Crowd doing their part

We staked them a 10-0 lead. Then succumbed to your narrative.

I don't know if there is hope. Every fan is a joke. Pennyshusker and Toms Wife, help me out here
Very, very few fans left until that last fumble. Our fans held out hope to almost the end. To say the fans in the stands quit on the team last night is just ignorant.

Some people need to remember that a lot of those fans have a long drive home in heavy traffic. So if some leave 2 or 3 minutes early when the game is decided in a late night game situation I see no reason to call them quitters unless you have some agenda
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So did the players walk out NOPE. If it was your kid would you walk out? They faced a superior physical team this year and never quit. Bos teams were notorious for that. We were out matched by a more physical and athletic and experienced team. This kids never quit though. It's obvious many of you are OK with this though.

Why were they physically superior and more athletic? Nebraska out-recruits Wisconsin every year.
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I thought Nebraska looked more athletic in the first half but as a unit they certainly didn't play assignment football very well. Midway through the third is when you seen Wisconsin's physical nature take over completely.
So did the players walk out NOPE. If it was your kid would you walk out? They faced a superior physical team this year and never quit. Bos teams were notorious for that. We were out matched by a more physical and athletic and experienced team. This kids never quit though. It's obvious many of you are OK with this though.
That's something I have to give Riley credit for is his teams don't quit. Bo's teams never really quit either, but both were completely outmatched at times. The only team I remember quitting in recent years is the 2007 team.
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I attended the game Saturday night -- it was the first time I've seen Nebraska in person this year.
A few observations:
--They had the athletes to play with and beat Wisconsin.
--They gave away too many opportunities especially in the first half, the missed Brown field goal, and third and two in the red the ball. A 10 point swing. That pick six was on the coaches.
--A wild final five minutes of the first half. Thomas is a great back, but geez, giving up a t.d. immediately after a great pass, catch, run and block for a long t.d. by morgan. How could the Blackshirts relax. Then we answer with a field goal. Nebraska had more than 300 yards of total offense in the first half but still trailed by 7.
--Second half, the offense failed to sustain. Defense was on the field too long, ran out of gas and got steamrolled. Wisconsin ran the ball time and again -- reminded me of Nebraska in its heyday.
Very sad to watch.
--Not at all impressed with the play-calling. Very little imagination. Very predictable. Compare with Andy Reid of the Chiefs-- basic plays with lots of different wrinkles.
-- Crowd was high energy until the Morgan fumble --- it was exciting.
--Wisconsin is a good team with a great running back. But this was a winnable game.
--I believe Riley deserves another year, with his players. As for a new offensive coordinator ---time for a change.
--I will never take solice in a Nebraska defeat ---this team is young, they are working in a new defensive system, and there's a new quarterback running the O. I live and die with Nebraska every Saturday, and right now, there's alot of dying. I still hold out hope for a 7-5 season with a bowl game against another big name school down in the dumps . 8 wins would be great-- it is possible.
--Sat across from Mike Rozier at a bar after the game -wish he could have spelled Ozigbo for a few plays.
--This is sports, entertainment. Enjoy it, win or lose.
-- We left with two minutes to go...most fans stayed till the final play.

"That pick six was on the coaches."

I think the pick was to try to take the crowd out of the game as fast as possible.

the only problem is we didn't pick the ball for 6, and they took NU's crowd out of it.
why do you have interception prone lee throw to fumble prone ohzigbo, when you were driving it down the field with ease? makes NO sense at all.