Mike Gundy, National Treasure

I was just watching the first quarter of the '96 Fiesta Bowl and thinking, "How the F did TO let this POS Phillips back on the field?" Not a good look but I guess we'll go ahead and keep the trophy!
I think just about any coach who won a national title made a moral compromise somewhere. It is interesting though that TO started Phillips even after Ahman Green performed so well during the suspension.
I think just about any coach who won a national title made a moral compromise somewhere. It is interesting though that TO started Phillips even after Ahman Green performed so well during the suspension.
I think what bugs non Nebraskans so much about this is that they consider TO a win at all costs coach. He didn’t need to start LP. He did it to try and help him. Hindsight shows It was misguided, but he didn’t start LP because he wanted to win.
I think what bugs non Nebraskans so much about this is that they consider TO a win at all costs coach. He didn’t need to start LP. He did it to try and help him. Hindsight shows It was misguided, but he didn’t start LP because he wanted to win.
Yep . The game would have had the same outcome without LP on the field.
What Gundy is saying is these guys are professionals now. They should be treated as such. No more student athlete stuff. If he can help the team he keeps his spot, if not he's gone.
I like Gundy. He’s a good coach.

That comment is some stupid shit right there. Lots of people have lost loved ones because someone drove drunk. I figured he’d be a guy to maintain morals but I guess not. So f&ck that guy
Low IQ take.

Lots of people have lost loved ones to everything. Doesn't mean we have to act like it's the end of the world all the time.
Wow.. you must have a high IQ then. Go fvck yourself or meet me at at Hyvee you little cvnt

It is totally okay to find that offensive but it is also totally okay to find it funny. In fact...I don't want to spoil it for can actually be BOTH at the same exact time.

But it never fails that the "offended" crowd has to try and cram their opinions down everyones throat.
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