Nick Rolovich

My wife is vaccinated and regrets getting it. She is not going to get any boosters. My co-worker is the same way. Thought it was a one and done thing. Not an ongoing subscription plan.

The Vaxx and Hide approach is so stupid. 6 month installment plan boosters to then run and hide under the sheets. Might as well get it when you have the highest resistance to it.
Why does she regret it?
Yeah right. Nobody is turning down that kind of money to make a "moral stand". He's a chicken sh*t who is scared of getting a shot. Let's argue about this for 15 minutes and then forget about this ill informed dumb@ss.
I've seen people make dumbass decisions based on ideology and misinformation and for all kinds of reasons including bring afraid. Just look at this thread.
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Yeah right. Nobody is turning down that kind of money to make a "moral stand". He's a chicken sh*t who is scared of getting a shot. Let's argue about this for 15 minutes and then forget about this ill informed dumb@ss.
so tolerant.
Keith Olberman, is that you?
how do you get through life with such shit reasoning?
What long term effects ? So she thinks the potential long term effect of catching Covid is less than the long term of the vaccine - whatever they may be because I haven't heard of any yet
We shall see how people fare long term with these mRNA shots.
Mass increases of cancer and infections due to a massively depressed immune system after the shots have been reported. Hopefully it isn't permanent.
We shall see how people fare long term with these mRNA shots.
Mass increases of cancer and infections due to a massively depressed immune system after the shots have been reported. Hopefully it isn't permanent.
Where are you getting this information ? Or are you just making it up ? One thing you can find out there right now without digging very deep is that many in the medical - science field is extremely concerned about the long term effects that Covid will have on the heart and lungs.
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I live here in Kansas. No one is mandating anything yet. My wife graduates in May as an RN. I'll stay home vs get the shot.
I sure hope that the preliminary reports of increased cancer from the shots aren't true.
what - you guys keep coming up with new stuff. The moving goal post gotta be getting heavy. It isn't real, masks don't work, hydroxy is the key, Operation warp speed is good, vaccine is bad, I guess it is real, it's not FDA approved, parasite medicine is the answer, the vaccine kills people, the vaccine causes cancer. Hopefully your RN wife is vaccinated otherwise sell be hard pressed to get a job outside of a backwater nursing home or small clinic.
what - you guys keep coming up with new stuff. The moving goal post gotta be getting heavy. It isn't real, masks don't work, hydroxy is the key, Operation warp speed is good, vaccine is bad, I guess it is real, it's not FDA approved, parasite medicine is the answer, the vaccine kills people, the vaccine causes cancer. Hopefully your RN wife is vaccinated otherwise sell be hard pressed to get a job outside of a backwater nursing home or small clinic.
Great comeback. Instead of providing anything you just repeat the leftist talking point. Great job hero
Where are you getting this information ? Or are you just making it up ? One thing you can find out there right now without digging very deep is that many in the medical - science field is extremely concerned about the long term effects that Covid will have on the heart and lungs.
he's a dope that keeps moving the goal posts.
what - you guys keep coming up with new stuff. The moving goal post gotta be getting heavy. It isn't real, masks don't work, hydroxy is the key, Operation warp speed is good, vaccine is bad, I guess it is real, it's not FDA approved, parasite medicine is the answer, the vaccine kills people, the vaccine causes cancer. Hopefully your RN wife is vaccinated otherwise sell be hard pressed to get a job outside of a backwater nursing home or small clinic.
Thank you for that thought provoking conclusion.
Great comeback. Instead of providing anything you just repeat the leftist talking point. Great job hero
not a leftist at all. Far from it. Do work in healthcare, rounded in our full ICU and witnessed yet another compassionate care visit (family getting to see their unvaxed loved for the last time) right before leaving work.
because the potential long term effects wasn't worth the benefit
So people told her it could be bad for her and then she regretted it. Tell her the history of modern vaccines shows that the long term risks of vaccines are extremely small. They don't stay in your system more than a few days and the spike protein that your body produces as a result of the vaccine is gone within a few weeks. The risk of side effects is all but eliminated after the first several days. Assuming she is not immunocompromised, she is still highly protected against hospitalizations and death from Covid.

So says the University of Nebraska.

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not a leftist at all. Far from it. Do work in healthcare, rounded in our full ICU and witnessed yet another compassionate care visit (family getting to see their unvaxed loved for the last time) right before leaving work.
Where do you live that the ICUs are full? Also that unvaxxed person made a choice that is theirs to deal with. Why are the vaxxed so worried about the unvaxxed?
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Where are you getting this information ? Or are you just making it up ? One thing you can find out there right now without digging very deep is that many in the medical - science field is extremely concerned about the long term effects that Covid will have on the heart and lungs.
It's from some lone idiot in a lab coat.
If medical doctors could all agree on what was best than maybe I would trust my doctor a little more, but a lot of doctors are split 50-50 in hospitals right now and don't just believe what the news tells you.
94% of the medical staff at our large medical center was vaccinated in the first week it became available. There are 3 out of 480 that aren't.
he's a dope that keeps moving the goal posts.
Yeah, my fault for even responding. I'm 71 and probably know well over 100 people - kids, grandkids, other relatives and friends - that have received the vaccine and no one has had long term (weeks) issues with the vaccine. Now, very sore arms, chills, fever etc....yes, for a couple of days but that was expected
94% of the medical staff at our large medical center was vaccinated in the first week it became available. There are 3 out of 480 that aren't.
98% of doctors in my part of the country. Sure sounds they're in agreement to me.
Where do you live that the ICUs are full? Also that unvaxxed person made a choice that is theirs to deal with. Why are the vaxxed so worried about the unvaxxed?
Personally, I'm at the point of barely caring about those that don't get it, but I do have inlaws with lupus, and cancer (same kind as Colin Powell). Their immune systems are fragile wven with the vaccine. They are boosted now - hopefully it gives the the boost needed. They get vaccinated for a bunch of stuff religiously due to their health conditions. Professionally, we are delaying care for lots of stuff due to resource consumption by intensive care covid patients, and we're seeing too much sorrow and sadness from too many that were fed a bunch of bs that you are reading in this thread.
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Where are you getting this information ? Or are you just making it up ? One thing you can find out there right now without digging very deep is that many in the medical - science field is extremely concerned about the long term effects that Covid will have on the heart and lungs.
scary stuff huh?
what - you guys keep coming up with new stuff. The moving goal post gotta be getting heavy. It isn't real, masks don't work, hydroxy is the key, Operation warp speed is good, vaccine is bad, I guess it is real, it's not FDA approved, parasite medicine is the answer, the vaccine kills people, the vaccine causes cancer. Hopefully your RN wife is vaccinated otherwise sell be hard pressed to get a job outside of a backwater nursing home or small clinic.
you mad
maybe being an early adopter has its issues
RNs make 70K+ where she works. We fine
Actually the CDC reported that life expectancy dropped by 1.5 years in 2020. That's the largest drop since WWII.

Who pays any attention to the CDC? They get millions of dollars a year from Big Pharma. Go outside the mainstream once in a while.
Doctors have been known to be wrong. Malpractice Insurance isn't cheap. It didn't get expensive because Doctors are always right.
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Where do you live that the ICUs are full? Also that unvaxxed person made a choice that is theirs to deal with. Why are the vaxxed so worried about the unvaxxed?
Because if I have a heart attack - and the ICUs and emergency rooms are filled with dumbasses that could have got the vaccine and reduced the serious effects resulting in a hospital stay - will they be able to attend to me in time. I talked to my niece - who's a nurse in the Central Ohio area - and she was telling me that the ICUs are right now around 90 to 95% capacity and most of that is due to the instream of Covid patients. We haven't even got to the winter months yet when more people are cooped up together indoors - God help us
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Who pays any attention to the CDC? They get millions of dollars a year from Big Pharma. Go outside the mainstream once in a while.
So what you're saying is that you are only willing to consider information from the "alternative side of "information" populated by know nothing charlatans, nutjobs and conspiracy theorists. In short, the source of all of your "information" and the only people who support your position. Got it chief 👌.
So what you're saying is that you are only willing to consider information from the "alternative side of "information" populated by know nothing charlatans, nutjobs and conspiracy theorists. In short, the source of all of your "information" and the only people who support your position. Got it chief 👌.
More like, "don't necessarily trust anyone" and if ones lie and mislead you, "for sure don't trust that person".
Sorry, but ones aren't gonna gaslight us as if our lack of trust isn't on them.
Don't blindly trust anything that the government or business has its hands in.
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I posted in the other thread on this topic and admittedly, I did not read this whole thread but just curious, WHAT IF the coach had a positive antibody test? Would this matter?
You been awake the last few years in particular?
I get it, you want to trust authority. It makes life more simple. I was also like that when I was young.
I'm 61. Trust and verify. Who lied to you and when? I see all the goofballs on here posting all kinds of nonsense. I'm not going to call them liars because they're just parroting what they've been led to believe. It makes them feel good because it supports their position even though there is zero factual evidence to support it.. Theyre not liars. They're just weak minded ideologues who've lost the ability to think clearly. They cant/won't accept information from authoritative sources that aren't clearly espousing their world view anymore. Only "alternative sources" with an ideological agenda and ideas that support their own twisted preconceived notions of how the world operates. Thanks for listening. I'll drop off the phone now and listen to your answer.