According to Benning......

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I’d like to see 8 wins next year. Hell I’d like to see 12. Don’t see either happening though.

I think we should run Frost out of here on a rail if he doesn’t meet our personal win number expectations out if the gate. Maybe mid season year 1.

“My minimum win number expectation is ‘x’”

How adorable.

And if that expectation isn’t met, then what? Stomp your feet? Stop posting? Hold your breath?

They won’t have any impact at all
Because I’m very doubtful they even go to the games
Which along with the big boosters is the only real vote that really matters when it comes to coaching decisions
learning curve from taking over new systems
Riley had to deal with the same issue.

As far as dave ripping Riley, we had a poster that did the same thing with praising Riley and knocking Pelini every chance he had and still does on occasions and you all probably know who I'm talking about.
Agree, but 2 wrongs don't make a right.
So for example a coach comes into a program that hasn’t won a game in 10 years and never has the kids work out

The other guy takes over a program that has won 100 games in last 10 years and they have the best weight program in the country

Should both guys win expectations be the same in year one?

Most reasonable people would say no

Riley got the keys to a pretty nice Toyota, frost got the keys to barely running Chrysler. Most honest people understand they started out in 2 totally different set of circumstances.

If you don’t like certain peoples posts, you aren’t forced to read them
Are you even reading my posts? If someone isn’t actively trashing Riley that doesn’t make them anti frost.

Please write that down 20 times, and maybe it will stick.
"C'mon man. I don't know where that came from," Meyer told CBS Sports. "It's like a new generation of excuse. [Herman] said, 'I can't rub pixie dust on this thing.' He got a dose of reality. Maryland just scored 51 points on you."

"That's like, when I got here, everybody wanted me to say Jim Tressel left the cupboard bare," Meyer continued. "If I heard any assistant coach [say that], they'd be gone. You're done.

"Those are your players. I hear TV guys [say], 'Wait until they get their own players in there.' They're our players. What do you mean 'their players?' The minute you sign a contract, they're your players.

"You didn't choose me, I chose you. You're mine, absolutely. I love you, and I'm going to kick the shit out of you, and we're going to do it right …

"[Blaming players] drives me insane."

- Urban Meyer
tOSU annually has the pick of the litter. Easier to say "they are my guys" in that situation. In Lincoln we've been playing walk-ons where scholarship players have washed out. Nothing against the walk-ons, but be honest a walk-on without development at nebraska isn't going to cut it against tOSU
The comment was directed at Herman at Texas. Not that Texas doesn’t have their pick of the litter as well. But it wasn’t about tOSU

tOSU annually has the pick of the litter. Easier to say "they are my guys" in that situation. In Lincoln we've been playing walk-ons where scholarship players have washed out. Nothing against the walk-ons, but be honest a walk-on without development at nebraska isn't going to cut it against tOSU
Are you even reading my posts? If someone isn’t actively trashing Riley that doesn’t make them anti frost.

Please write that down 20 times, and maybe it will stick.
Was pointing out it wasn’t a “double standard”
Apples and oranges differences at the starting line and now we find out what we saw on the field was a systematic flaw in the Riley approach that has decimated the program to depths even deeper than a 4 win season could ever do.

It’s like having 2 guys running a 100 yard dash and Riley gets a 50 yard head start and yet both are judged by who finishes “first”
That is what many are suggesting- win expectations should be the same- to determine if frost is doing a good job or not

Let’s sit back and compare notes of where frost and Riley compare in year 3 after they both had a chance to get their own kids in and a legit strength program has time to work

Btw- frost brought 3 quarterbacks with him in year one- one is a 4 star
"You didn't choose me, I chose you. You're mine, absolutely. I love you, and I'm going to kick the shit out of you, and we're going to do it right …

I think this is pretty much exactly what our coaching staff is doing.

They are resetting expectations. And that is hard. Anywhere in life.

Whether you're a player getting a new coach that doesn't like some elements of what he sees upon arrival or you're in the workforce and get a new boss who has been brought in to right the ship of an underperforming unit.

Most people will learn, adapt, work, and adjust. Some won't. It's human nature.
tOSU annually has the pick of the litter. Easier to say "they are my guys" in that situation. In Lincoln we've been playing walk-ons where scholarship players have washed out. Nothing against the walk-ons, but be honest a walk-on without development at nebraska isn't going to cut it against tOSU
"my guys" Meyer inherited a roster made of classes that had a rivals rank of 4, 3, 25 (class of 19), and 11 in the four years before he showed up. Lots of 4* and several 5* guys on that roster.
The comment was directed at Herman at Texas. Not that Texas doesn’t have their pick of the litter as well. But it wasn’t about tOSU
While responding to Herman quote, it still is Meyer's view of any new coach should take the view that existing players are the new coaches players and stop complaining. Same thing can be referenced to Frost or any new coach. Don't just waist your energy telling us what was wrong in the past. Go to WORK and FIX IT. That's all the fans want is the problem fixed not expended unnecessary energy explaining the problem
Was pointing out it wasn’t a “double standard”
Apples and oranges differences at the starting line and now we find out what we saw on the field was a systematic flaw in the Riley approach that has decimated the program to depths even deeper than a 4 win season could ever do.

It’s like having 2 guys running a 100 yard dash and Riley gets a 50 yard head start and yet both are judged by who finishes “first”
That is what many are suggesting- win expectations should be the same- to determine if frost is doing a good job or not

Let’s sit back and compare notes of where frost and Riley compare in year 3 after they both had a chance to get their own kids in and a legit strength program has time to work

Btw- frost brought 3 quarterbacks with him in year one- one is a 4 star
Was pointing out that since I’m not trashing Riley that doesn’t make me anti frost.

Guess you need to write it down 20 more times.
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It's cool, you can lower your expectations if you want to. But I refuse to lower my expectations for the Nebraska football program. 8 regular season wins is the bare minimum.
I was as big of a booster of hiring Frost as anybody when Riley was fired. That said, there will be a consistent effort made by the administration to lower expectations just in case things don't go as well as we would maybe like this fall.
Tough schedule to begin your Nebraska coaching career.
It appears to be right now but as we've seen in years past, you don't know what you or other teams have until the season plays out. No doubt there is good reason to try to lower expectations for a new coach installing new systems on both sides of the ball. IMO, the talent is there to win right away. The question will be how quickly they get whipped in to shape and learn their new systems. When I look at the schedule, I don't see any reason this team shouldn't win 8 games. We have more talent than at least 8 teams and IMO we have a better head coach than at least 8 teams. It just depends on how quickly and well Frost's staff teaches their players IMO.
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"my guys" Meyer inherited a roster made of classes that had a rivals rank of 4, 3, 25 (class of 19), and 11 in the four years before he showed up. Lots of 4* and several 5* guys on that roster.
Exactly the point. tOSU started with a higher base line when Meyer's came in as compared to 90% of New coaches coming into to other programs
Riley had to deal with the same issue.

Agree, but he didn't have to deal with the schedule and play Ohio St,Michigan, Wisconsin, NW and Iowa all on the road his first year.
In fact the only difference is both had or have Michigan St at home.

And Riley his first year had 8 conference games Frost has 9.
I'm still one of the guys that Blame Eichorst for hiring Riley once he did I gave him every opportunity to succeed in the beginning but still had my doubts that this was good hire from the very 1st day.
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Sorry, but I think you are attacking a straw man here and overestimating the "excuse making" of the fan base because of 2 or 3 posters on here.

The vast, vast majority of fans are of mixed feelings I think. I know I am. On the one hand we all realize that Riley really did screw up some things (as did Pelini) and left Frost with some things to clean up. So the vast majority are willing to be patient. However, a majority of fans also think like Tuco (if his 8 wins thing is his real opinion or tongue in cheek sarcasm I don't know). But most of us do think the talent is there to win 8 games this year (if not more) and we are hoping to see some Frost magic pixie dust turn this around sooner rather than later. We have also added some nice talent in the recruits for next year who will also be an immediate help. Finally, according to many who are in the know, Frost's offense is not that hard to learn. Correct me if I am wrong on that.

So I just don't see a groundswell of excuse making by fans. I don't think most fans think we are going to go 4-8 or even 6-6 this year. I think most fans think we will win at least 8. That may be unrealistic, but it sure isn't excuse making. We didn't sell 90,000 tickets to a glorified scrimmage because people are expecting a losing season.

According to Benning, the talent level isn't as big a deal as the psyche of the team. That bleeds into everything (intensity of workouts, performance on field, winning mentality, etc.). I have no doubt that Frost and company will get that turned around, but Benning thinks things are bad enough that it's going to take more time than he originally thought.
According to Benning, the talent level isn't as big a deal as the psyche of the team. That bleeds into everything (intensity of workouts, performance on field, winning mentality, etc.). I have no doubt that Frost and company will get that turned around, but Benning thinks things are bad enough that it's going to take more time than he originally thought.
We all watched the mentality play our last year. If they win 8 games this year SF should be BIG COY.
We all watched the mentality play our last year. If they win 8 games this year SF should be BIG COY. IF we win 8 he would have met a reasonable expectation at NU. IF we don't get to 8 but are competitive and play to the end of all our games, I'll be fine with that.
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Thinking about it...we should have expected way less from Riley...he was a don't buy a car for 500 dollars and expect it to run like a bad ass new 75,000 car.
Tuesday's gone with the wind. He sucked and is gone. The excuse coalition apparently thinks Frost is inept. Time for them to get on board, and stop making excuses.
So for example a coach comes into a program that hasn’t won a game in 10 years and never has the kids work out

The other guy takes over a program that has won 100 games in last 10 years and they have the best weight program in the country

Should both guys win expectations be the same in year one?

Most reasonable people would say no

Riley got the keys to a pretty nice Toyota, frost got the keys to barely running Chrysler. Most honest people understand they started out in 2 totally different set of circumstances.

If you don’t like certain peoples posts, you aren’t forced to read them
The past is done. The players are all on board, and 100% bought in. Even if they aren't, excuses are not allowed. Get on board, and stop doubting Frost.
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It's cool, you can lower your expectations if you want to. But I refuse to lower my expectations for the Nebraska football program. 8 regular season wins is the bare minimum.

Not calling you out at all, but I am not totally sure what do you mean, "Lower your standards"?

What control do you or any of us have over any of the program, unless you are a major donor. What are you going to do, seriously, if they don't win, quit being a fan and root for someone, else? Or go for the NFL?

I for one, am locked in and hope for the best as I can't change the name on my diploma. I think the point I get from what Benning is saying is that maybe, we have a greater understanding as to how the talent on this team could get boat raced and the opposition didn't need to use their punter. Most everybody saw the dysfunction.

I don't see this as a criticism of the players. I see it as a symptom of the previous culture of denial from the previous AD, HC, DC and OC. ( just listen to MR's last speech--I think he was in denial and I am mot trying to rehash the old arguments here.)

However, it also says the culture had deeply seated flaws, and if anyone thinks they know how much time and effort it will take to root out that poor culture and completely establish the new one is just guessing.

I think any expectation of success OR failure is misplaced. Some of current players may not even buy-in at all. SF has even alluded to that in his first press conference as he went through that in his first year at ucf.

I don't think even that is an indictment of any player that doesn't buy-in, because each individual has to figure out what's best for their future, especially if they decide to concentrate on school and getting their degree and putting football behind them. Losing that much couldn't have been that much fun, at least it wouldn't have been for me and I'm not trying to speak for them at all.

But, the point is, if they show an improvement in effort and skill, that will be the most satisfying for me, considering the circumstances. If the culture changes--and that won't be overnight--the winning will follow. But we as fans can't do that for them, and I don't think we can DEMAND that from them. I, personally don't have that kind of entitlement.

The entire program must change, even including, it sounds like, the competence and effort in the academic side and compliance office.

This is going to be a very big job and even the U's administration will need a total buy-in. Maybe it is prudent that we ALL have buy-in and let SF, the staff, Moos, and the administration do their jobs to overhaul the whole mess and just stay out of their way and enjoy the ride.

After all is said and done, none of us are ENTITLED to anything--not even the big donors, They are only entitled to tickets and occasional use of a sky box.
Tuesday's gone with the wind. He sucked and is gone. The excuse coalition apparently thinks Frost is inept. Time for them to get on board, and stop making excuses.
I can guarantee you that Frost thinks we can win every game on the schedule. He knows things have to fall right and you always have to get some breaks, but I have zero doubt that he thinks we'll be capable on any given Saturday of beating any team on our schedule. Peiod. End of discussion.
Amazingly accurate post. Some are not going to like it, but it seems like a good portion of the fan base does not really believe in the new staff, and is already setting up excuses. Amazing how hypocritical and sad that is to read.

So, what are you entitled to? Just curious.
Yes because we've been told that Riley has always sucked so his record at Nebraska was no surprise while Frost is super coach (took a winless team and went undefeated in 2 season, COY, beat Auburn who beat Nat'l Champs 'Bama, etc, etc) so expectations should be higher on a much better coach.

Also Pelini left less for Riley (in terms of depth) than Riley did for Frost. No QB depth & no OL depth. How many walk-on OL did we have start against Ohio St in 2016? Not to mention a walk-on QB as Armstrong's only back-up. How many of Bo's guys will get drafted this season and how many got drafted last season?

Frost will be successful early because 1) he's an outstanding coach and 2) he was left with pretty darn good talent.

Heh......funny how with no depth Bo won 9 or 10 games for seven consecutive years. Even with taking over a devastated, losing Clownahan team.

But hey, endless, mindless excuses for Riley's two losing seasons in three years works for me!
Free Obama phone, free rent, food stamps, free health care if I don't have a job...etc.
And 9 wins, a coaching staff that doesn' already have a propaganda machine making excuses, etc etc etc
Heh......funny how with no depth Bo won 9 or 10 games for seven consecutive years. Even with taking over a devastated, losing Clownahan team.

But hey, endless, mindless excuses for Riley's two losing seasons in three years works for me!
Clownahan team LOADED with future NFL draft picks on defense especially.
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I can guarantee you that Frost thinks we can win every game on the schedule. He knows things have to fall right and you always have to get some breaks, but I have zero doubt that he thinks we'll be capable on any given Saturday of beating any team on our schedule. Peiod. End of discussion.
Bingo. But apparently he has a propaganda machine getting cranked up just in case.
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You interpreted my post wrong Damon. I enjoy your viewpoints and opinions and listen to you dang near everyday. My apologies if I came off the wrong way. Just thought you may want to come in here and clarify. GBR
Hard to misinterpret "grace us", but if I did, I apologize. I'll own it. You'll hear a lot over the few weeks. There will be a lot to soak in. The last 10 years have been strange to say the least.. everything from academic admissions, class scheduling, lifting, pre game protocol and team meals will be talked about. They wont be excuses, it's just enlightening.
From my perspective, i think I’ve been clear that my issue isn’t resentment over the Riley firing, it’s the insinuation that if I don’t agree to trash Riley I’m not a frost supporter and need to forget Riley and get on board the frost train. But how can I forget Riley when he continues to be brought up by the very same poster who says to forget Riley?

What’s lost in translation is that I don’t feel compelled to trash Riley, but that doesn’t make me anti frost. I’m thrilled he is our coach. But Dace will repeatedly come on and say things like Riley supporters need to support Frost.

Even in this thread I don’t see a single poster presenting themselves as anti frost. Truth be told, what I do see is a handful of posters pointing out the double standards that are in place. Expectations for Riley were different initially than they are for frost. I get that the circumstances are different... but some like to point out the double standards.
Good post. But it isn't a "double standard" in my opinion if, as you say, circumstances are different. Different circumstances=different standards
Tuesday's gone with the wind. He sucked and is gone. The excuse coalition apparently thinks Frost is inept. Time for them to get on board, and stop making excuses.

I agree...

Look, if you thought Riley was a good hire you are a dork
If you think Frost needs tons of time and should have low expectations you are a dork.

If you think you still can't rip on Riley you are a dork. If you think you can't rip on Frost, you are a dork.
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The continuing resentment by a small handful of posters over the Riley firing is mystifying. .
Where in the hell do you get the crazy idea that there is "resentment over the Riley firing"? :confused: I was a supporter until it was obvious he needed to leave and that he WAS going to be fired. I don't know of a SINGLE poster on here who honestly believed Riley should have been retained at the end. Not one and I don't know of a single poster who posts regularly on here who wanted anybody other than Frost. There was a guy or two promoting some more experienced head coaches but they've been silent since the hire.
I can guarantee you that Frost thinks we can win every game on the schedule. He knows things have to fall right and you always have to get some breaks, but I have zero doubt that he thinks we'll be capable on any given Saturday of beating any team on our schedule. Peiod. End of discussion.

You mean you don't think Riley didn't want to win every game Winkingon the schedule when Eichorst hired him.
Tuesday's gone with the wind. He sucked and is gone. The excuse coalition apparently thinks Frost is inept. Time for them to get on board, and stop making excuses.

Hard to misinterpret "grace us", but if I did, I apologize. I'll own it. You'll hear a lot over the few weeks. There will be a lot to soak in. The last 10 years have been strange to say the least.. everything from academic admissions, class scheduling, lifting, pre game protocol and team meals will be talked about. They wont be excuses, it's just enlightening.
It was a poor choice of words on my part.
Exactly the point. tOSU started with a higher base line when Meyer's came in as compared to 90% of New coaches coming into to other programs

That's right. Remember, Tressel got fired because of behind the scenes stuff, not because he was losing games, and the interim guy was never going to be the man. So, there was a LOT of talent for meyer.
It was alarming that two guys ended up in the hospital due to workouts. I imagine that means workouts will be toned down and of course that may also mean progress will be slowed. We all know — and so does Frost — our teams in recent years haven’t come close to physically dominating opponents like we used to. Unless and until that happens, we figure to be mediocre at best. Hopefully, strength and conditioning staff can begin to change that fact, but it won’t be helpful if they have to tone down the kind of workouts that built UCF into a 13-0 team. Patience will be needed but at least losing some games won’t be the shocker it once was.
I agree...

Look, if you thought Riley was a good hire you are a dork
If you think Frost needs tons of time and should have low expectations you are a dork.

If you think you still can't rip on Riley you are a dork. If you think you can't rip on Frost, you are a dork.
That covers it nicely. Thanks!
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This thread almost sounds scared that Nebraska is going to have to play some football come fall.

I can't freaking wait to see the Cornhuskers take the field!

These guys get to work out, eat, and play sports.....I have to go out in the weather and earn a paycheck just to pay off some bills...that will keep on coming.

If the players mindset is so fragile and they are quitting on each other, the coaches, and their families then they need a dose of some hard to work in situations like say Sudan...

You GET THE PRIVILEGE to play a game in a city that had 0 murders in 2017, you're well fed, you are not being chased down and killed while your sisters and mothers are being abducted and sold as sex slaves because you believe in Christ, or are albino.

Man these guys have a good thing!!! They having winning coaches who WANT DESPERATELY to make them see they are champions, they just need to drop their purses and get get to work!....for their Creator or for each other, for their coach, for their family...or if they are that lonely for themselves.

I'm behind them from here all the way!

Drop your Bo or Riley purses and be EXCITED! The nightmare is over, the dawn has come and sun is shining it hopefully only gets brighter as the day goes on....if the past is any indication for this staff...y'all are going to need shades!
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