Aranda rumor

Cut the bullshit, we all want the best damn coach we can get, regardless of race. SMFH
Funny part is that that is the sweet spot. 55 -65. TO, Bobby Bowden, Nick Saban, Pete Carroll, Jimbo Fisher, Tressell, Meyer. Outliers are Dabo and Smart. Do you see any similarities?
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Race is brought up because of all the "approved" candidates, outside of Aranda, are all white guys with ties to the midwest, that run the ball 60% of the time. According to the board Joseph won't be hired because he doesn't have head coaching experience in P5, Bienemy wont be hired because he is just Andy Reid's lap dog.

Name another person of color, that has been mentioned, besides Aranda.
Says the guy who thought Aranda was white. Joseph doesn't have head coaching experience. EB has been a hot name for years, but not a HC offer, anywhere. Why dont you name another person who should be considered.
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Just to be SUPER are saying that if a HC knows of ANY wrongdoing that is going on with his staff (their home life) or players...that he, the HC, it to blame.

Even if he doesn't know about it, right?

You are correct, let’s be clear and maybe we can start with you being clear. So which is it, does he know or does he not know? But really it’s not debatable, it’s fact that he knew. It’s okay for you to admit he is a piece of shit and still admit that you want him to get the job here.
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You are correct, let’s be clear and maybe we can start with you being clear. So which is it does he know or does he not know? But really it’s not debatable, it’s fact that he knew. It’s okay for you to admit he is a piece of shit and still admit that you want him to get the job here.
OR, option B, he is a POS and I DON'T want him to get the job.
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joseph = a-ok, hopefully wins games, and gets a chance ..if we can't get a all world coach
benemy was involved in some real shady stuff at colorado, makes urban and gruden look like luther and calvin
I just don't understand why Fickell wasn't more of a popular choice among Nebraska fans. He has Big Time written all over him at a major football power in the near future
He is popular, I think most don’t think very likely given his OSU connection.
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I think Aranda has a lot of potential. I'd like to see how he does this year though, to have a better feel.
Urb's a slut. A hot slut (albeit completely plastic - not a single part of it being authentic and real), but a slut nonetheless. For a number of you, that's good enough. You get your rocks off, quickly, and it leaves you without hesitation for the next little weiner with a lot more money
Or, it takes your money, sees your goods (or lack thereof), fakes a headache (sound familiar?), and is gone. Either way, just being within 10 feet of that big of a skank leaves a mark, as in a pock mark, in the crotchal region, with burning and painful urination for years, which you may never recover from. But, for sure, that 10 seconds was the best 10 seconds of your lives.
I never said I supported hiring Meyer. Not once. Ever. In fact, I have thrown cold water on the idea from the start. So go on blathering nonsense about me getting my rocks off over Urbs.

My one and only point… you know… the point I actually made and not the one you invented… was that, all things being equal, you only throw kitchen sink money and perks at a coach of his stature, but not a coach of Aranda’s stature. I like Aranda. So offer him a very generous salary well above what he is making now and let the chips fall where they may.

I do not support hiring Meyer and for all the reasons you state. I have never once said otherwise.
joseph = a-ok, hopefully wins games, and gets a chance ..if we can't get a all world coach
benemy was involved in some real shady stuff at colorado, makes urban and gruden look like luther and calvin
Why would Bienemy be a candidate?

The lists that are being leaked all have candidates that have head coaching experience (and varying degrees of success) at the college football level. Most at the P5 level

They have run programs before.

Bienemy has not.

Unless he has recently undergone a lobotomy, Alberts is not going to hitch his wagon to a coach with zero experience managing a football program and everything that comes with that responsibility.
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Why would Bienemy be a candidate?

The lists that are being leaked all have candidates that have head coaching experience (and varying degrees of success) at the college football level. Most at the P5 level

They have run programs before.

Bienemy has not.

Unless he has recently undergone a lobotomy, Alberts is not going to hitch his wagon to a coach with zero experience managing a football program and everything that comes with that responsibility.

Regardless of his skin color.
I don't know, I just seen his name pop up a bit
I don’t think Tuco is slobbering over Meyer. Just pointing out that you only throw the kitchen sink at a coach of his stature. And Aranda, though a good coach, is not kitchen sink worthy

Lately, this job has proven to be a career killer. It's going to take a "kitchen sink" offer for anyone remotely good.
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I never said I supported hiring Meyer. Not once. Ever. In fact, I have thrown cold water on the idea from the start. So go on blathering nonsense about me getting my rocks off over Urbs.

My one and only point… you know… the point I actually made and not the one you invented… was that, all things being equal, you only throw kitchen sink money and perks at a coach of his stature, but not a coach of Aranda’s stature. I like Aranda. So offer him a very generous salary well above what he is making now and let the chips fall where they may.

I do not support hiring Meyer and for all the reasons you state. I have never once said otherwise.
No, I understand your point. My responding to your post was not to suggest you were wanting the hire.
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Lately, this job has proven to be a career killer. It's going to take a "kitchen sink" offer for anyone remotely good.
We just gave Frost another 15 million to walk away. Not many coaches care if it kills their career IF they can walk away with that kind of bank. I heard a different take on our situation yesterday on the radio. The guy pointed out that most of the coaches we would consider now grew up in the 70s to 90s. Some of them played here then on visiting teams. Some of them coached here as assistants on visiting teams. They remember what this place can be and think, "Man. I could be the guy to bring them back AND get filthy rich doing it". Our expectations have been tempered. They would have tremendous support and Trev is WIDELY respected by college coaches and administrators. I believe Trev is going to get his first choice when he makes this hire.
Lately, this job has proven to be a career killer. It's going to take a "kitchen sink" offer for anyone remotely good.
Let’s review:
Callahan- Offensive coordinator NFL
Pelini- Never was hired for Power5 conference but was Youngstown head coach and defensive coordinators at Oklahoma and LSU
Riley- We all knew this was his last hurrah
Frost- future?
Many coaches thrive under pressure and like a challenge. Money is not the only consideration. The downsides of the job are already well noted, but the one that will really make a new coach pause is the firings of Solich and Pelini.
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Let’s review:
Callahan- Offensive coordinator NFL
Pelini- Never was hired for Power5 conference but was Youngstown head coach and defensive coordinators at Oklahoma and LSU
Riley- We all knew this was his last hurrah
Frost- future?
Pelini was a position coach in the NFL when we hired him. One could argue that he never should have been a head coach. We've made it a practice of promoting guys to their highest level of incompetence. Riley was maybe fine for a mediocre P5 team that could every now and then upset somebody and make it to a bowl game. Who knows with Frost? He probably should have stayed at UCF. I still think he could have won at NU with a good DC.
Many coaches thrive under pressure and like a challenge. Money is not the only consideration. The downsides of the job are already well noted, but the one that will really make a new coach pause is the firings of Solich and Pelini.

The 35 million dollar (or more) lottery ticket we're going to give them outweighs that by so much, it will not be an all.
Aranda has been a coordinator through almost two decades of coaching. He has only a couple seasons as a HC and one ofthose was the shortened Covid season.
Would I be happy with Aranda, particularly if he can bring his buddy Tom Herman onboard as an OC? Heck yes. With Mickey onboard as well that could be a pretty impressive staff.
But I want to know there was a hard no from Urban Meyer first. Meyer would be the one guy that can turn this program around within a year and set a very strong foundation.
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Aranda has been a coordinator through almost two decades of coaching. He has only a couple seasons as a HC and one ofthose was the shortened Covid season.
Would I be happy with Aranda, particularly if he can bring his buddy Tom Herman onboard as an OC? Heck yes. With Mickey onboard as well that could be a pretty impressive staff.
But I want to know there was a hard no from Urban Meyer first. Meyer would be the one guy that can turn this program around within a year and set a very strong foundation.
I would rather him bring his current OC. I really like his philosophy. I think Trev does too.
Pelini was a position coach in the NFL when we hired him. One could argue that he never should have been a head coach. We've made it a practice of promoting guys to their highest level of incompetence. Riley was maybe fine for a mediocre P5 team that could every now and then upset somebody and make it to a bowl game. Who knows with Frost? He probably should have stayed at UCF. I still think he could have won at NU with a good DC.
Pelini was a successful defensive coordinator at LSU when we hired him.
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Pelini was a position coach in the NFL when we hired him. One could argue that he never should have been a head coach. We've made it a practice of promoting guys to their highest level of incompetence. Riley was maybe fine for a mediocre P5 team that could every now and then upset somebody and make it to a bowl game. Who knows with Frost? He probably should have stayed at UCF. I still think he could have won at NU with a good DC.
One argument I would make against hiring a guy who has only a one or two years of HC experience on a winning team is they are winning using the ex-coaches players. Bo pelini looked really good in year two with Callahan's players (particularly Suh). It was all downhill from there. Frost looked good at UCF but only because he walked into a great situation with Mckenzie Milton, etc.
I would rather we hire someone that has shown they can build from scratch or at least sustain the level of success the way that Lincoln Riley did at OU or Ryan appears to be doing at OSU.
One argument I would make against hiring a guy who has only a one or two years of HC experience on a winning team is they are winning using the ex-coaches players. Bo pelini looked really good in year two with Callahan's players (particularly Suh). It was all downhill from there. Frost looked good at UCF but only because he walked into a great situation with Mckenzie Milton, etc.
I would rather we hire someone that has shown they can build from scratch or at least sustain the level of success the way that Lincoln Riley did at OU or Ryan appears to be doing at OSU.
Lincoln Riley and Ryan Day didn’t build anything from scratch they both inherited a wealth of great athletes, I will give them credit they both maintained the talent level unlike a former unnamed coach
joseph = a-ok, hopefully wins games, and gets a chance ..if we can't get a all world coach
benemy was involved in some real shady stuff at colorado, makes urban and gruden look like luther and calvin
Let it be known that Luther and Calvin had issues. None were perfect men even though they are honored as great Reformers. "No one is perfect out there, no not one."

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