Take that money and pay off some coaches.
Are you a season ticket holder ?Invert much doubt it from some of your posts.Cut capacity by 25%
Improve the seating for the remainder
have a lottery to retain your season tickets if you are in the sections that are going to be downsized. Your chances of retaining your seating in the lottery is directly proportional to your monetary contribution in the year prior to the lottery
raise ticket prices by 25% to offset reduced capacity or increase the annual contribution required to keep your tickets
First reaction. 25% is too large of a reduction. Secondly, if there were a raffle, it should be based upon the season ticket holder’s priority points. This would reward longevity and/or contribution level.Cut capacity by 25%
Improve the seating for the remainder
have a lottery to retain your season tickets if you are in the sections that are going to be downsized. Your chances of retaining your seating in the lottery is directly proportional to your monetary contribution in the year prior to the lottery
raise ticket prices by 25% to offset reduced capacity or increase the annual contribution required to keep your tickets
oh, you sir are onto something…Take that money and pay off some coaches.
Maybe 10 percent. People are too fat now. Seats were built for skinny fans, not fat asses like me.First reaction. 25% is too large of a reduction. Secondly, if there were a raffle, it should be based upon the season ticket holder’s priority points. This would reward longevity and/or contribution level.
OR set up a shell corporation and get the best players NIL money can buy.Take that money and pay off some coaches.
It's pretty obvious from Trev's previous statements that he wants to reduce capacity and increase "fan experience" or whatever you want to call it. He said something to the effect that maintaining the sellout streak is a weekly grind.I predict the results of the survey are going to magically confirm what the athletic department has already determined to do and have budgeted for
Changes will be marketed under the guise of “you spoke and we listened”
No multi million dollar business undertakes a survey unless they already know what it is going to show
There are 20,000 less fans now based on the turnstile count. Why not just eliminate seats but have the stadium full. With tv and other options Nebraska can’t fill 90,000 consistently. Maybe once a yearI hate the idea of reducing capacity, sorry. I’d rather be slightly uncomfortable for 4 quarters with a loud, packed stadium than plenty of leg room and 20,000 less fans in the stands.
Many of us agree with him. I have season tickets in the end zone under the scoreboard. The section is too crowded and takes forever to get in and out. Reduce capacity and make it real comfortable. Unfortunately will not happen until the sell out streak ends.Are you a season ticket holder ?Invert much doubt it from some of your posts.
Other wise enough of your rubbish of what you think..
I don't go to games but no, no and no1. Reduce capacity 10-20% and make seats wider. Yes people are fatter than in 1923, but I suspect it was still uncomfortable in 1923, but they didn't have man caves with 85" TVs then, so had no choice.
2. Sell beer. People who get drunk and cause problems are going to get drunk and cause problems whether they buy beer in the stadium, or get S#$%faced before the game and maintain their buzz with little shooter bottles. It could be argued that if those people knew they could get a beer at the game, they might not get as wasted before entering the stadium and there might be LESS problems.
3. As a corollary to #2, have a few designated places around the stadium to smoke. I don't smoke, but I don't see any reason people who do should have a nicotine fit for the second half. I have a friend who would love to come to a couple games with me, but won't because she can't go 4 hours without a smoke.
Increase concession capacity and pay concession workers more so all existing stations are open. Or replace concession workers with automated machines. If my choice is to go to the concourse at half to spend $30 on food and miss the first 5 minutes of the 3rd Q, I'll stay in my seat and not buy food.
Many of us agree with him. I have season tickets in the end zone under the scoreboard. The section is too crowded and takes forever to get in and out. Reduce capacity and make it real comfortable. Unfortunately will not happen until the sell out streak ends.
Where do you sit? I'm not fat and north stadium sucks ass. Takes forever to get in and out, god help you if you're not on an aisle and have to take a piss. During a game get used to standing sideways if you have shoulders wider than a 10 year old girl.Make fat people pay for 2 seats or pay a fat tax to lower the cost for non fat fans.
At least until they start winning some games. I would rather sit at home with a cocktail and watch incompetent football as apposed to dedicating a full Saturday to watch the shit show.they should absolutely sell beer in the stadium
they need to jack hammer that east side seats way the hell up in the air! those are stupidIt’s perfect, don’t change a thing, Trev.
Keep the same capacity.
wide was not my problem, more knee space, so your knee is not in the persons back infront of youKeep the same capacity.
Make the seats 2" wider
Make up for it with an expanded double deck south stadium.
Most teams can'tThere are 20,000 less fans now based on the turnstile count. Why not just eliminate seats but have the stadium full. With tv and other options Nebraska can’t fill 90,000 consistently. Maybe once a year