Have we hit rock bottom?


Offensive Coordinator
Jun 23, 2010
A lot of times where there's a problem, folks have to hit rock bottom realize it.
then from this rock bottom they rebuild (or die , but in this case I don't think death is a factor, nor do I want to be dramatic and get on peoples nerves)

wisconson, ohio state, these too could be rock bottom moments, but then tt hanged 70 on up in lincoln if'n I remember right.

at some point, things have to start clicking. at some point there has to be the will to win
not to not look bad, not to please other people, but doing what it takes to improve everyday towards the goal of winning. I understand some of these players have had 3 coaches, learned 3 different systems. this confusion ends with frost.

from here on out it will be the frost way or the highway.anybody hanging round just going thru the motions will be weeded out and cast out. the team concept will be coming back, this may well have already started. and let us hope this shameful woodshed beating propels attitudes to all in unison to head in the right direction. my sincere hope is this is like the 91 beatings, and theres a long hard look at the problems, and from that solutions spring fourth.

this is my current assessment of NU football.
thank you,
Go Big Red!
Rock bottom for who? the team, the program? Way too early to talk about the ceiling or the bottom for this team. We have played 3 games under a new coach. We have a frosh QB who has played less than half of that time. The outlook will be very different week to week at this stage for this team. Trust me, a loss to BC on Oct 27 will feel like rock bottom. At the same time, a win over Purdue and people will be counting wins for a bowl game again.

If there’s a rock bottom point for the program (recently) then I think 62-3 in Columbus in 2016 was it. The amount of potential upside for the program under Frost is enough to bring us up from that bottom, even after today. The 2016 OSU loss was in year 2 under Riley and I dont think anyone trusted that it affected him like this one has Frost.
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There are a lot of coaches out there that still remember the pummelings Nebraska administered in 70s, 80s and 90s.

There will be plenty of retribution this year. Hang on for the ride.
I hope so. Next week will be huge. We have a good shot in four of or next five, so we could get on a bit of a run and even get back to .500. Or we could lose at home to Purdue and head to Wisconsin for another beat down and a 0-5 record. So I hope this is the bottom, but I’m not positive it is.