Fire Satterfield

I like how the play calling is often criticized but an alternative is never offered. So instead of running an inside zone on the weak side with a pull and pin from the TE we should have run trips right and cleared the outside for a RB wheel route. No, it’s just the O coordinator (everything me since Tom) should be fired.

There are some basic rules for QBs to look at. Two deep safeties calls for a run, a single high is better for running. Does anyone really know what the play call was on all of the times when the right play wasn’t called? QBs are usually given two plays and they can option from that.

All this complaining just shows a lot of FB ignorance. The results could have been much better had DR not gone the wrong way twice or a holding call brought back a long TD run but sure go ahead and blame the play caller.

I am not a fan nor a critic of Sat but he has a boss as well so it’s not like he is all on his own.
The play calling in the second half was deliberate conservative, as my neighbor noted they seemed to be trying stuff just to see if it would work.
well, this popular sentiment was thoroughly debunked in Rhule's presser today:

-Coach Rhule had the opinion of being aggressive when we were up 28-0

back to the well, white knights!
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and for all the Satt apologists - why do you care who the OC is? what is the benefit of a personal connection to an assistant coach?

we want the best guys at every position.

plain and simple.
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Coach Rhule agrees with the overall sentiment in this thread

Offense needs to be better around DR
I thought I needed to account for the possibility that this was a well-considered strategy to maximize chances of winning the game by shortening the second half with minimal errors. And that Satt was just executing the agreed plan.

But Rhule did say he wanted to be aggressive when we were 28-0. And some offensive players need to dial it in and focus. Particularly WRs, which makes me wonder how good is our WR coach.
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I thought I needed to account for the possibility that this was a well-considered strategy to maximize chances of winning the game by shortening the second half with minimal errors. And that Satt was just executing the agreed plan.

But Rhule did say he wanted to be aggressive when we were 28-0. And some offensive players need to dial it in and focus. Particularly WRs, which makes me wonder how good is our WR coach.
Rhule officially put Satt on notice during todays presser

Hopefully he gets the memo. If not, he will be gone, Thomas will take over, and we will not miss satt for a millisecond.
I thought I needed to account for the possibility that this was a well-considered strategy to maximize chances of winning the game by shortening the second half with minimal errors. And that Satt was just executing the agreed plan.

But Rhule did say he wanted to be aggressive when we were 28-0. And some offensive players need to dial it in and focus. Particularly WRs, which makes me wonder how good is our WR coach.
Why not enjoy the win without micromanaging the process? Without those key penalties on those chunk plays in the second half we probably put up another 2 TDs. I'm sorry but I don't get calling for firing coaches given what I've seen so far. We look organized and well coached. Players have to make plays and avoid penalties. Once the game starts there's only so much a coach can do and IMO we look well coached. Personally I would have liked us to continue to attack CU down the field in the second half but we were having trouble protecting Raiola when they brought 7. We tried to run clock with a lot of run calls but CU was stacking the box and bringing frequent blitzes. That's why we hit on a couple of long runs only to have them brought back with the dropped hankies. The second half was deflating but it isn't about my joy. It's about sealing the W and they did that.
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well, this popular sentiment was thoroughly debunked in Rhule's presser today:

-Coach Rhule had the opinion of being aggressive when we were up 28-0

back to the well, white knights!
I'm not a fan of Rhule passing off blame to Satt. Rhule is right there. He can tell Satt to go for the jugular. This game plan was arrived at by Rhule, Satt and Thomas. We did make some aggressive play calls in the second half but they don't always work. CU's defense played much better in that second half and a large part of that was all of the blitz packages they thew at Raiola.
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I was responding to this in your post: "Hopefully he gets the memo. If not, he will be gone,..."
I think he’ll make a change if he deems it necessary

If he doesn’t want to fire him, maybe he’ll tip off the LPD after a long night so they can do it for him
I'm not a fan of Rhule passing off blame to Satt. Rhule's right there. He can tell Satt to go for the jugular. This game plan was arrived at by Rhule, Satt and Thomas. We did make some aggressive play calls in the second half but they don't always work. CU's defense played much better in that second half and a large part of that was all of the blitz packages they thew at Raiola.
He was pretty visibly frustrated on the sideline during the 2nd half

I didn’t take it as him passing the buck, more like “we talked about this and it didn’t happen”

But this is a fair opinion