Apparently defensive pass interference in the Big 10 isn't a thing. GOOD GOD!
You would think with all the bogus crap that gets called that the refs would look up at the scoreboard and just let that call stand...might have been right to pick it up but man throw us a bone.
put armstrong back in, he was running in the hallway
Meyer is a dick. IF he gets Barrett hurt leaving him in the game with a 42 pt lead he should go to jail. This had to be all about Tim Beck exacting a little revenge. Remember Beck is the passing game guy.
Not that it helps, but had tOSU played the same game they did against Penn State, we would probably be tied right now. It looks like tOSU finally found a groove and sadly on a night when you lost TA. Here's to hoping he is still healthy and the Huskers finish strong.
We didn't lose him-- he was cheap-shoted--look at the replay as he veers out of
our backup quarterback wouldn't be 4th string on most Power 5 conference teams. We're pretty freaking outmanned.
we are not good, but classless for Meyer to keep Barrett in up 42 pts on a night his team took a cheap shot and knocked our starter out. Karma is a bitch urban.......
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This is sad.. We're not this bad just not prepared well. This one got away early let's hope they regroup and finish strong

We obviously are that bad. The handwriting has been there all year, throw in an injury or two combined with some average talent and this is what you get. Look at D End for example, a converted TE and a walk on. LB's have not been a strength all year, young D line and it goes on.
Bobots have been waiting for a game like this as if it is some sort of vindication for their hero only to forget this was a regular occurrence for Blo. They have been just itching to tear the keyboard up on a night like tonight.
It's expected. Stockholm Syndrome is a terrible thing.
Bobots have been waiting for a game like this as if it is some sort of vindication for their hero only to forget this was a regular occurrence for Blo. They have been just itching to tear the keyboard up on a night like tonight.
Sort of like when the lights go out the cockroaches take over the kitchen. A win over Minnesota will be like turning on the kitchen and they will scurry back into the baseboards.
So, can we discern anything from TA being back on the sideline? Is a concussion implied if you are knocked unconscious? Is there a chance he'll be back next week?
We didn't lose him-- he was cheap-shoted--look at the replay as he veers out of

we are not good, but classless for Meyer to keep Barrett in up 42 pts on a night his team took a cheap shot and knocked our starter out. Karma is a bitch urban.......
It wasn't a cheap shot. It was a hard hit on the sideline. Glad to see that Tommy is back and okay.
Bobots have been waiting for a game like this as if it is some sort of vindication for their hero only to forget this was a regular occurrence for Blo. They have been just itching to tear the keyboard up on a night like tonight.
Blo never lost 7 games either. At least this staff never gets blown out like Blo did!
Is this team really that far off?! The cupboard is bare my friends. Hopefully we can land some great recruits and be more competitive in games like this. It's embarrassing right now.
Honestly? Probably. I hope the difference is recruits and we could use a few for sure.
Sort of like when the lights go out the cockroaches take over the kitchen. A win over Minnesota will be like turning on the kitchen and they will scurry back into the baseboards.

How can anyone see a win as a given at this point? Our offense is a joke. Our defense is also a joke.