Scroggin's birthday is May 8, 1998. I don't think it matters that she was over 21 years old when the scandal occurred.
What year was the track coach having sex with an athlete? It would be a big deal now.
Applewhite was reprimanded for his affair with a student. It happened in 2009. He got off easy then. Don't think he would today. Harvey Weinstein changed everything.
Today, Bosses lose their job all the time for having sex with their employees.
If I could give advice to people like Tiger Woods, I would have them buy a separate house or an apartment to take their girlfriends to. Never let them in a primary home. I might be a little too cautious, but if something ever happened to my wife, I would never let any women I was dating come to my house. Especially here. In this crazy state they probably would give a woman "squatters rights" after just a couple of in-home dates.