According to Benning......

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Full disclosure... didn't read the whole thread. I'm like "what the hell are these guys arguing about now?" Laughing

I just don't think 18-22 year old boys/men are that fragile mentally. They've been experiencing a leadership vacuum, and now that they have someone to tell them what to do I expect to enjoy next season. Not going to get bogged down with hand wringing over predicting W's or L's.
Good post !
Now you’re going out of your way to be unrealistic. You think at this point in time we could hear osu? Psu? Msu? Mich? We’re not even close to the top schools in the east right now. Have patience. You’re the type of person everyone was worried about. Too much pressure too soon. This is a total program rebuild. Doesn’t happen in one season.
Ditto Tuco ! Right on !
While responding to Herman quote, it still is Meyer's view of any new coach should take the view that existing players are the new coaches players and stop complaining. Same thing can be referenced to Frost or any new coach. Don't just waist your energy telling us what was wrong in the past. Go to WORK and FIX IT. That's all the fans want is the problem fixed not expended unnecessary energy explaining the problem
You get "it" Tuco !
If somebody had said that 3 years ago after Riley came in, people would have jumped on a comment like that, saying it was bashing the players. But now it's OK?
Of course it is. That's the Nebraska way
Sam Hahn says Walters is lying by saying the old staff didn't have them squat. Hmmm. This is a bad look for the new staff. Stuff like this out of the last regime, and the exact people saying it's ok now, would have been going nuclear.
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I'm thinking it's a misquote. I think Walters said or meant, "the o-line didn't do squat in the weight room" not that they didn't do squats.
Ahh. More of the "what they really meant" explanations. Quaint.
Or, now bear with me, that's what they f*cking meant.
Ahhh. More and more psychics on the board every day. Can you tell me who will win the World Series and Super Bowl this year? That would be great.
Sam Hahn says Walters is lying by saying the old staff didn't have them squat. Hmmm. This is a bad look for the new staff. Stuff like this out of the last regime, and the exact people saying it's ok now, would have been going nuclear.

Bunch of doubters around here. Frost and the boys will hopefully straighten out the loser mentality that is in the fan base.

Honest to God I can't figure out from post to post who you like or don't like.
Honest to God I can't figure out from post to post who you like or don't like.
Umm. I like our coaches. Even supported Bo until he started publicly trashing the place. It's really not that complicated.
I have to chuckle at this. I have worked with kids for many years and when they and adults use the word "dork" I have them look it up. Tell me what you find! :)
I know! I remember from the movie "Pork's" where they used dork...a whales dick, right? So funny
How many people are actually changing their tune (other than people like you)?
I did not expect Mike Riley to win a B1G title in his first three (or 4) years or even realistically compete for one his first few (although I did expect better competition for the West). This even though he inherited a consistent 9 win team (which is different than what Frost is inheriting). I also do not expect Scott Frost to, just as I didn't expect Riley to.

What I expected of MR was to see competent coaching. I did not see that in year one, especially with our losses due to obvious coaching mistakes.

Riley lovers want to all the sudden say we were expecting miraculous things from Riley so therefore we must expect miraculous things from Frost.

But we didn't expect miraculous things from Riley. If after three years Scott Frost has the same record as MR did, I will pissed, just as I was with Riley. If next year we only have 5 wins I will not be happy, especially if some losses were due to obvious clock mismanagement and scheme mismanagement.

The real hypocrites here are the Riley lovers.
Everyone I don't like is a nazi/Riley lover
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Thread synopsis for lightspeed and others:

Former player says there is a culture problem.

Many fans respond, ‘uh oh!’

Disgruntled fan A, known for raising the worry of culture problems and catching lots of flack re: the last regime chimes in, cries foul because—now—fans are willing to lower their expectations and accept culture problems as a legitimate reason for losing.

Smart ass fan predicts thread will surpass 4.5 pgs. Proven to be Nostradamus on p.5. Rightfully gloats.

Former player chimes in. Not surprisingly points out that many did not understand the full meaning of the message.

Disgruntled fans B and C chime in. Gang up on disgruntled fan A. They have incommensurate takes on what made prior regime fail, and like disgruntled fan A are not prepared to ‘let it go.’ (Observation: it's really not about Riley and Frost anymore, folks.)

Disgruntled fan B characteristically starts fighting ghosts.

C accuses A of being a hypocrite. In doing so C misrepresents A’s claim or failed to see the point. Unclear which.

Curious fan enters. Wonders what all the hoopla is about.

Hence, synopsis.

Conclusion: this drama is better than a soap opera.
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Given the schedule and the new scheme the losses won't concern me as much this first year. What would concern me is a lack of effort or a roll over attitude we've had for far too long here at Nebraska. It seems like for the better part of the last 10+ years everytime we've played a team with pulse our guys get rattled when they get punched in the mouth.

I was most impressed by Frost's UCF squad in the sense that they never got rattled no matter what the scoreboard said. Their effort was there. I think Frost can give us that mentality in year 1 and I don't think that's too much to ask. If I was a betting man I'm sure he thinks the same.

To put it simply toughness. I want to see a mentally tough team. The physical toughness will come in time and the wins will then follow.
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Thread synopsis for lightspeed and others:

Former player says there is a culture problem.

Many fans respond, ‘uh oh!’

Disgruntled fan A, known for raising the worry of culture problems and catching lots of flack re: the last regime chimes in, cries foul because—now—fans are willing to lower their expectations and accept culture problems as a legitimate reason for losing.

Smart ass fan predicts thread will surpass 4.5 pgs. Proven to be Nostradamus on p.5. Rightfully gloats.

Former player chimes in. Not surprisingly points out that many did not understand the full meaning of the message.

Disgruntled fans B and C chime in. Gang up on disgruntled fan A. They have incommensurate takes on what made prior regime fail, and like disgruntled fan A are not prepared to ‘let it go.’

Disgruntled fan B characteristically starts fighting ghosts.

C accuses A of being a hypocrite. In doing so C misreperssents A’s claim or failed to see the point. Unclear which.

Curious fan enters. Wonders what all the hoopla is about.

Hence, synopsis.

Conclusion: this drama is better than a soap opera.

Priceless, well done.
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Here is the actual quote:

A former players parent on RSS has also said that it is untrue that the prior staff didn't squat. I find it ridiculous that there is a notion that the prior staff didn't do squats. They did. Now, did the players do it wrong or differently than the current staff is doing it? That is for a different argument. Every strength staff has their own way of doing things. Remember the big blowup when Boyd Epley took the records down from the Pelini staff after he said that the the wrong formulas were used to come up with the performance numbers?

There is a tweet out there from a former player from the 90's, I think(I can't find it anywhere) talking about how they did do squats, but that there were a select few players that worked hard at it.

Either way, I think that we can all agree that what the prior staff did was not working and the new staff is confident in what they are doing will change this team. No real need to throw the prior staff under the bus publicly, IMO, but it is what it is. I am looking forward to seeing the physical change in these players come this fall.
Thread synopsis for lightspeed and others:

Former player says there is a culture problem.

Many fans respond, ‘uh oh!’

Disgruntled fan A, known for raising the worry of culture problems and catching lots of flack re: the last regime chimes in, cries foul because—now—fans are willing to lower their expectations and accept culture problems as a legitimate reason for losing.

Smart ass fan predicts thread will surpass 4.5 pgs. Proven to be Nostradamus on p.5. Rightfully gloats.

Former player chimes in. Not surprisingly points out that many did not understand the full meaning of the message.

Disgruntled fans B and C chime in. Gang up on disgruntled fan A. They have incommensurate takes on what made prior regime fail, and like disgruntled fan A are not prepared to ‘let it go.’ (Observation: it's really not about Riley and Frost anymore, folks.)

Disgruntled fan B characteristically starts fighting ghosts.

C accuses A of being a hypocrite. In doing so C misrepresents A’s claim or failed to see the point. Unclear which.

Curious fan enters. Wonders what all the hoopla is about.

Hence, synopsis.

Conclusion: this drama is better than a soap opera.
Best post I’ve seen, capturing any 5 page thread. Ever.

Well done.
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Here is the actual quote:

A former players parent on RSS has also said that it is untrue that the prior staff didn't squat. I find it ridiculous that there is a notion that the prior staff didn't do squats. They did. Now, did the players do it wrong or differently than the current staff is doing it? That is for a different argument. Every strength staff has their own way of doing things. Remember the big blowup when Boyd Epley took the records down from the Pelini staff after he said that the the wrong formulas were used to come up with the performance numbers?

There is a tweet out there from a former player from the 90's, I think(I can't find it anywhere) talking about how they did do squats, but that there were a select few players that worked hard at it.

Either way, I think that we can all agree that what the prior staff did was not working and the new staff is confident in what they are doing will change this team. No real need to throw the prior staff under the bus publicly, IMO, but it is what it is. I am looking forward to seeing the physical change in these players come this fall.
What Walters was really trying to say was... (insert feel good stuff here)
Addendum to synopsis, missed a highlight circa p.4(ish).

Conspiracy Fan weighs in. He is always looking for the 'deeper meaning.' Claims the real reason Frost and Co. had to cancel visits for a weekend in January is that they needed to address alluded to culture problems head on. Does not buy the media's reasoning that it was about prioritizing offers and visits. Does not consider that the limited official visits may have played a significant role.
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There's not much I like less than righteous indignation. So Walters said the wrong thing, who cares? What, he hurt someone's feelings? There's going to be a lot of that going on.
Thread synopsis for lightspeed and others:

Former player says there is a culture problem.

Many fans respond, ‘uh oh!’

Disgruntled fan A, known for raising the worry of culture problems and catching lots of flack re: the last regime chimes in, cries foul because—now—fans are willing to lower their expectations and accept culture problems as a legitimate reason for losing.

Smart ass fan predicts thread will surpass 4.5 pgs. Proven to be Nostradamus on p.5. Rightfully gloats.

Former player chimes in. Not surprisingly points out that many did not understand the full meaning of the message.

Disgruntled fans B and C chime in. Gang up on disgruntled fan A. They have incommensurate takes on what made prior regime fail, and like disgruntled fan A are not prepared to ‘let it go.’ (Observation: it's really not about Riley and Frost anymore, folks.)

Disgruntled fan B characteristically starts fighting ghosts.

C accuses A of being a hypocrite. In doing so C misrepresents A’s claim or failed to see the point. Unclear which.

Curious fan enters. Wonders what all the hoopla is about.

Hence, synopsis.

Conclusion: this drama is better than a soap opera.

Whoa, that’s heavy.
Now you’re going out of your way to be unrealistic. You think at this point in time we could hear osu? Psu? Msu? Mich? We’re not even close to the top schools in the east right now. Have patience. You’re the type of person everyone was worried about. Too much pressure too soon. This is a total program rebuild. Doesn’t happen in one season.
From a few of the comments Frost has made. I don't think he even realized how bad things were.
You are right this is a complete rebuild. From the weight room/ nutrition, to practices, to player schedules, to player mentality. Riley was a nice guy but it could be argued he messed this program up worse than Bo
There's not much I like less than righteous indignation. So Walters said the wrong thing, who cares? What, he hurt someone's feelings? There's going to be a lot of that going on.
Walters probably heard a rumor and, based on how out of shape the players were, believed it. He then repeated it. Oops. Send him to hell.

Squats or no squats, this team is weak, soft, and out of shape. Their play on the field last year is evidence enough. So maybe he got this little factoid wrong. But the larger point he was trying to make is clearly true.
The fact you have to include Northwestern and Iowa is our

Hay, I didn't say we couldn't beat either oneWinking especially NW because we have better success in Evanston than in Lincoln.But the conference schedule makers didn't do us any favors years ago when they made these schedules ( come on @ tOSU and @ Michigan plus playing MSU) who ever was going to be the head Coach at Nebraska was getting a raw deal it just so happens it's SF first season.
Yes because we've been told that Riley has always sucked so his record at Nebraska was no surprise while Frost is super coach (took a winless team and went undefeated in 2 season, COY, beat Auburn who beat Nat'l Champs 'Bama, etc, etc) so expectations should be higher on a much better coach.

Also Pelini left less for Riley (in terms of depth) than Riley did for Frost. No QB depth & no OL depth. How many walk-on OL did we have start against Ohio St in 2016? Not to mention a walk-on QB as Armstrong's only back-up. How many of Bo's guys will get drafted this season and how many got drafted last season?

Frost will be successful early because 1) he's an outstanding coach and 2) he was left with pretty darn good talent.
That makes no sense that expectations should be higher with Frost coming in than it was with Riley coming in. The expectations I have for every coach are the same. I expect every coach we have to be a great coach and get the most out of his players. If not, that coach doesn't belong here.
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From a few of the comments Frost has made. I don't think he even realized how bad things were.
You are right this is a complete rebuild. From the weight room/ nutrition, to practices, to player schedules, to player mentality. Riley was a nice guy but it could be argued he messed this program up worse than Bo

Only if we could get numbers boy to see the light on this matter.
Hay, I didn't say we couldn't beat either oneWinking especially NW because we have better success in Evanston than in Lincoln.But the conference schedule makers didn't do us any favors years ago when they made these schedules ( come on @ tOSU and @ Michigan plus playing MSU) who ever was going to be the head Coach at Nebraska was getting a raw deal it just so happens it's SF first season.
Why are we playing Ohio State four years in a row? Has Iowa or Wisky ever had to do that?
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