quite some time.
I was told by a blowhard on this board that medical professionals wouldn’t spread or be infected by this virus.

He ran the numbers and everything!

Oh... So now you're on board with this virus being dangerous? Make up your mind, simpleton.

Edit - I said spread with healthcare workers would be minimal, and it will be. You scour every news publication and find 1 or 2 transmissions for people throughout the entire nation that weren't following protocol...and suddenly you're f'ing Jonas Salk.
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GBR, we should do a Coronovirus update with heart attack patients, cancer, etc and run the numbers next to Corona, see what happens in the short/medium term when people start to realize the significance of all of this...
Because comparing heart attacks to a contagious disease makes perfect sense. Each of these posts is dumber than the next
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You act like it's going to kill everyone. It's not. Your hysteria is not warranted nor helpful.

You have no clue what "REAL men" do. Just like when you "run your numbers."

Were you this delirious when H1N1 infected 20% of the population and killed 1000s? Thank goodness the rest of the world wasn't.

Would you just shhhhhhh and remove yourself from these threads? I don't know if you are stupid, but you're certainly as ignorant as they come on this topic, and people are tired of the garbage you keep spewing. Take your idiot friend Rambo with you too.

Go share your 'scientific' views with those that will appreciate your 'knowledge'...primitive cultures that shit in the same place they eat.
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