As the game is unavailable on national T.V. and Peacock is a pain in the rear for the internet challenged I have decided to just listen to the game in Honor of all who have served. This is a little story of when I was in the US Navy 1969 to 1973. I was attached to the 7th flt on board the USS Oklahoma City CLG-5 as a Radioman. The ship had a crew of about 1300 and of those about 100 were Radiomen. We were basically a floating communications station in charge of everything Navy from Pearl Harbor to the Indian Ocean. We were the 7th flt flag ship. Primary ops Vietnam. It was Nov 26th 1971 between 1a.m. and 5 a.m in the morning, back home it was Nov 25th. I had just been selected for E-5 and had been promoted to Tech Control Communications from the Crypto room. We were transiting from Singapore to Yankee Station in the South China Seas. I went all of 70, 71, 72, and 73 with no football except on this day. The O.U. Nebr. game was being carried over the Armed Forces Radio network. Trick was to find the radio station carrying it in the middle of a war without pissing off anyone. Our comms duty officer on that watch shift was Ens Brooks recent graduate 1970 UNL. Long story short we were able to get the game out of Saigon. We patched it through to the whole ship and it was an experience that I will never forget. Only game that I was able to hear in those 4 years. So today I will be listening to the game on the internet in honor of those that have served. ALL GAVE SOME AND SOME GAVE ALL. Have a great Veterans day. GBR