Harper Murray Statement Released


Athletic Director
Feb 13, 2004
Omaha Metro
She said the right things.

"I deeply regret some of the recent decisions I've made, and the pain that I have caused my family, my team, volleyball fans, and everyone who has supported me. I take full responsibility for my actions. This past month has been a great opportunity for me to recenter and focus on myself and get back to who I am. Thank you to everyone who has shown me grace, kindness and compassion. When the time is right I hope to share my story more and in the process hopefully help others. Again thank you to everyone who has supported and believed in me."
She said the right things.

"I deeply regret some of the recent decisions I've made, and the pain that I have caused my family, my team, volleyball fans, and everyone who has supported me. I take full responsibility for my actions. This past month has been a great opportunity for me to recenter and focus on myself and get back to who I am. Thank you to everyone who has shown me grace, kindness and compassion. When the time is right I hope to share my story more and in the process hopefully help others. Again thank you to everyone who has supported and believed in me."
good start on the path to redemption
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Well we've now heard from harper. Now we'll probably hear something from the athletic department next. They'll have to make a decision sometime. The flip to that is no comment means no nothing
Hopefully someone had a come to Jesus talk with her and explained what she is risking if she doesn't wake up and fly right. NIL is a big thing. Can they get creative with it? Uber?

I'm sure she'd just like the situation to go away. She might get relinquished to straight NIL from 1890. Would she be a good poster child for many businesses at this point?
That might depend on how a person defines “stupid”. Filling your pockets with cheap rings…really strange. And criminal.
Most at one point drove drunk in college …. Definitely worse than ring stealing on my “stupid things done in college” hierarchy.
Most at one point drove drunk in college …. Definitely worse than ring stealing on my “stupid things done in college” hierarchy.
Had a friend that would steal books from the student bookstore and then give them to us to return. We would get a little cut.
Most at one point drove drunk in college …. Definitely worse than ring stealing on my “stupid things done in college” hierarchy.
All young kids need a wise, sage, grandpa filled with knowledge to teach them things. Someone like me, LOL.
Let me give you an example of my teachings.....

Years ago, my grandson, about age 5 and I were fishing on a small boat. A couple minutes after we were there he said, "Grandpa, how's come the sky is blue?" I thought for a second and said, "I don't know."

A few minutes later he asked me, "Grandpa, how can the boat float on the water?" Again, I thought and then answered, "I don't know."

A few more minutes passed and he asked, "Grandpa, how can the fish breathe underwater?" I replied, "I don't know."

Several minutes passed and he then said, "Grandpa, do you mind when I ask you all these questions?" I said,"Of course not, if you don't ask me questions, how are you ever gonna learn?"
Or maybe she could just clean up her act. That might be a thought. Like I said at work recently. You'll never catch me sleeping on the job, cause I would never do that.
Would you ever get caught surfing the web, taking a longer lunch, showing up a few minutes late, leaving a few minutes early? Cause it is all the same.

And in Japan "inemuri" is practiced, napping at work to show your dedication to the company and to working hard.
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Or maybe she could just clean up her act. That might be a thought. Like I said at work recently. You'll never catch me sleeping on the job, cause I would never do that.
Yeah, she could I guess. You think that’s what she’s going to do?
Yeah, she could I guess. You think that’s what she’s going to do? like 10 years...and in 20 years...she will be telling her daughter things like "You better NOT let me catch you drinking underage" and of course, the daughter will be drinking underage and being a kid. like 10 years...and in 20 years...she will be telling her daughter things like "You better NOT let me catch you drinking underage" and of course, the daughter will be drinking underage and being a kid.
Wow tantalizingly stuff you have
Hopefully someone had a come to Jesus talk with her and explained what she is risking if she doesn't wake up and fly right. NIL is a big thing. Can they get creative with it? Uber?

I'm sure she'd just like the situation to go away. She might get relinquished to straight NIL from 1890. Would she be a good poster child for many businesses at this point?
Harper will get the loudest cheers during player introductions at the first home game. The Husker VB fans are far different from the Husker football crowd. She will be a fan favorite.
I don't care what trouble our the college athlete gets into, As lone as they run faster, jump higher, and win games for the Big Red.
Watch her get in trouble again next weekend. Hahaha.
She’s got a visualize her future self and live like that now, playing volleyball at a high-level, such as the Olympics and World teams. Dialed in.

Or, she can see herself getting shitfaced on the weekends and bouncing around teams always in recovery mode
I don't care what trouble our the college athlete gets into, As long as they run faster, jump higher, and win games for the Big Red.
What if they kill someone. What if they steal the money that someone needs to buy food for their family? What if they rape your sister? Would that be OK with you if they're winning games for the Big Red?

I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but people who are willing to excuse anything to win a few ball games make me sick. Not in the mood today of all days for this stupid ass shit.
She said the right things.

"I deeply regret some of the recent decisions I've made, and the pain that I have caused my family, my team, volleyball fans, and everyone who has supported me. I take full responsibility for my actions. This past month has been a great opportunity for me to recenter and focus on myself and get back to who I am. Thank you to everyone who has shown me grace, kindness and compassion. When the time is right I hope to share my story more and in the process hopefully help others. Again thank you to everyone who has supported and believed in me."
Why is it that every time someone commits a crime and get caught red handed, they say that they "made a mistake" and they "take full responsibility for their actions"?

A mistake is when you miss a math problem on a test, or you use poor grammar when you write. A mistake is fumbling or dropping a pass, or missing a check call. A mistake is dating or marrying the wrong man or woman because you thought he/she was different then they are. What she did is mean, selfish, intentional, and something that she chose to do wrong. It's something that intentionally hurt someone else (unless you think stealing is a victimless crime). She knew exactly what she was doing and has not admitted to her selfishness or ego.

As far as taking "full responsibility" for her actions, how many of you here on this forum can with a straight face believe that had she not been caught or if people looked the other way, that she would be taking "full responsibility".

Finally, the best one is "focus on myself and get back to who I am". Sorry, we all know who you are. You're a thief who is likely that way because you spend so much time focusing on yourself. It's likely not the first time you have done this, just the first time you've been caught. It's going to take a lot more than a paragraph to make up for this to the 99.9% of people who aren't shoplifters.

If you "cheer" for her this fall, shame on you.
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Why is it that every time someone commits a crime and get caught red handed, they say that they "made a mistake" and they "take full responsibility for their actions"?

A mistake is when you miss a math problem on a test, or you use poor grammar when you write. A mistake is fumbling or dropping a pass, or missing a check call. A mistake is dating or marrying the wrong man or woman because you thought he/she was different then they are. What she did is mean, selfish, intentional, and something that she chose to do wrong. It's something that intentionally hurt someone else (unless you think stealing is a victimless crime). She knew exactly what she was doing and has not admitted to her selfishness or ego.

As far as taking "full responsibility" for her actions, how many of you here on this forum can with a straight face believe that had she not been caught or if people looked the other way, that she would be taking "full responsibility".

Finally, the best one is "focus on myself and get back to who I am". Sorry, we all know who you are. You're a thief who is likely that way because you spend so much time focusing on yourself. It's likely not the first time you have done this, just the first time you've been caught. It's going to take a lot more than a paragraph to make up for this to the 99.9% of people who aren't shoplifters.

If you "cheer" for her this fall, shame on you.

I DGAF about what she did or said after. I root for her because she's smokin hawt and prolly looks amazing naked, its just a bonus she wears a Husker uni. I don't really care about volleyball or any other womens sport to be honest, and i've have been way to unperfect (understatement of the century) to take the stand you have here.
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Why is it that every time someone commits a crime and get caught red handed, they say that they "made a mistake" and they "take full responsibility for their actions"?

A mistake is when you miss a math problem on a test, or you use poor grammar when you write. A mistake is fumbling or dropping a pass, or missing a check call. A mistake is dating or marrying the wrong man or woman because you thought he/she was different then they are. What she did is mean, selfish, intentional, and something that she chose to do wrong. It's something that intentionally hurt someone else (unless you think stealing is a victimless crime). She knew exactly what she was doing and has not admitted to her selfishness or ego.

As far as taking "full responsibility" for her actions, how many of you here on this forum can with a straight face believe that had she not been caught or if people looked the other way, that she would be taking "full responsibility".

Finally, the best one is "focus on myself and get back to who I am". Sorry, we all know who you are. You're a thief who is likely that way because you spend so much time focusing on yourself. It's likely not the first time you have done this, just the first time you've been caught. It's going to take a lot more than a paragraph to make up for this to the 99.9% of people who aren't shoplifters.

If you "cheer" for her this fall, shame on you.
if you take this thought process to its logical conclusion, there won't be many athletes you can cheer for.
I DGAF about what she did or said after. I root for her because she's smokin hawt and prolly looks amazing naked, its just a bonus she wears a Husker uni. I don't really care about volleyball or any other womens sport to be honest, and i've have been way to unperfect (understatement of the century) to take the stand you have here.
So it's OK to steal other people's possessions if you're "smokin hawt and prolly looks amazing naked"? I'll recommend that she comes over to your house and steals your stuff, cuz you only care that she's "smokin hawt".

Editors note: She's not bad looking, but "smokin hawt" is a bit of a stretch.
So it's OK to steal other people's possessions if you're "smokin hawt and prolly looks amazing naked"? I'll recommend that she comes over to your house and steals your stuff, cuz you only care that she's "smokin hawt".

Editors note: She's not bad looking, but "smokin hawt" is a bit of a stretch.

I don't make the rulez. Hawt chicks get as many breaks as they require...until they are no longer hawt.
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What if they kill someone. What if they steal the money that someone needs to buy food for their family? What if they rape your sister? Would that be OK with you if they're winning games for the Big Red?

I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but people who are willing to excuse anything to win a few ball games make me sick. Not in the mood today of all days for this stupid ass shit.
Overreact much? I get the point you are trying to make, but shoplifting vs. rape are two different things. Shoplifting is bad and stupid, but I can turn a blind eye to that and other petty stuff. DUI is borderline because bad shit can happen and I don't think you should drink and drive in this day and age with all of the other options available, but still many steps below rape. I don't think you would find a fan at any school that would say to keep an athlete after a rape charge. If they did, they can burn in hell.

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