No more balloons - a tradition dies

At some point you need to be an adult and acknowledge the real reason for not releasing the balloons. Just like letting women and black folk to vote. Stop being ignorant, Nebraska.
Man player.. you really shouldn’t start drinking so early in the morning.
Did anybody even read the article? The article doesn't say the red balloons are dead forever. They hope to bring back the tradition next year. I personally like the balloons.
Yup just a supply chain issue. Who would of thought the second most abundant element in the universe would be so hard to get.
Jmo I think trev conveniently used to helium shortage to make it appear he wasn’t bowing down to the radical environmentalists
Whether you agree with them or not is a different conversation, but I wouldn't call anyone saying releasing thousands of balloons every week is not great for the environment a "radical" lol. It's actually a pretty logical stance. Clemson ended their traditional balloon release 5 years ago due to environmental impact. I think their program survived just fine in the aftermath.
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Exactly. The fact that tens of thousands of fans continue to purchase and release the balloons shows that it is far from a stupid and dead tradition. I loved it as a kid when my dad would buy me one of those balloons and I waited with excitement for us to score so I could release it. People forget that for many Nebraskans going to the game is a family event and buying a balloon for your kid(s) is a nice tradition. And I remember when I was a Sophomore at UNL in 1978 and I took my girlfriend to her first ever game (OU in 78!!) and she loved it when I bought her a balloon to release. At one point a huge percentage of P5 schools had this balloon release tradition. NU is one of the only schools that kept it and I, for one, am glad we did. Too many on this board presume to speak for all fans as if they are some kind of damn expert on which traditions are great and which are stupid:

1. The balloon tradition is stupid. It should go.
2. The sellout streak is fake. It should go.
3. The tunnel walk is lame with the stupid Chicago Bulls rip-off music. It should go.
4. The Spring game is a scam and a sham. We need to stop supporting it.
5. Actually even going to the game is no longer fun. Horrible seats and access to bathrooms/concessions. Better situation at home with my TV and man cave. So we should stop going to games too until the admin improves things.

I will be coming to the OU game this year. I am taking my 10 year old grand nephew. I am sad there will be no balloons for him.
If you throw a red balloon on the street it's called littering, If you send thousands in the air it's called tradition.
I don't particularly care one way or the other about keeping or ditching this tradition. TBH, I just want a competent product on the field.
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Balloon tradition is almost as dumb as the one where people take off their shoes and wave them in the air. I just want to win games. Some nice tunnel music would be great too.
For the record, there's no shortage of helium. Wherever you find natural gas you'll find helium. It comprises between 3% and 10% of any discovered field. Helium extraction is not a profitable endeavor, therefore the gas companies disregard it. So if we don't piss it away on balloons, I am fine with that.
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Exactly. The fact that tens of thousands of fans continue to purchase and release the balloons shows that it is far from a stupid and dead tradition. I loved it as a kid when my dad would buy me one of those balloons and I waited with excitement for us to score so I could release it. People forget that for many Nebraskans going to the game is a family event and buying a balloon for your kid(s) is a nice tradition. And I remember when I was a Sophomore at UNL in 1978 and I took my girlfriend to her first ever game (OU in 78!!) and she loved it when I bought her a balloon to release. At one point a huge percentage of P5 schools had this balloon release tradition. NU is one of the only schools that kept it and I, for one, am glad we did. Too many on this board presume to speak for all fans as if they are some kind of damn expert on which traditions are great and which are stupid:

1. The balloon tradition is stupid. It should go.
2. The sellout streak is fake. It should go.
3. The tunnel walk is lame with the stupid Chicago Bulls rip-off music. It should go.
4. The Spring game is a scam and a sham. We need to stop supporting it.
5. Actually even going to the game is no longer fun. Horrible seats and access to bathrooms/concessions. Better situation at home with my TV and man cave. So we should stop going to games too until the admin improves things.

I will be coming to the OU game this year. I am taking my 10 year old grand nephew. I am sad there will be no balloons for him.
Stop at a party store and get one for your kid or MAYBE there'll be vendors that have them.

Thanks putin
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Whether you agree with them or not is a different conversation, but I wouldn't call anyone saying releasing thousands of balloons every week is not great for the environment a "radical" lol. It's actually a pretty logical stance. Clemson ended their traditional balloon release 5 years ago due to environmental impact. I think their program survived just fine in the aftermath.
Ours are biodegradable made from corn starch.....pretty sure
It was a fun little tradition that gave kids a reason to be invested in the game. If I were Trev I would say we wont be doing it this year and leave it open to return when "supply chain issues" return to normal in January 2025.
Let's blame Frost, Riley and Callahan. They didn't score soon enough in most games.
Whether you agree with them or not is a different conversation, but I wouldn't call anyone saying releasing thousands of balloons every week is not great for the environment a "radical" lol. It's actually a pretty logical stance. Clemson ended their traditional balloon release 5 years ago due to environmental impact. I think their program survived just fine in the aftermath.
They definitely are, but people see that and envision them dissolving away at the next rain. Even though they're biodegradable, they can take anywhere from months to years to fully decompose.
I’m sensing your a troll
Nobody cares about UNO
I coached HS wrestling in the state and no one in was ever like "Oh man, wanna go watch the UNO wrestling team this weekend?"

Just like with their football team, even when they were good, everyone was in Lincoln for the Husker games.
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I coached HS wrestling in the state and no one in was ever like "Oh man, wanna go watch the UNO wrestling team this weekend?"

Just like with their football team, even when they were good, everyone was in Lincoln for the Husker games.
I mean, any event in the state is going to be overshadowed by Husker football. That's not a fair comparison at all. I get what you're saying though. I think people were more outraged at how Trev cut the wrestling team, not just that he cut it.
I’ve probably attended over 200 games in my lifetime. Not once did I participate in the balloon tradition. I thought it was a neat tradition. Just wasn’t my thing.
I rather enjoyed the thought of the entire western half of Io_a choking on rubber shards They can’t resist anything red - just look around this message board….

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