Coach Prime struggling on signing day

I've used it before, and will again. Anyone who is a fan of Cowherd, and admits it, has it coming. You love Cowherd, and listen to that other stuff, and I'm the dork? C'mon!!!
you’re so brave and edgy for not liking the most popular sports pundit.
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Yeah and you could also argue that transfer players will have more of an immediate impact (see USC last year) so Deion actually emphasized the right things. Plus he did it with less time than Rhule and blah blah blah. It all gets pretty subjective. Fvck Deion and Fvck CU but being objective, they have a higher ranked class than we do right now.
He also had a 5 star and another highly ranked player follow him from Jackson State. Nobody to follow Rhule to Neb back from the NFL. And Rhule’s son isn’t playing QB for him.
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I hate to keep this post alive but I feel I need to post my thoughts on the Sanders hiring. I really don't care what Sanders does with his team or where his team is ranked, all that matters is we kick their butts in 23. It is definitely time for some pay back, I never want to lose to those clowns again. GBR!
I hate to keep this post alive but I feel I need to post my thoughts on the Sanders hiring. I really don't care what Sanders does with his team or where his team is ranked, all that matters is we kick their butts in 23. It is definitely time for some pay back, I never want to lose to those clowns again. GBR!
Feels like Chris Brown is still running.
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Help me understand the transfer rankings… according to 247, Iowa’s 2 transfer gets, a 4 star and 3 star player, ranks 13 places higher than Nebraska’s transfer portal gets include five 4 star players and one with zero stars…

Iowa is 22nd and Nebraska is 35th.

My guess is Nebraska’s transfer portal class is better than Iowa’s.

Colorado has a 5 star, a 4 star, five 3 stars a 2 star and one with no stars. Their HS class is ranked 53rd.

I guess I just don’t understand how that transfer class is 28 places better than Nebraska and enough to jump their class nearly 40 places when combining transfer portal to HS recruits.

I don’t get it.
You're not considering the Nebraska multiplier. To do this you multiply the final score by ((√(π/10)) the services are catching on that all our 4* wash out and are overrated. 😉
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You're not considering the Nebraska multiplier. To do this you multiply the final score by ((√(π/10)) the services are catching on that all our 4* wash out and are overrated. 😉
In the words of Chicken Little (one of my daughters’ favorite movies), “Today is a new day!”
He also had a 5 star and another highly ranked player follow him from Jackson State. Nobody to follow Rhule to Neb back from the NFL. And Rhule’s son isn’t playing QB for him.
He took all those highly ranked players from Jackson state and developed them into players who couldn’t beat North Carolina central. I doubt they will beat anyone in the pac 12. But they carry nice luggage to get their arses kicked
Next season I would expect the Buffs to beat Colorado State and a couple of lower-level Pac-12 teams. They really shouldn't beat Nebraska, unless the ghost of Scott Frost is still lingering at Folsom Field.

But CU will sell a lot more tickets and merchandise than last year, which will be enough to allow AD Rick George to keep his job for another couple of years. I feel like that was the primary motivation behind this hire.
What did I just watch?
It's pretty simple, self-aggrandizement. It's all about prime and only the smart recruits will see through the glitz and shiny that is Sanders. Sanders is all about entertainment and he will pump some hope into the Buffalo faithful even if it's only for a short while. No way Sanders makes CU his home for more than a few years, he has higher asperations than coaching the Buffalo's.
Next season I would expect the Buffs to beat Colorado State and a couple of lower-level Pac-12 teams. They really shouldn't beat Nebraska, unless the ghost of Scott Frost is still lingering at Folsom Field.

But CU will sell a lot more tickets and merchandise than last year, which will be enough to allow AD Rick George to keep his job for another couple of years. I feel like that was the primary motivation behind this hire.
You probably nailed the situation because CU and their AD were deader than dead without a splash hire.
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if we need tight end I wonder if we could help this guy be all that he can be
I hate neon deon, cause he was free shoes, dallas crackboys and now cu...
but as a person he seems ok...I would acctually like to see him beat alot of folks..except us of course...and maybe except tcu and utah ..I like them 2 teams...but hopefully he beats usc, oregon and the rest...

I kinda don't like he talks to Jesus about not paying a full car repair bill..
but, he tells players to shut off their phone and pull up their pants, so thats ok
he's a hellva athlete and never really done no really stupid stuff..
but he showboats more then my liking..

kinda a mixed bag with him
Its not showboating. Its called advertisement. No one can deny his football ability. Thus the name recognition. I think everyone needs to chill and let everything play out. The things he did for JSU showed he is not just about himself no matter what anyone thinks. He made peanuts coaching the school and brought relevance to their program. When is the last time we at Nebraska were relevant?
Show me 1 other coach that has anything like this? He is literally making a documentary while being a coach.. I don't know 1 other coach that is self promoting University branded clothing with his nickname on it
No other player in The NFL played in a NFL game and proceeded to suit up for Major League game in the same day. That is the point he is not the average coach. You want average and look at what it has gotten us for Nebraska football. There are 6 million people in Colorado and about 2 million in. the whole state of Nebraska but we act like Nebraska is this great destination for college football players. WE should be thankful for the recruits Rhule has been able to snag. Prime is bringing eyeballs to CU's program and is increasing awareness of CU to people who probably didn't follow the program, This is marketing 101.
No other player in The NFL played in a NFL game and proceeded to suit up for Major League game in the same day. That is the point he is not the average coach. You want average and look at what it has gotten us for Nebraska football. There are 6 million people in Colorado and about 2 million in. the whole state of Nebraska but we act like Nebraska is this great destination for college football players. WE should be thankful for the recruits Rhule has been able to snag. Prime is bringing eyeballs to CU's program and is increasing awareness of CU to people who probably didn't follow the program, This is marketing 101.
Keep spinning.
No other player in The NFL played in a NFL game and proceeded to suit up for Major League game in the same day. That is the point he is not the average coach. You want average and look at what it has gotten us for Nebraska football. There are 6 million people in Colorado and about 2 million in. the whole state of Nebraska but we act like Nebraska is this great destination for college football players. WE should be thankful for the recruits Rhule has been able to snag. Prime is bringing eyeballs to CU's program and is increasing awareness of CU to people who probably didn't follow the program, This is marketing 101.

He's shown himself to be an ass and he appears to be doubling down on ass and I suspect we've only seen the beginning...the longer he's there the more outragous he is going to have to act to keep people interested. Should be fun to watch. Glad we dodged that bullet.
So he's only signed 9 transfers, and half of them are from a Jackson State team that couldn't beat NC Central. Two of the others are from bad FCS teams, one is from a MAC team, and the other two are from Power 5 teams but they didn't really do much. Seems pretty unimpressive considering all the hype.
Recruiting class rankings don't necessarily guarantee a winning program. See Texas A&M 2022 class #1. They had 5 wins this year.
He's shown himself to be an ass and he appears to be doubling down on ass and I suspect we've only seen the beginning...the longer he's there the more outragous he is going to have to act to keep people interested. Should be fun to watch. Glad we dodged that bullet.
You're glad. Lol. Like Deion was interested in coaching Nebraska. You act like we had a lot of options. That is why we overpaid for Rhule. Harbaughis making 7 million a year and we are paying a recently fired coach 9 million. As a Nebraska fan there is a lot of delusion going on these boards. This isn't the Tom Osborne Huskers of the mid 90's.
You're glad. Lol. Like Deion was interested in coaching Nebraska. You act like we had a lot of options. That is why we overpaid for Rhule. Harbaughis making 7 million a year and we are paying a recently fired coach 9 million. As a Nebraska fan there is a lot of delusion going on these boards. This isn't the Tom Osborne Huskers of the mid 90's.
Might be time to go take a walk pal.
You're glad. Lol. Like Deion was interested in coaching Nebraska. You act like we had a lot of options. That is why we overpaid for Rhule. Harbaughis making 7 million a year and we are paying a recently fired coach 9 million. As a Nebraska fan there is a lot of delusion going on these boards. This isn't the Tom Osborne Huskers of the mid 90's.

I am on record, several times (before we hired anyone and Deion accepted the CU job)...stating Deion would have zero interest in us...and please show me a single person who thinks it's the 90' can't....lazy take....and Prime is going to earn all the ridicule headed his way. He is acting like an ass and this is going to end poorly and I am going to laugh my ass off at him between now and then.
You're glad. Lol. Like Deion was interested in coaching Nebraska. You act like we had a lot of options. That is why we overpaid for Rhule. Harbaughis making 7 million a year and we are paying a recently fired coach 9 million. As a Nebraska fan there is a lot of delusion going on these boards. This isn't the Tom Osborne Huskers of the mid 90's.


You're glad. Lol. Like Deion was interested in coaching Nebraska. You act like we had a lot of options. That is why we overpaid for Rhule. Harbaughis making 7 million a year and we are paying a recently fired coach 9 million. As a Nebraska fan there is a lot of delusion going on these boards. This isn't the Tom Osborne Huskers of the mid 90's.
No one buys you’re a Nebraska fan. You are so insecure about your (Colorado) coaching hire you setup an account and pretend to be a Husker fan on Christmas to make yourself feel better. I truly feel sorry for you.
Cowherd is a frequently wildly wrong shock jock. It lines his pockets. Great for him. I can’t stand to listen to him though. Popular doesn’t equal right or even good.
Nobody can be 100% on hot takes, and he’s right a fair amount of the time.

He has interesting metaphors that make them compelling at least. His Wednesday segment with Joel Klatt is the best CFB segment on TV
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You're glad. Lol. Like Deion was interested in coaching Nebraska. You act like we had a lot of options. That is why we overpaid for Rhule. Harbaughis making 7 million a year and we are paying a recently fired coach 9 million. As a Nebraska fan there is a lot of delusion going on these boards. This isn't the Tom Osborne Huskers of the mid 90's.
Youre right, this isnt the 90's anymore and Deion aint running no mo. Also his schtick is so old, Don Rickles rose from the grave to shit talk it.

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