I was hoping you'd tell me. It's not happening here. So you tell me why it needs to be our problem.what should be done about this religious cleansing?
I was hoping you'd tell me. It's not happening here. So you tell me why it needs to be our problem.what should be done about this religious cleansing?
Thank you for your service and all that you have been through.Ideologies have never recognized geopolitical boundaries. They also aren't confined to people who have certain skin colors or hair styles. The American public has a gross misperception about how this "war on terrorism" is going to be fought.
As a people we are outraged by the slaughter in Paris ... but where was the same outcry in 2013 in the Westgate Mall shooting in Kenya which killed 67 people? How about the outcry when genuinely innocent people are killed in errant drone strikes?
If a terrorist sympathizer lived in your neighborhood and the government sanctioned a strike which killed the bad guy and it happened to kill your wife and child, would you passively accept that you deserved it? Would you compassionately understand?
Unfortunately, I hear a ridiculous amount of ignorant crap being spouted as though unmitigated violence will resolve the problem. I was on active duty for 12 years. I've buried at least one friend under the age of 40 every single year since 2002.
Some of the resident internet geniuses might take a moment and ask why our military strategy/foreign policy has completely failed while simultaneously costing us trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives. This month well over 100 veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan will die by their own hands. War is not a video game. The people on the other side of the map are not inherently evil. Some of them are incredibly bad people. They are assholes.
We didn't condemn the entire Catholic church because a few hundred men in leadership positions decided to use their position to rape young boys. Why not stereotype and label all Catholics?
The Westboro Baptist Church claims to be Baptist. Why not just admit that all Baptists are flaming hate-mongers?
You know why we don't do this? Because we personally know good Catholics and Baptists. We know that a few assholes don't represent everyone under a certain label. I've been deployed to Iraq. I've met hundreds of Iraqi families. By and large, they are great freaking people. Not terribly different from you and I in the areas that matter most.
They want their kids to grow up safe. They want their kids to have a better life than they did. If the only Muslims I'd ever met were the ones trying to blow me up, I'd probably hate them all too. Fortunately, I met hundreds more and found we have a little thing called humanity in common.
I get my disability check from the VA each month. I paid my price in combat. Every Senator and Representative who votes to send our people to war should be required to go with them or volunteer their spouse, son, or daughter to go into combat.
War is a very real and occasionally very necessary thing. However, it isn't real when you don't have any skin in the game. Stop with the anti-Muslim rhetoric. Its nothing more than fear stemming from your ignorant stereotypes. We're Americans. We've done this fear-mongering thing before. We've run Japanese concentration camps on American soil before.
Don't do it. Don't allow assholes (ISIS) to make us assholes. Deal with the problem in a carefully considered rational manner that will produce the desired end results. ISIS clearly knew they would engender a massive emotional reaction. We need to make sure that we don't play right into their hands.
High-end estimates place ISIS strength at 50K. Most estimates say that we have about 1.3 billion Muslims in the world.
If we could take out a murderer at the expense of 26000 innocent lives, would that really be worth it? Did you seriously just refer to non-violent Muslims as moles?
Either you are an asshole ... or I'm just politically correct.
Ideologies have never recognized geopolitical boundaries. They also aren't confined to people who have certain skin colors or hair styles. The American public has a gross misperception about how this "war on terrorism" is going to be fought.
As a people we are outraged by the slaughter in Paris ... but where was the same outcry in 2013 in the Westgate Mall shooting in Kenya which killed 67 people? How about the outcry when genuinely innocent people are killed in errant drone strikes?
If a terrorist sympathizer lived in your neighborhood and the government sanctioned a strike which killed the bad guy and it happened to kill your wife and child, would you passively accept that you deserved it? Would you compassionately understand?
Unfortunately, I hear a ridiculous amount of ignorant crap being spouted as though unmitigated violence will resolve the problem. I was on active duty for 12 years. I've buried at least one friend under the age of 40 every single year since 2002.
Some of the resident internet geniuses might take a moment and ask why our military strategy/foreign policy has completely failed while simultaneously costing us trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives. This month well over 100 veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan will die by their own hands. War is not a video game. The people on the other side of the map are not inherently evil. Some of them are incredibly bad people. They are assholes.
We didn't condemn the entire Catholic church because a few hundred men in leadership positions decided to use their position to rape young boys. Why not stereotype and label all Catholics?
The Westboro Baptist Church claims to be Baptist. Why not just admit that all Baptists are flaming hate-mongers?
You know why we don't do this? Because we personally know good Catholics and Baptists. We know that a few assholes don't represent everyone under a certain label. I've been deployed to Iraq. I've met hundreds of Iraqi families. By and large, they are great freaking people. Not terribly different from you and I in the areas that matter most.
They want their kids to grow up safe. They want their kids to have a better life than they did. If the only Muslims I'd ever met were the ones trying to blow me up, I'd probably hate them all too. Fortunately, I met hundreds more and found we have a little thing called humanity in common.
I get my disability check from the VA each month. I paid my price in combat. Every Senator and Representative who votes to send our people to war should be required to go with them or volunteer their spouse, son, or daughter to go into combat.
War is a very real and occasionally very necessary thing. However, it isn't real when you don't have any skin in the game. Stop with the anti-Muslim rhetoric. Its nothing more than fear stemming from your ignorant stereotypes. We're Americans. We've done this fear-mongering thing before. We've run Japanese concentration camps on American soil before.
Don't do it. Don't allow assholes (ISIS) to make us assholes. Deal with the problem in a carefully considered rational manner that will produce the desired end results. ISIS clearly knew they would engender a massive emotional reaction. We need to make sure that we don't play right into their hands.
That's two rogue individuals in what, 14 years? I'd love the number to be zero, but if two incidents in 14 years is your proof that the U.S. doesn't try at counterterrorism, you are definitely living in a different world.Seriously Beav, it's like we live in separate worlds. The US has not been particularly aggressive with its counterterrorism at home that's why we have Ft Hood and Boston. He'll terrorists can walk across our southern border like its a Sunday walk in the park. The fact we haven't been hit is dumb luck. We aren't looking for total safety because any safety is an illusion at this point.
You say we can't protect the world and I say if not us then who? Nobody is suggesting that we can bomb anyone until they like us. Some places in the world will never be our friends but those places need to fear us. We need to continue making alliances, we don't need to walk this path alone. However, we need to stand behind our alliances even when it's painful.
It's not happening here? Not even a little? Are you proposing we wait until another 9/11 to take place before it "needs to be our problem." If a dirty bomb goes off in the middle of Israel is it not our problem? We shouldn't be bothering with this Paris thing, didn't happen here, not our problem.I was hoping you'd tell me. It's not happening here. So you tell me why it needs to be our problem.
That's the benefit of living in a free country. We get to discuss what's happening in the world and everyone's opinion is as relevant as the next. Even if We don't agree with each other or with our elected representatives everything still functions.
I keep hearing how we have bombed them and it didn't work. We bomb with ROE that ensures we will never be successful. We've never really bombed them because we are so afraid of what the media will say that we refrain from anything that might cause civilian casualties. Meanwhile these same terrorists hide among those civilians to ensure they're never attacked. Eventually we are going to have to decide if we are all in or all out. God help us if we are all out.
I believe he was referring to the "whack a mole" strategy. But maybe not
Look long Beav.
You aren't getting much support on this. Your 26 posts garnered 1 like.
"Whack a mole" was in reference to the tendency for a new branch/incarnation of a terrorist cell to pop up as soon as it seems progress is being made against another. I don't think it was meant to refer to any/all Muslim people.I really genuinely respect your posts so I hesitate a little ....
These are people. People with parents. People with children. People with dreams. People with aspirations and unmet goals just like us. For the most part, they were born in the Middle East and that wasn't a choice that they made.
I didn't have a choice to be born in the most prosperous nation in the world. I'm incredibly thankful for it. I also recognize I didn't earn the American title by virtue of some inherent talent or skill.
When I hear "whack a mole" or whatever, I can't help but remind myself that these are real people. The slaughter of innocent Muslims breaks my heart the same as the atrocity in Paris. Our hate is fueling ISIS. The rising tide of anti-Muslim rhetoric is going to be used as a recruiting tool against us.
Pacifism isn't the response either. I'm not stupid. However, I don't use a guillotine to shave in the morning.
Pacifism isn't the response either. I'm not stupid. However, I don't use a guillotine to shave in the morning.
Every once in a while, someone arrogantly thinks he/she invented reasoned thoughts/arguments and passive aggressively states as much.Every once in awhile, someone just gets it. Great post.
For those of you that think our military actions have lead to ISIS, a reminder that these people have been fighting others and each other for thousands of years, long before the USA existed.
Every once in a while, someone arrogantly thinks he/she invented reasoned thoughts/arguments and passive aggressively states as much.
The thousand of people raped, tortured and murdered every year by terrorists also are innocent.I really genuinely respect your posts so I hesitate a little ....
These are people. People with parents. People with children. People with dreams. People with aspirations and unmet goals just like us. For the most part, they were born in the Middle East and that wasn't a choice that they made.
I didn't have a choice to be born in the most prosperous nation in the world. I'm incredibly thankful for it. I also recognize I didn't earn the American title by virtue of some inherent talent or skill.
When I hear "whack a mole" or whatever, I can't help but remind myself that these are real people. The slaughter of innocent Muslims breaks my heart the same as the atrocity in Paris. Our hate is fueling ISIS. The rising tide of anti-Muslim rhetoric is going to be used as a recruiting tool against us.
Pacifism isn't the response either. I'm not stupid. However, I don't use a guillotine to shave in the morning.
The Beav wouldn't have.
There are no easy answers. They're an existential threat to our way of life. Completely wiping them off the map with a scorched Earth method isn't really acceptable anymore but we're running out of options. I do know one thing though. Taking the high road and playing by different rules hasn't worked so far.
"This aggression will not stand, man"
QFTYah, I think that's where most folks struggle.
When you look at what's thrown out, and the giant disconnect between problems and proposed solutions, its pretty laughable. Its basically non-sensical.
The thousand of people raped, tortured and murdered every year by terrorists also are innocent.
And his like-minded anarchist liberal sycophants are the enablers for anti-American, anti-western terrorism.
We wiped out Nazism. We're gonna have to wipe out those who worship . . .
Weak willed American men are gonna have to sit this one out and those willing to fight evil are gonna have to win the debate. The PC war proscribed by Obama and those who voted for him is a recipe for failure.
Most of the solutions proposed here have to do with the US killing them in some form or another, so that ISIS can't.
Just because these people have been froggy doesn't mean that we didn't play a role in the formation of certain groups. There is no AQ-Iraq if there is no Iraq war. ISIS went from there.
Yah the FBI doesn't have any problems with neo Nazis.
You suffer from truth-derangement-syndrome
Actually if you would do a little research you would see that there have been a couple of attacks per year in the U.S. since 2008. However, due to pure dumb luck, a large number of them have been unsuccessful (shoe bomber, underwear bomber and New York car bomb). None of these terrorist were rocket scientist. Most of them did not act alone and in fact received training overseas.That's two rogue individuals in what, 14 years? I'd love the number to be zero, but if two incidents in 14 years is your proof that the U.S. doesn't try at counterterrorism, you are definitely living in a different world.
And his like-minded anarchist liberal sycophants are the enablers for anti-American, anti-western terrorism.
We wiped out Nazism. We're gonna have to wipe out those who worship . . .
Weak willed American men are gonna have to sit this one out and those willing to fight evil are gonna have to win the debate. The PC war proscribed by Obama and those who voted for him is a recipe for failure.
I don't see how nuking the ME in an existential war of survival is at all positive for potential ISIS rape victims.
If the US wanted to be a gigantic pain in the ass, to anyone or anything, the reality is, we could do it. I get that for every action there is a counter, and I suspect there are (among other things) lots of higher ups that have lots of influence (personal / business) that prevent the U.S. from following through with lots of things it could do.You can look through the thread for yourself, and I certainly don't have all the answers, but there's everything from nuke them all to shut down every business that ever tangentially remotely related to terrorism.
Most have no basis in reality, other than the fact that we're pissed at ISIS and its the thing we can think of when our fingers hit the keyboard.
It doesn't take inventing reasoned thinking to see that.
Actually if you would do a little research you would see that there have been a couple of attacks per year in the U.S. since 2008. However, due to pure dumb luck, a large number of them have been unsuccessful (shoe bomber, underwear bomber and New York car bomb). None of these terrorist were rocket scientist. Most of them did not act alone and in fact received training overseas.
Additionally, even if the number was only 2, I suspect the relatives of those victims don't consider the number insignificant.
Really who said kill every Muslim - see that is the mantra some people have - not one person has stated they care what religion someone is not one person has stated all Muslim are responsible. It is however naive to believe that there is not a group of Muslims who believe in control and death to people who do not think as they do.High-end estimates place ISIS strength at 50K. Most estimates say that we have about 1.3 billion Muslims in the world.
If we could take out a murderer at the expense of 26000 innocent lives, would that really be worth it? Did you seriously just refer to non-violent Muslims as moles?
Either you are an asshole ... or I'm just politically correct.
If the US wanted to be a gigantic pain in the ass, to anyone or anything, the reality is, we could do it. I get that for every action there is a counter, and I suspect there are (among other things) lots of higher ups that have lots of influence (personal / business) that prevent the U.S. from following through with lots of things it could do.
Really who said kill every Muslim - see that is the mantra some people have - not one person has stated they care what religion someone is not one person has stated all Muslim are responsible. It is however naive to believe that there is not a group of Muslims who believe in control and death to people who do not think as they do.
Whack a mole belongs to the belief if you confront these guys in one place they just pop up in another so why bother.
These are not just murderers this is a religious movement rooted in the radicalization of the muslim faith. If you do not go after it with all you have it will not just go away but get worse
Really who said kill every Muslim
These are not just murderers this is a religious movement rooted in the radicalization of the muslim faith. If you do not go after it with all you have it will not just go away but get worse
No offense her but to jump to the conclusion with "Whack a Mole" I refer to open season any Muslim - why in the world would you jump to that conclusion;I really genuinely respect your posts so I hesitate a little ....
These are people. People with parents. People with children. People with dreams. People with aspirations and unmet goals just like us. For the most part, they were born in the Middle East and that wasn't a choice that they made.
I didn't have a choice to be born in the most prosperous nation in the world. I'm incredibly thankful for it. I also recognize I didn't earn the American title by virtue of some inherent talent or skill.
When I hear "whack a mole" or whatever, I can't help but remind myself that these are real people. The slaughter of innocent Muslims breaks my heart the same as the atrocity in Paris. Our hate is fueling ISIS. The rising tide of anti-Muslim rhetoric is going to be used as a recruiting tool against us.
Pacifism isn't the response either. I'm not stupid. However, I don't use a guillotine to shave in the morning.