It's cool, you can lower your expectations if you want to. But I refuse to lower my expectations for the Nebraska football program. 8 regular season wins is the bare minimum.
Not calling you out at all, but I am not totally sure what do you mean, "Lower your standards"?
What control do you or any of us have over any of the program, unless you are a major donor. What are you going to do, seriously, if they don't win, quit being a fan and root for someone, else? Or go for the NFL?
I for one, am locked in and hope for the best as I can't change the name on my diploma. I think the point I get from what Benning is saying is that maybe, we have a greater understanding as to how the talent on this team could get boat raced and the opposition didn't need to use their punter. Most everybody saw the dysfunction.
I don't see this as a criticism of the players. I see it as a symptom of the previous culture of denial from the previous AD, HC, DC and OC. ( just listen to MR's last speech--I think he was in denial and I am mot trying to rehash the old arguments here.)
However, it also says the culture had deeply seated flaws, and if anyone thinks they know how much time and effort it will take to root out that poor culture and completely establish the new one is just guessing.
I think any expectation of success OR failure is misplaced. Some of current players may not even buy-in at all. SF has even alluded to that in his first press conference as he went through that in his first year at ucf.
I don't think even that is an indictment of any player that doesn't buy-in, because each individual has to figure out what's best for their future, especially if they decide to concentrate on school and getting their degree and putting football behind them. Losing that much couldn't have been that much fun, at least it wouldn't have been for me and I'm not trying to speak for them at all.
But, the point is, if they show an improvement in effort and skill, that will be the most satisfying for me, considering the circumstances. If the culture changes--and that won't be overnight--the winning will follow. But we as fans can't do that for them, and I don't think we can DEMAND that from them. I, personally don't have that kind of entitlement.
The entire program must change, even including, it sounds like, the competence and effort in the academic side and compliance office.
This is going to be a very big job and even the U's administration will need a total buy-in. Maybe it is prudent that we ALL have buy-in and let SF, the staff, Moos, and the administration do their jobs to overhaul the whole mess and just stay out of their way and enjoy the ride.
After all is said and done, none of us are ENTITLED to anything--not even the big donors, They are only entitled to tickets and occasional use of a sky box.